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Apr 25 (Thu) - Hellgoat (Atlanta, GA), Cold Northern Vengeance, Haxen, Nachzehrer - Dusk (Providence, RI)

Lykaion Cult Productions presents: April 24-25th - HELLGOAT & COLD NORTHERN VENGEANCE

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jan 31,2013 10:17am - Czarnobog ""]

Lykaion Cult Productions presents...

Wednesday, April 24th

HELLGOAT (Graveless Slumber Recs - from Atlanta, GA)

8pm / 21+ / $8

PA's Lounge
Somerville MA


Thursday, April 25th


8pm / 21+ / $5

Providence, RI

[Jan 31,2013 10:29am - KEVORD ""]
The PA's Lounge show is the day before my birthday. Gonna try to make it out to this and start the celebrash.
[Jan 31,2013 10:30am - Alx_Casket ""]
Can you bring cake?
[Jan 31,2013 10:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Us elite mountaineers don't share cake with flatland scum.
[Jan 31,2013 10:36am - Alx_Casket ""]
Don't get a big head about... whoops, too late.
[Jan 31,2013 10:41am - arilliusbm ""]
On behalf of Kevin Mench, we will file a lawsuit.
[Jan 31,2013 10:42am - KEVORD ""]
No cake. This isn't Metal Thursday. This show is a no fun zone.
[Jan 31,2013 10:54am - Alx_Casket ""]
no cake zone at the Portuguese American lounge.
[Jan 31,2013 2:37pm - Ghoulash ""]

KEVORD said:No cake. This isn't Metal Thursday. This show is a no fun zone.

[Jan 31,2013 3:14pm - show reviewer  ""]
So I guess Witch King the house band for Providence shows now? Yeesh.
[Jan 31,2013 3:19pm - Czarnobog ""]
theyre playing the PA's show, not Dusk.
[Jan 31,2013 3:23pm - fake search feature troll  ""]
i counted 13 witch king shows last year, 3/4 of which were somewhere in providence. noone needs to play that much, especially a band with barely any actual recordings who has been around for like a year.

[Jan 31,2013 3:27pm - W3 nli  ""]
Says you.
[Jan 31,2013 3:29pm - INTHEALLSTONBASEMENT  ""]

W3%20nli said:Says you.

true that
[Jan 31,2013 4:02pm - Ghoulash ""]
If providence had a death metal band they would be playing every other show too.
[Feb 1,2013 3:55am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Witch King has been a band since 2008 guy
[Feb 1,2013 7:51am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Weird, i havent been logged out in years and yet. There i am, so weird how'd that work or why i'd care about of this.
[Mar 7,2013 2:30pm - nekronaut ""]
[Mar 7,2013 2:55pm - MetalThursday ""]

KEVORD said:No cake. This isn't Metal Thursday. This show is a no fun zone.

Next time I see you at one standing around frowning I'll be sure to ask if you're having fun. ;)
[Apr 11,2013 8:36am - nekronaut ""]
[Apr 11,2013 12:04pm - Czarnobog ""]

[Apr 11,2013 5:01pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
Will be attending the dusk show. Very interested in seeing CNV
[Apr 11,2013 8:10pm - Scorpio  ""]
Can CNV get on this ?
[Apr 22,2013 9:17am - Czarnobog ""]
this week.
[Apr 24,2013 9:30am - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 24,2013 9:50am - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?
[Apr 24,2013 11:35am - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 24,2013 12:01pm - Nocuous_Fumes ""]
We just played with Hellgoat last night in NH, you guys are in for a treat.
[Apr 24,2013 12:21pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
You sure? I'll wear my speedo :-))))
[Apr 24,2013 12:24pm - sonic poop  ""]
We are better than all these faggy bands!
[Apr 24,2013 1:02pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Yup Hellgoat are sick...pretty stoked for this show.
[Apr 24,2013 1:22pm - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Witch King will have cd's for sale. $3 or a beer. 8 songs on the cd.
[Apr 24,2013 7:57pm - the mex nli  ""]
Setting up at PA's now. Come get beers.
[Apr 24,2013 11:22pm - Burnsy ""]
Hellgoat is playing now. Fucking awesome. Smells like no one on the planet has ever showered out there but killer set.
[Apr 25,2013 12:33am - permafrost ""]
Can't wait for them to all be crammed into our tiny apt, haha ugh
[Apr 25,2013 7:01am - Lamp ""]
I will be at Dusk tonight, looking forward to skipping a really terrible show my singer's other band is playing to go to this awesome show!
[Apr 25,2013 7:48am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
I just left the apt and didn't smell anything but it was a snore holocaust
[Apr 25,2013 10:09am - robotpie ""]
I was really impressed with Hellgoat, if I have time i'd like to see them again at Dusk tonight. The petrified cat nailed to the inverted cross really sealed the deal for me. Also Nachzehrer with 2 guitars >> Nachzehrer with 1 guitar.
[Apr 25,2013 10:21am - Mark_R ""]

robotpie said:Also Nachzehrer with 2 guitars >> Nachzehrer with 1 guitar.

Yes. Thought they sounded very good and the two guitars worked well with each other.
[Apr 25,2013 10:36am - King Thunderstool  ""]

[Apr 25,2013 11:10am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Hellgoat were great live! Violent as fuck! Can't wait to see them again at dusk tonight! Then tomorrow in NYC!
[Apr 25,2013 11:22am - Czarnobog ""]
round 2 in providence tonight!

