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Blessed Offal and Panzerbastard w/NUNSLAUGHTER in brooklyn march 26

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Feb 24,2011 6:26pm - BlessedOffal ""]
ITT: conspiring to get scott banned from driving
[Mar 17,2011 10:32pm - nekronaut ""]
[Mar 18,2011 4:31am - W3 nli  ""]
only Blessed Offal is real, all others are passengers
[Mar 18,2011 8:12am - AndrewBastard ""]
totally space on this show...how are we all getting there again? hahah
[Mar 19,2011 2:46pm - BlessedOffal ""]
Let's just go to the mall instead.
[Mar 25,2011 9:47am - AndrewBastard ""]
tomorrow bitches
[Mar 25,2011 9:50am - demondave ""]
Nuunnnn Slaaauuutaahhh
[Mar 25,2011 9:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
How am I just seeing this? Fucking awesome guys, kill 'em and burn the remains.
[Mar 25,2011 10:22am - demondave ""]
did none of the boston bands put it on the events page?
[Mar 25,2011 10:26am - demondave ""]
I just added it
[Mar 25,2011 2:20pm - blessed offal  ""]
AndrewBastard will be filling in on vocals for BO while I drink mai thais and listen to stryper in the back.
[Mar 26,2011 3:40pm - AndrewBastard ""]
tonight... We are rolling into NYC right now.
[Mar 27,2011 3:09pm - theoneTRVEnekronautshaver  ""]
drunk drunk was drunk
[Mar 27,2011 3:23pm - nekronaut ""]
I'm hurting.
[Mar 27,2011 3:37pm - theoneTRVEnekronautshaver  ""]
BO setlist from cover set last night: enter sandman, whiskey hangover, come down (bush) followed by an encore stabbing westward medley.
[Mar 27,2011 3:38pm - AndrewBastard ""]
totally radical fun time show - what a day/night/day
[Mar 27,2011 3:45pm - theoneTRVEnekronautshaver  ""]
what time did yall niggaz get in? We went to the new duffs til 6
[Mar 27,2011 3:50pm - nekronaut ""]
Like 7:45.. Although I didn't get home until nearly 10.

Kpanzer bailed on loading out thier gear so I had to halp. Then I left my phone in the car and had to run to Andrew's to have him call Chris and let him know I left it. Then I had to walk over there and then wait for the train.
[Mar 27,2011 3:59pm - late_rising ""]
[Mar 27,2011 4:07pm - nekronaut ""]
That's the only funny thing you have ever contributed to this board.
[Mar 27,2011 4:09pm - late_rising ""]
... at least when I'm not logged in as Wolfy
[Mar 27,2011 4:11pm - nekronaut ""]
You aren't Wolfy.
[Mar 27,2011 4:21pm - xmikex ""]

nekronaut said:Kpanzer bailed on loading out thier gear so I had to halp.

He went to get a crane. Give the dude a break.
[Mar 27,2011 4:34pm - Alexecutioner ""]

xmikex said:
nekronaut said:Kpanzer bailed on loading out thier gear so I had to halp.

He went to get a crane. Give the dude a break.

guess he didnt want to "get the job done"

[Mar 27,2011 8:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I should ask him about moving a new fridge into my place. I think I need a crane for that.

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