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Relapse Records smoke crack.

[Jul 10,2007 5:25pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Yeah I hear ya. I grew up on blues and genres close to blues; I honestly think there are more real blues sub-genres than fake metal/hardcore sub-genres created on myspace. The greats are BB King (obviously), John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson, etc., etc. I consider Stevie Ray Vaughan to be one of the best blues guitarists, and my favorite of all time, even though he was more of a rock n' roll artist. Check out Buckwheat Zydeico (sp?) if you want to hear some funky blues shiznit. Some girl from MA named Susan Tedeschi is pretty good as well.
[Jul 10,2007 6:25pm - Lamp ""]
My mom has a Susan Tedeschi CD, I don't really care for it.
[Jul 10,2007 6:58pm - ZJD ""]
Note that I am not into blues enough to mention many people not already mentioned or anything like that, and also that I am aware that there is nothing obscure about Jimi Hendrix, but Band Of Gypsys seems to get overlooked sometimes because it isn't AYE? and it's definitely the finest blues recording I've ever heard.
[Jul 10,2007 9:44pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
"Are You Experienced?" seems like the only Hendrix album ever made because that's the one with all the songs everyone knows, and no one ever wants to hear anything off of any of the other albums. That kind of reminds of when everyone thought Butthole Surfers were some awesome new band when "Electriclarryland" came out, even though it was there 13th album I believe, and it was one of the weakest.

And "Band Of Gypsys" is definitely awesome.
[Jul 10,2007 10:26pm - ZJD ""]
Yeah, AYE? isn't even in my top 3. Some of my friends are of the opinion that Jimi Hendrix is "meh" based one purple haze, fire, and foxy lady and refuse to give Band of Gypsies or First Rays of the New Rising Sun/whatever posthumous collection you prefer a listen. This belongs on that hatelist from a few days ago because it's way more than fake Led Zepplin fans.
[Jul 11,2007 2:45am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Fuck yes, "First Rays Of The New Rising Sun" is awesome. I haven't listened to that in a long ass time. I'll have to break it out soon.

And another retarded Relapse moment: I picked up the new Nile CD, "Legacy Of The Catacombs" (just a collection CD w/DVD, not the new studio album) today and the sticker on that said "FOR FANS OF NILE." Are you fucking kidding me?
[Jul 11,2007 2:50am - ZJD ""]
If Relapse had any sense, their stickers would say "For fans of The Beatles, Aerosmith, puppies, and cake."
[Jul 11,2007 2:54am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I think they'd be safe enough with just puppies and cake.
[Jul 11,2007 10:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:And another retarded Relapse moment: I picked up the new Nile CD, "Legacy Of The Catacombs" (just a collection CD w/DVD, not the new studio album) today and the sticker on that said "FOR FANS OF NILE." Are you fucking kidding me?


MarkFuckingRichards said:That kind of reminds of when everyone thought Butthole Surfers were some awesome new band when "Electriclarryland" came out, even though it was there 13th album I believe, and it was one of the weakest.

This thread is now about the Butthole Surfers.


Did anyone else think "The Hole Truth... and Nothing Butt" was just the best thing since sliced bread? Live, B-sides and demos, oh mai oui.

[Jul 11,2007 11:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I picked up Electriclarryland back when it came out and I knew nothing about music. There was a couple good songs but overall like it was stated above... pretty weak. I am interested in hearing the earlier stuff though. I'll have to check out "The Hole Truth.."
[Jul 11,2007 11:22am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:I picked up Electriclarryland back when it came out and I knew nothing about music. There was a couple good songs but overall like it was stated above... pretty weak. I am interested in hearing the earlier stuff though. I'll have to check out "The Hole Truth.."

"Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac" and "Locust Abortion Technician" are my two faves; YMMV.


Also, if anyone ever comes across the "The Lord is a Monkey" picture disc, it's fucking awesome - the version of the title song is better than the album version, and the b-side is tits.

[Jul 11,2007 11:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
"Oh, and next time you see your mom, be sure to tell her... SAAAATAAAN!"
[Jul 11,2007 1:11pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
"Hairway To Steven" was an instant classic.
[Jul 11,2007 3:07pm - Niccolai ""]
The Black Dahlia Murder > Brutal Truth.

[Jul 11,2007 3:10pm - RichHorror ""]
I've decided that the IWEIPH CD is gonna be called 'For Fans Of The Black Dahlia Murder'
[Jul 11,2007 3:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
RichHorror said:I've decided that the IWEIPH CD is gonna be called 'For Fans Of The Black Dahlia Murder'

How 'bout "For Murderers of the Black Dahlia Fans"?
[Jul 11,2007 3:19pm - RichHorror ""]
For Fans Of Bury Your Dead and the Nirvana Unplugged CD
[Jul 11,2007 3:22pm - Lamp ""]
Bury Your Kurt Cobain
[Jul 11,2007 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said: lump them into the same category as a second-rate, rehashed At The Gates rip-off.

oh the ironing.
[Jul 11,2007 4:14pm - Niccolai ""]

Aaron wins the internet!
[Jul 11,2007 4:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Niccolai said:HAHAHAHAHAHA

Aaron wins the internet!

[Jul 11,2007 11:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
the_reverend said:MarkFuckingRichards said: lump them into the same category as a second-rate, rehashed At The Gates rip-off.

oh the ironing.

I don't really think it's 100% "ironing" if I admitted to being in an ATG rip-off band, haha. Thanks for the kind words though Rev, they really mean a lot to me, jerk! ::Sniffle sniffle::
[Jul 11,2007 11:16pm - murph nli  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:the_reverend said:MarkFuckingRichards said: lump them into the same category as a second-rate, rehashed At The Gates rip-off.

oh the ironing.

I don't really think it's 100% "ironing" if I admitted to being in an ATG rip-off band, haha. Thanks for the kind words though Rev, they really mean a lot to me, jerk! ::Sniffle sniffle::

has anyone ever noticed that mark richards hair is always this perfectly sculpted coiffure?

my ex is a hairstylist, and I'm starting to realize my former band-mate must take great strides to keep that shit tizzzight.

pinch his fucking cheeks.
[Jul 11,2007 11:23pm - craig is lazy and has a dumb rttp name  ""]
i own that shirt but not the album. i know, lame as shit.
[Jul 11,2007 11:29pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
There isn't much hair to sculpt, Murph, haha. The most attention my hair gets is 2 minutes to make sure I mat down the bedhead. My folicles know what their job is.
[Jul 11,2007 11:32pm - murph nli  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:There isn't much hair to sculpt, Murph, haha. The most attention my hair gets is 2 minutes to make sure I mat down the bedhead. My folicles know what their job is.


the cologne of the desperate man.

you vain motherfucker, i swear I'll catch you mid comb and expose this.
[Jul 11,2007 11:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Combs are for women and sissypants.

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