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anyone else tired..

[Jul 25,2005 12:56pm - ~Carina~  ""]
a crib in her office?
isn't that distracting for evryone else?

fuckin ridiculous..where do you work, like what kind of company?

today they ordered lunch for everyone, they got it from TGIFridays...they ordered a ton of food and desserts too

this place rules (been here since end of feb) and it blows away the old company i used to work for on EVERY level...most importantly, i get more money here!
i used to work with some 2 faced assholes who secretly come on here and still read the posts so i am told...
[Jul 25,2005 2:31pm - largefreakatzero ""]
~Carina~ said:a crib in her office?
isn't that distracting for evryone else?

fuckin ridiculous..where do you work, like what kind of company?

Yes it is. She's not back from maternity leave, so I don't know for certain how much it will suck. But suck it will. Alot.

It's a commercial printing, hi-volume, long run shit. Printing is possibly one of the shittiest industries to work in. For some reason it is like a magnet for the bottom of the barrel.
[Jul 25,2005 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
did you just zing yourself there?
[Jul 25,2005 2:45pm - davefromthegrave ""]
~Carina~ said:a crib in her office?
isn't that distracting for evryone else?

fuckin ridiculous..where do you work, like what kind of company?

today they ordered lunch for everyone, they got it from TGIFridays...they ordered a ton of food and desserts too

this place rules (been here since end of feb) and it blows away the old company i used to work for on EVERY level...most importantly, i get more money here!
i used to work with some 2 faced assholes who secretly come on here and still read the posts so i am told...

Everyone works with two faced assholes at one point in their lives. now if those cocksuckers have a problem with you they can either take shit up with me, or they can continue trolling an internet message board and stalking you. either way I get the feeling they're far too pussy to do anything but keep staring at their computer screens.
[Jul 25,2005 2:46pm - davefromthegrave ""]
and just to get back on topic...I think internet arguments are hilarious.
[Jul 25,2005 2:52pm - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
Fuck this thread and fuck you, motherfucker. Fuck yeah
[Jul 25,2005 2:53pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Jeff Pierce/PIV said:Fuck yeah

fuck no
[Jul 25,2005 2:54pm - Jess Pierce/PIV  ""]
this is not jeff, it's carina, i'm just testing this to see if it will let me post
[Jul 25,2005 2:54pm - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
dammit i made a typo...
[Jul 25,2005 2:55pm - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
yeah aaron fix this...no one should be able to post as someone else

[Jul 25,2005 2:55pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
[Jul 25,2005 2:56pm - ~Carina~  ""]
or jeff can register the name...then no one else can use it
[Jul 25,2005 2:58pm - davefromthegrave ""]
if people didn't get all upset and cry like babies everytime someone made fun of them on the internet, then you wouldn't have people doing whatever they can to get a reaction.
[Jul 25,2005 2:58pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
the internet rules.
[Jul 25,2005 3:00pm - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
davefromthegrave said:if people didn't get all upset and cry like babies everytime someone made fun of them on the internet, then you wouldn't have people doing whatever they can to get a reaction.

I.E. Josh Martin :ralphie:
[Jul 25,2005 3:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:did you just zing yourself there?

[Sep 6,2011 12:46pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Sep 6,2011 1:02pm - Lamp nli  ""]
RTTP has gotten way better in the last couple years than it's ever been, no doubt in my mind. This thread is a good reminder of that.

That said, I don't know why the fuck you keep bumping threads for no reason.
[Sep 6,2011 1:04pm - Alx_Casket ""]
To remind you of how I turned this site around and made it baller.
[Sep 6,2011 1:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't remember being tired...

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