[Apr 25,2013 7:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 25,2013 8:02pm - Burnsy ""]
Awesome show. Witch king sounded good. I hope he can afford a new amp soon though, I don't miss my valvestate at all. Nachzehrer slayed. Hellgoat was killer, totally caught me off guard. Honestly couldn't get into CNV last night though, something seemed off.
[Apr 25,2013 8:34pm - King Thunderstool  ""]
[Apr 25,2013 9:10pm - permafrost ""]
Venus is stunning. Never leaving.
[Apr 25,2013 10:16pm - permafrost ""]
Best sounding set I've EVER heard from Haxen, hoooooly fuck.
[Apr 25,2013 11:03pm - permafrost ""]
CNV needs more New Balance.
[Apr 25,2013 11:29pm - King Thunderstool  ""]

permafrost said:CNV needs more of my penis.
[Apr 26,2013 12:39am - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
Haxen killed.
[Apr 26,2013 12:58pm - goatrider ""]
Haxen was great. They keep sounding better and better at each show. CNV was all strong and rapey in a good way. Kind of wish the guitar tone was better, especially because they didn't come off as a "kvlt necro raw sound" band at all. Great songs, though. I really need to listen to their albums.
[Apr 26,2013 1:07pm - AndrewBastard ""]

goatrider said:I really need to listen to their albums.

yes you do because they arent a kult necro raw sounding band at all..never were
[Apr 26,2013 1:24pm - goatrider ""]
Didn't expect them to be, honestly I think it was just the venue. I picked up a CD of theirs at the Martyrvore show the other week, gonna give it a listen tonight.
[Apr 26,2013 1:27pm - AndrewBastard ""]
then why did you say?:

goatrider said:they didn't come off as a "kvlt necro raw sound" band at all.

because you dont like those types of BM bands?
[Apr 26,2013 2:47pm - goatrider ""]
I was commenting on how the guitar tone could've been stronger. I know some bands go out of their way to sound shitty, (which I don't like) but these guys didn't seem like one of those bands (which I do like) and more of a full tone - which may or may not be realistic based on either amps or the sound guy, (I'm not a professional, not sure) would have complimented the music.

TL;DR, a small bar had less than orchestra-quality sound. Never mind.
[Apr 26,2013 3:00pm - jasper beardly  ""]

AndrewBastard said:then why did you say?:

goatrider said:they didn't come off as a "kvlt necro raw sound" band at all.

because you dont like those types of BM bands?

lol @ fagrider back peddling, thats a paddlin.
[Apr 26,2013 4:14pm - goatrider ""]
There's a difference between back peddling and not type can good am is computering. Then again, being a retard at writing is at least a half-paddlin'.
[Apr 27,2013 12:59am - goatcatalyst ""]
Cats > black metal hicks
[Apr 27,2013 3:00am - MotleyGrue ""]
CNV does not do it for me, I have their first two albums, and they sorta seem all over the place, more so the second album. This may be an unpopular opinion but it is what it is, not to mention the unreleased shit they put out as an album.
And by shit I mean no disrespect, just that is unreleased or demos for an album that I cannot get into.

Hate me for it, I don't fucking care just stating the drunken high self delusional facts in my head right now. Maybe I will get a different perspective, maybe I wont.
[Apr 27,2013 3:23am - Sexual Blood Gargling  ""]
CNV was awesome at Dusk.
[Apr 27,2013 3:45am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ALCOHOLICAUST, ARDUOUS TASK, NOCTUOUS, CNV and MURRUM all killed at the El 'N' Gee in New London Friday night.

[Apr 27,2013 3:48am - arilliusbm ""]
Arduous Task is the dumbest fucking band name I've ever seen.
[Apr 27,2013 3:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
They are like ARGHOSLENT and GRAND BELIAL'S KEY musically, good stuff.
[Apr 27,2013 3:54am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 27,2013 10:11am - The_reverend ""]
The bunny and the other bear or whatever
[Apr 27,2013 11:34am - amorok666 ""]

MotleyGrue said:CNV does not do it for me, I have their first two albums, and they sorta seem all over the place, more so the second album. This may be an unpopular opinion but it is what it is, not to mention the unreleased shit they put out as an album.
And by shit I mean no disrespect, just that is unreleased or demos for an album that I cannot get into.

Hate me for it, I don't fucking care just stating the drunken high self delusional facts in my head right now. Maybe I will get a different perspective, maybe I wont.

Cry about it
[Apr 27,2013 12:25pm - MotleyGrue ""]

amorok666 said:
MotleyGrue said:CNV does not do it for me, I have their first two albums, and they sorta seem all over the place, more so the second album. This may be an unpopular opinion but it is what it is, not to mention the unreleased shit they put out as an album.
And by shit I mean no disrespect, just that is unreleased or demos for an album that I cannot get into.

Hate me for it, I don't fucking care just stating the drunken high self delusional facts in my head right now. Maybe I will get a different perspective, maybe I wont.

Cry about it

Ha ha
[Apr 27,2013 2:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 27,2013 3:55pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Cool font, bro
[Apr 27,2013 5:42pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Looks like Arduous Lask
[Apr 28,2013 7:15pm - Vaettir ""]
Arduous Task was easily the best band last night @Blasphemy Fest . Hope to see them get out more often
[Apr 29,2013 9:58am - goatcatalyst ""]
I cannot wait for their "Discouraging the College-Bound Negro" EP

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