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Friday December 19th

[Dec 19,2003 11:27am - blue having fun  ""]
damn, its getting close. i hope everybody has their mosh hats on.
[Dec 19,2003 2:25pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I have my normal hat on.
[Dec 19,2003 6:58pm - Terence ""]
i have my penis hat on.
[Dec 20,2003 3:53am - the_reverend ""]
I got to see the last 3 bands.
working on the pictures now.
give me a minute
[Dec 20,2003 4:26am - the_reverend ""]

pictures are up from this show.
[Dec 20,2003 11:31am - the_reverend ""]
so I ran from the exit 23 show to a show at the bombshelter. I missed the first 2 bands (raising kubrick and spider gates), but I was able to see the last 3 bands. thankfully, they were running late.

awaiting destiny: this is jen's (ex-SoB female singer) new band. it has been compared to lacuna coil (even by the bombshelter's announcer who played lacuna after awaiting's set). I guess that it's slow and female fronted like lacuna, it's different. It sounded really good though, jen's voice does well with them. best thing, I didn't even know they were playing.

shroud of bereavement: I was hoping for the new line up and new songs, but I guess there were issues. Today was the birthday of kel (female singer), dan (drummer), and layla (singer's gf). must be something cosmic, dude. Kel was out of commission sick so Jen (old singer, now in awaiting destiny) filled in. They also had that doom-metal kid from CT come and singer on "a rose.."

ascendancy: want these guys to be all crazy? don't get them drunk, just buy them crazy-flame guitar straps. their set sounded great and started off innocently enough only to break into chaos at the end. they ground down into feed-back, guitar clips of happy birthday and mario, bass beats of the breeders last splash, and terence, running around putting his super sassy guitar into everyone's face.
and I thnk terence wants to be in nevermore:
you be the judge
[Dec 20,2003 1:27pm - Terence ""]
best show EVER! Thanks Rev for the awesome pics!:bow::spineyes:
[Dec 20,2003 3:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
that was good times. thanks rev ascendancy and everyone else! \m/
[Dec 21,2003 6:06pm - succubus ""]
my photos are uplaoding now...

then i need to resize, add logo and code them to post... so give me a few (hours that is)

but i'm doing my best!

awesome awesome show!!!

got to chat with the coolest people too...and groped by my boyfriend as Awaiting Destiny was playing..what a surprise treat LMAO
[Dec 21,2003 8:40pm - BornSoVile ""]
This was mint show. Too bad Joe didn't show, he woulda loved it.
[Dec 21,2003 10:16pm - succubus ""]
yes he would have...ahh well he can look at the photos! heh

ok doing the pics alphabetically of course..heh


although no invisible man punching DOM:
some interesting shots in there nonetheless...

[Dec 21,2003 10:41pm - succubus ""]
awaiting destiny:

[Dec 21,2003 10:53pm - Terence ""]
Carina you take the best FKN pictures.
[Dec 21,2003 11:04pm - succubus ""]
thanks terence!

Raising Kubrick:


[Dec 21,2003 11:59pm - succubus ""]
shroud of bereavement:

http://www.defyunlearn.com/photos.php?date...1837&band=Shroud%20of%20Bereavement http://
[Dec 22,2003 7:18pm - succubus ""]
ok thanks to aaron for letting me know that spider gates link was not there..

Spider Gates:

[Dec 22,2003 8:46pm - succubus ""]
ok thank you to the person other than DOM, terence, MDD and the reverend for looking at the pics:spineyes:

and as per Dan (dyingmuse) from SoB ..here is a pic he took of a tired d0rk:
[Dec 22,2003 9:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
i am now the king of photagraphy. i told you it was a good shot. you look beautiful. thanks again carina. im going to see the pics now. i think we are playing club 125 this friday. you should come down! any bands want in on this gig? i would like to have some doom bands on this show...but there are no doom bands that i know of. i guess the bassist from morgio will be there. he emailed me to see when we were playing. hes here for x-mas weekend! \m/ so he will be there. lets show him how cool the scene is here so they will play up here.
[Dec 22,2003 9:13pm - the_reverend ""]
you mean morgion?
[Dec 22,2003 9:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
oops yeah morgion
[Dec 22,2003 10:10pm - succubus ""]
sorry Dan we're heading out to montreal on friday ~holiday family travel
[Dec 23,2003 2:12am - dyingmuse ""]
thats cool have a great holiday! drive safe or fly safe \m/
[Dec 23,2003 2:30am - dyingmuse ""]
by the way those pictures are great....too bad im so ugly! i think your photos may be a tie with rev. thanks to the both of you for being so fucking cool. i wear my hoodie with pride \m/
[Dec 23,2003 2:39am - succubus ""]
dyingmuse said:too bad im so ugly!

shaddap for saying that! and i'm sure layla would say the same!!! (meaning she'd tell you to shut it!)

i'm glad you liked the pics =)

[Dec 23,2003 8:14am - dyingmuse ""]
awww thanks\m/
[Dec 23,2003 1:25pm - MikeOfDecrepitude  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:oh yeah, and In Dire Need is the worst metalcore band the world has ever seen.
Maybe some day your gay fucking feminine metalcore nonsense can get played during a fashion show on MTV.


[Dec 23,2003 9:03pm - blue ""]
i looked at the pictures too, they sure are purdy.

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