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The Crocodile Hunter: DEAD!!!!!

[Sep 4,2006 1:26am - XdunnyX ""]
[Sep 4,2006 1:29am - pam ""]
Wow. Well, I suppose being devoured by a croc would have been too ironic.
[Sep 4,2006 1:32am - Allahthat ""]
And so ends an almost perfect day..........
[Sep 4,2006 1:36am - DFTG  ""]
that sucks
[Sep 4,2006 1:38am - powerkok ""]
Holy shit.
Or should I say....CRIKEY!

How the fuck.....stingray barb???? what???
[Sep 4,2006 1:40am - powerkok ""]
'Irwin was filming an underwater documentary on the Great Barrier Reef in northeastern Queensland state when the accident occurred'

It should be on you tube in 6 minutes.
[Sep 4,2006 1:41am - pam ""]
Six? You're being generous.
[Sep 4,2006 2:07am - dyingmuse ""]
not a surprise
[Sep 4,2006 2:15am - BornSoVile ""]
I thought this dude was bad ass.
[Sep 4,2006 2:20am - dwellingsickness ""]
That sucks...His show was funny as shit
[Sep 4,2006 2:26am - the_reverend ""]

I was just going to post this.
[Sep 4,2006 4:30am - litacore ""]
badass way to go. a stingray will fuck you up.

[Sep 4,2006 6:22am - Joshtruction ""]
I love this guy so much :( Having pet gators my self I used to watch his shows as much as I could. I found him capturing so many pets I have personally owned. This makes today a sad day for me!!!
[Sep 4,2006 8:02am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'd love to see the pictures.
[Sep 4,2006 8:05am - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
they guy had a wife and little kids so that part is sad but it was only a matter of time before some animal fucked him up
[Sep 4,2006 9:10am - CaptainCleanoff ""]

Yup, I can see that barb being a bit painful.
[Sep 4,2006 11:00am - thedeparted ""]
i was just going to post that. this is a sad day
[Sep 4,2006 11:32am - HailTheLeaf ""]
pretty fucked up...I stepped on one of those once, it just freaked out and swam away though.
[Sep 4,2006 11:39am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I guess from some stories it was really bad luck for him as they are rarely fatal. The barb went right through his heart.
[Sep 4,2006 12:08pm - pam ""]
They almost never attack humans. It's beyond rare, it's completely unlikely. Crazy.
[Sep 4,2006 12:51pm - ShadowSD ""]
I guess that's what bad word of mouth does in the animal kingdom.
[Sep 4,2006 12:51pm - intricateprocess ""]
this is bullshit. its a sad sad day
[Sep 4,2006 12:55pm - SinisterMinister ""]
[Sep 4,2006 3:06pm - thedeparted ""]

doesnt that tiger cub look like a human kind of...weird
[Sep 4,2006 3:20pm - ocr  ""]
another metal warrior has fallen rip
devilpig rip
gbk vocalist rip
jessie pinado rip
jon dissession rip
steve erwin rip
doug 'evil' white RI news anchor and black metal freak rip
[Sep 4,2006 3:56pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
No poetic justice here. A croc would have been the way he wanted to go.
[Sep 4,2006 4:42pm - powerkok ""]
I say he got off easy, as being mauled and ripped apart by a croc, would be way worse than the way he went.
[Sep 4,2006 4:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
But it would have been more entertaining
[Sep 4,2006 4:44pm - kevord ""]
Hatchet needs to write a song called Stingray Impalement. Get on it Scott.
[Sep 4,2006 4:48pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Sep 4,2006 8:49pm - rotivore ""]
it was just a matter of time
[Sep 4,2006 9:32pm - pam ""]
[Sep 4,2006 9:38pm - anonymous  ""]
i really thought this was a joke when i first heard. i mean c'mon. a fucking stingray! should've been a crocadile biting him in half or some shit. RIP.
[Sep 4,2006 10:35pm - nickyhelliot ""]
[Sep 4,2006 10:51pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha thats awful. seriously he's only been dead for like 5 seconds.
[Sep 4,2006 11:16pm - pam ""]
[Sep 5,2006 12:19am - Abbath ""]
i was reading somewhere that in the past 60 years only 3 people have died from a stingray, including him, way to go!
[Sep 5,2006 12:24am - dwellingsickness ""]
I can't believe people have nothing better to do than make pix like that .gif and the .jpg above it, Though that .gif is pretty funny
[Sep 5,2006 12:24am - dwellingsickness ""]
Abbath said:hahahahahahha
i was reading somewhere that in the past 60 years only 3 people have died from a stingray, including him, way to go!

And he was the "Expert"
[Sep 5,2006 8:20am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
HA! I saw this quote in an article today. Kind of a low blow.

"He stalked lions. He faced off with poisonous snakes. He wrestled with crocodiles. In the end, it was a stingray."
[Sep 5,2006 9:41am - xmikex ""]
it's kind of funny just how little the whole world seems to be surprised by this

the guy made the purpose of his life to piss off things that didn't need to be pissed off. there's a lesson in that.
[Sep 5,2006 10:32am - powerkok ""]
This WAS caught on tape.

“It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he’s gone,”
[Sep 5,2006 10:39am - anonymous  ""]
seriously .. this was bound to happen.. i can't imagine it would be very shocking.. just for the fact that it was a potentionally harmless animal maybe.. but.. when you fuck with as many wild animals as he did... what do you expect to happen?
[Sep 5,2006 10:46am - powerkok ""]
I expected him to be death rolled by a huge 15 foot croc. thats all.
[Sep 5,2006 11:31am - SinisterMinister ""]
I still searched YouTube and only found news reports.
If someone finds this PUT IT UP.
[Sep 5,2006 12:37pm - hungtableed  ""]
SinisterMinister said:I still searched YouTube and only found news reports.
If someone finds this PUT IT UP.

Yeah, he was a pretty cool guy and all but I want to see the tape!
[Sep 5,2006 1:26pm - Anthony nli  ""]
It sucks that this guy died, he was more than just a TV personality. He did alot for wildlife preservation in Australia and under his direction the Australia National Zoo improved its conservation/captive breeding programs. RIP

Oddly enough, the "star" of the Australian National Zoo that he was the director of just recently died. She was a 176 year old Galapagos tortoise who was originally transported back to England by Darwin and later moved to Australia because it was a more suitable climate.
[Sep 5,2006 1:59pm - dwellingsickness ""]
powerkok said:This WAS caught on tape.

“It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he’s gone,”

Wonder how many YouTube searches there have been so far
[Sep 5,2006 5:36pm - Dertoxia-nli  ""]

i can't see it from school but aparently msn has the video. there's a link in that article.
[Sep 5,2006 5:39pm - Dertoxia-nli  ""]
blahhh, nevermind. that was super misleading. the headline was "crocodile hunters death caught on tape" and there was a link to a video but it was just of the news report. damn news sites trolling for hits.

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