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Official driving to MDF 2010 recap thread

[May 27,2010 3:30pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Just got to the hotel. Only took five hours to get from Hartford to here. Merritt Parkway was a good idea, I ended up getting on 87 right before the GWB and ran into almost no traffic. We saw a truck with the DRI logo on it! One of my friends has a picture. I filled up before getting to Hartford so we only stopped once to take a piss. Fuck the Tappan Zee... adds too much time and the traffic on 287 and the Parkway still blows.
[May 27,2010 5:39pm - balls in your mouth  ""]

cobra%20slarship said:just woke up, gonna meet ass-dan and marsi in brighton rail some addys and ride on into the niiiiggghhhtttt (cue bob seger)

you wish you could listen to Bob Seger, not with Marsi in the car. It'll be shitty black metal all the time with the bass turned all the way down and the treble all the way up
[May 27,2010 5:44pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
and louder than comfortable and drunk with her head hanging out of the window headbanging while she drives and tries to light a bowl...
[May 27,2010 6:03pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Just got here. Not entirely sure where my hotel is haha, trying to figure out a safe place to park.
[May 27,2010 6:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
LOL @ safe places to park in maryland
[May 27,2010 6:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

balls%20in%20your%20mouth said:
cobra%20slarship said:just woke up, gonna meet ass-dan and marsi in brighton rail some addys and ride on into the niiiiggghhhtttt (cue bob seger)

you wish you could listen to Bob Seger, not with Marsi in the car. It'll be shitty black metal all the time with the bass turned all the way down and the treble all the way up

Bob Seger ftw
[May 27,2010 6:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lamp, why are you there? This isn't the Maryland PowerViolence fest.
[May 27,2010 6:26pm - YildunDave ""]

Lamp%20nli said:Just got to the hotel. Only took five hours to get from Hartford to here. Merritt Parkway was a good idea, I ended up getting on 87 right before the GWB and ran into almost no traffic. We saw a truck with the DRI logo on it! One of my friends has a picture. I filled up before getting to Hartford so we only stopped once to take a piss. Fuck the Tappan Zee... adds too much time and the traffic on 287 and the Parkway still blows.

Five hours from Hartford? Fuck yeah, I was expecting at least 6.
[May 27,2010 6:28pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:Lamp, why are you there? This isn't the Maryland PowerViolence fest.

shut up troll and come play tfc

plus there are plenty of lamp-worthy bands on this years bill
[May 27,2010 6:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
I know, I was just busting his balls because he thinks everybody is serious all the time.

..still at work. no tfc for a while.
[May 27,2010 6:57pm - reimroc ""]
[May 27,2010 8:26pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I am at this fest for the sole purpose of contracting AIDS from traveling psuedo-crusties, should be well worth the money.
[May 27,2010 9:04pm - the_reverend ""]
pretend you were in a terrible night for a curse and fuck one of them bareback on the hood of someone's car.
ps: ot my car please.
[May 27,2010 9:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 27,2010 9:45pm - Pires ""]

the_reverend said:pretend you were in a terrible night for a curse and fuck one of them bareback on the hood of someone's car.
ps: ot my car please.

shhhhhh. story is ftw though.
[May 28,2010 1:26am - porphyria  ""]
Delaware mem. Bridge...
[May 28,2010 1:33am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

AndrewBastard said:and louder than comfortable and drunk with her head hanging out of the window headbanging while she drives and tries to light a bowl...

oh man, so many memories. So glad I threw a beer at her when her and Mark broke up :doublehorns:
[May 28,2010 1:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Holy fuck, you guys are never going to believe what happened when I went to meet up with Doc Brown at the Lone Pine Mall. Details forthcoming once I get some sleep.
[May 28,2010 1:44am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:Holy fuck, you guys are never going to believe what happened when I went to meet up with Doc Brown at the Lone Pine Mall. Details forthcoming once I get some sleep.

I heard gunshots, is everything ok?
[May 28,2010 1:46am - Eli_hhcb ""]
The lybians!
[May 28,2010 2:03am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Yeah Doc's okay, he knew about the Libyans' ambush, it's kind of complicated so like I said; barring anything extraordinary happening tomorrow morning I'll share the rest of the details then.
[May 28,2010 3:26am - AndrewBastard  ""]
got here about an hour ago...trying to sleep but cant which is odd cause everyone else slept the whole way up and are sleeping now and i drove the whole way and am wide awake...
[May 28,2010 7:39am - anonymous  ""]
[May 28,2010 7:40am - methopottomus  ""]

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