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ANTHRAX / TESTAMENT w/ Death Angel @ The Palladium 11/11/11

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [anthrax][death_angel][randomshots][testament]
[show listing]  ________________________________
[Sep 11,2011 6:35pm - KEVORD ""]
I'm surprised there isn't already a thread for this. Just bought my ticket.

Death Angel

The Palladium
Worcester, MA
Doors open @ 7:00 pm
Show starts @ 8:00 pm
Tickets $26.00 adv., $30.00 door

[Sep 11,2011 6:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sounds pretty rad
[Sep 11,2011 6:50pm - Dankill  ""]
It's so rad it doesn't even have a DATE!
[Sep 11,2011 6:50pm - KEVORD ""]

Dankill said:It's so rad it doesn't even have a DATE!
Look at the thread title. 11/11/11
[Sep 11,2011 8:56pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
There dates go to 11
[Sep 11,2011 8:58pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
didn't I see that same bill at the Channel in 1989?
[Sep 11,2011 10:08pm - Mark_R ""]
Gotta go just to go.
[Sep 12,2011 1:19am - Seth  ""]
This will be a sick show and really cant wait to see Death Angel more than any of the other two. I wonder if they will have a few local bands play to.:nuke:
[Oct 10,2011 6:02pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Gene Hoglan is playing drums for Testament
[Oct 10,2011 6:14pm - Mark_R ""]
Can't miss this.
[Oct 10,2011 11:10pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Fucking THERE.
[Oct 12,2011 11:37am - MillenialKingdom ""]
I'm definitely going. Worship Music must be heard live.
[Oct 29,2011 4:45am - Seth  ""]
Are there any local bands playing this show and are they selling tickets?
[Oct 29,2011 8:25am - KEVORD ""]
[Oct 29,2011 8:27am - CurlyRed ""]
I just bought my tickets too. I haven't seen Anthrax since high school
[Oct 29,2011 8:46am - aaron_michael ""]
Hey, where's Bush in that picture?
[Oct 29,2011 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
Huh, I need to get on with getting permission to photograph this fine event.
[Oct 29,2011 12:31pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
My mom gets married and I get to see Anthrax this day. WIN!
[Oct 29,2011 1:47pm - OCCUPY RTTP  ""]

aaron_michael said:Hey, where's Bush in that picture?

I like my Anthrax like I like my White House. NO BUSH
[Oct 30,2011 9:08am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
might be three of my least fav bands ever...
[Nov 3,2011 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, I'm there.
[Nov 3,2011 3:38pm - narkybark ""]
When did a wooden indian join Anthrax? ...oh.
[Nov 11,2011 8:48am - BrianDBB ""]
TONIGHT, ready to drink already
[Nov 11,2011 8:49am - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Nov 11,2011 8:50am - CurlyRed ""]

BrianDBB said:TONIGHT, ready to drink already

Me too! I already have alcohol in my car. I like to be prepared early...... >:]
[Nov 11,2011 2:55pm - KEVORD ""]
I will be reporting any facepaint kid activity tonight. But I'm assuming mostly old farts like me will be at this.
[Nov 11,2011 2:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Dark Angel plz
[Nov 11,2011 3:30pm - CurlyRed ""]

KEVORD said:I will be reporting any facepaint kid activity tonight. But I'm assuming mostly old farts like me will be at this.

I am old too......
[Nov 11,2011 3:32pm - josh_hates_you ""]
im a maybe for this.
[Nov 11,2011 3:50pm - Mark_R ""]
Going and I definitely want to see Death Angel so I'm hoping the show starts at 8 like the website says and not a half hour before like the Mayhem show. ...But I'm leaving early just in case.
[Nov 11,2011 4:08pm - