Now Find a show to go to! Jan 2 (Wed) - Slugpuncher, Composted, Brutal No. 2, Swollen - $7 - 8 pm - 21+ - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA) 1/2 - Slugpuncher, Composted, Brutal No. 2, Swollen @ O'Briens Pub in Allston[views:9530][posts:69]O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA) - [brutal_no_2][composted][randomshots][swollen] [show listing] _____________________________________ [Dec 26,2007 10:51pm - RichHorror ""] 1/2 Slugpuncher [ex-Grief Disrupt] Composted [featuring members of Terminally Your Aborted Ghost] Brutal No. 2[ex-Animal Rampage] Swollen [ex-Self Abuse] @ O'Briens Pub - 3 Harvard Ave. - Allston, MA $7 - 8 pm - 21+ |
_____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 12:39am - RichHorror ""] Hopefully Mark Richards has a new flyer for this shit pronto. |
___________________________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 1:50am - Septic Mountain Fountain ""] wait huh??? what happened to Holy Fuck!?!? |
____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 1:53am - RichHorror ""] Shit happens. They'll be up this way eventually. |
____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 9:48am - RichHorror ""] I'd like to take this oppurtunity to say that I can't wait until Jeff Hayward is dead. I hope it is a prolonged and painful death. |
______________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 10:00am - Horror_Tang ""] 1. What has awaken you at such an early hour? or get some fucking sleep, man. 2. Why the Hayward hating? |
_____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 10:05am - RichHorror ""] What else am I supposed to do on a Thursday god damn morning? |
______________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 10:08am - Horror_Tang ""] True dat. |
_____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 10:18am - RichHorror ""] I just changed the lineup to appease The Rolling Slugstones. |
_____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 10:25am - RichHorror ""] I don't really want Jeff to be killed. Just, you know, raped a little. |
______________________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 11:50am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I'll be updating the flyer today, Sir Richard of Horrorham. |
_________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 1:06pm - SLUG-O ""] RichHorror said:I'd like to take this oppurtunity to say that I can't wait until Jeff Hayward is dead. I hope it is a prolonged and painful death. I heard he is dead already. there is a memorial of him in J.P. |
____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 3:11pm - RichHorror ""] He's been dead to me for years. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 3:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Flyer updated! [img] |
____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 4:03pm - RichHorror ""] Thank you, fine sir. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 4:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Your are quite welcome, chap. |
_____________________________________ [Dec 27,2007 11:56pm - RichHorror ""] I'll never figure out how you made the logo for Swollen. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:22am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] It's magic. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:24am - RichHorror ""] Your work ethic is beyond compare. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:25am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Fuckin' right, that shit took me least 2 minutes. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:29am - RichHorror ""] That's a very conservative estimate. Honestly, you're more excited for this than that 'other' Composted show, right? I mean, come on... just between you and me. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:30am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I'm getting wet just thinking about it. I am pretty excited that I'll be using 2 half stacks at the same time, for the first time in my "career" as a "musician" at this show. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:33am - RichHorror ""] Bullshit. It's because it's a Rich Horror show. That's some Billy Graham of our time type shit right there. I am perturbed you fought the system and did not do the usual OBSCENITY CULT RECORDS PRESENTS anywhere on the flyer. Because that is who is bringing the party to the people. The people in question? 24 hour party people. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:35am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Haha, sorry master! I have never created a publication for Obscenity Cult Records Presents, and I am greatly apologetic for my mistake. Maybe I'll fix it tomorrow...maybe not...3rd time's the charm though I suppose. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:39am - RichHorror ""] Fun fact: When Holy Fuck dropped I initially wanted Dysentery and Parasitic Extirpation on this in their place... but with the Bullpen show a mere four days before this show realized that would be really dumb. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:40am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Yeah, that would have been a sick east coast MA package tour, hahaha. It'll be interesting to see what sort of crowd is present. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:45am - RichHorror ""] I was thinking it was gonna be a lot of the DM crowd, but now that you stabed me in the back with the Bullpen show, who knows. Just like an italian. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:47am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I don't see a ring on my finger, big boy. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:48am - RichHorror ""] Your kind is not to be trusted. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:54am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Sleep with one eye open, Richard. I'm going to bed to plot your demise now. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 1:58am - RichHorror ""] Please do. Better you than diabetes. |
______________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 3:09am - Dave Maggot ""] i predict that i'm gonna go completely deaf at this show. and i wouldnt have it any other way. |
____________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 3:12am - RichHorror ""] Thatta boy. |
______________________________________ [Dec 28,2007 2:24pm - Dave Maggot ""] bump |
____________________________________ [Dec 29,2007 2:53am - RichHorror ""] I need to reserve an XL Composted shirt. I won't be there on the 29th due to lack of funds. |
______________________________________ [Dec 29,2007 1:16pm - Dave Maggot ""] your wish is our command good sir |
_____________________________________ [Dec 29,2007 10:23pm - RichHorror ""] Good man. |
____________________________________ [Dec 30,2007 3:12pm - RichHorror ""] Seeing Composted play with three killer bands = $7 Seeing them play and not have to be in stupid faggot New Bedford = PRICELESS |
____________________________________ [Dec 30,2007 6:15pm - RichHorror ""] I grew up in NB so I get to hate it, them's the rules. Anyone interested can pick up the new DISSECTOR and SIN OF ANGELS CDs from me at this, among other goodies. |
______________________________________ [Dec 30,2007 9:56pm - Dave Maggot ""] up top! |
_____________________________________ [Dec 30,2007 10:24pm - RichHorror ""] AND BUY COMPOSTED SHIRTS AND SMOKE WEED WITH FLY HONEYS |
_______________________________________ [Dec 30,2007 11:22pm - Dave Maggot ""] hellz yeah |
______________________________________ [Dec 31,2007 7:05pm - Dave Maggot ""] bump |
_____________________________________ [Jan 1,2008 4:53pm - Dave Maggot ""] :HUMP: |
_____________________________ [Jan 1,2008 5:11pm - BSV ""] off work a little after 10. should be there hopefully by 10:45 - who will be on then? |
____________________________________________ [Jan 1,2008 6:28pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Composted is playing 3rd, so hopefully you don't miss us...we have a very quick set. |
______________________________________ [Jan 1,2008 11:29pm - Dave Maggot ""] tomorrrrowww |
____________________________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 12:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""] TODAY FUCKERS |
______________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 12:31pm - Dave Maggot ""] woooo! |
_________________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 1:37pm - corpus_colostomy ""] gonna try and cum to this. |
_________________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 1:39pm - corpus_colostomy ""] errr, forgot i was heading to out to mt washington till sunday. hopefully i dont loose any fingers up there. |
___________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 1:47pm - RichHorror ""] Slugpuncher just dropped off because Jeff messed his hand up. Because he is a mess. If anyone'd like to jump on the bill, let me know. |
_____________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 1:52pm - the_reverend ""] I'll be there. |
___________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 1:54pm - RichHorror ""] Ok, you've got the slot. |
___________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 2:51pm - RichHorror ""] I will also be there. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 5:34pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI ""] they advertised this on WBCN as "holy bleep" headlining. |
_____________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 5:42pm - Dave Maggot ""] :shocker: |
_____________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 5:50pm - the_reverend ""] I just picked up a brand new camera... this will be the first show shot with it and my first show of the year. |
________________________________ [Jan 2,2008 7:01pm - satana ""] shit wish i could go, i wanna hear composted and brutal 2 is awesome. drink lots all going. |
______________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 12:07am - the_reverend ""] not many people here. late late late show, but im just fidgiting wth my new camera. |
_____________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 2:02am - the_reverend ""] late show is late. |
____________________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 2:44am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Even though the turn out was minimal, this show was fucking awesome. Thanks to everyone who ate our 5th member, Select White Bread. Who knows what we're going to do at our next show...(cue evil laugh and foreshadowing music). |
_____________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 2:45am - Dave Maggot ""] i had a blast. great tunes, awesome peeps. i love pbr! i know this might be going too far, but i could be happy forever if every other beer but pbr disappeared. im easy to please. |
___________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 8:16am - RichHorror ""] Composted was delicious. My car is dead now. |
___________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 8:25am - RichHorror ""] Incidentally, pictures of the bread and Gatorade interplay between me and Dave would make for an incredible children's flip-book. |
______________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 10:42am - Alien Storm ""] Brutal No. 2 were excellent. In fact, all the bands were awesome. Great show. |
______________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 10:49am - the_reverend ""] im taking a fairly brutal #2 right now. |
______________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 11:25am - the_reverend ""] gives head for bread: [img] |
______________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 11:35am - Alien Storm ""] this photo funny [img] |
_____________________________________ [Jan 3,2008 11:51am - xanonymousx ""] Joe is an awesome drummer and all around good guy. |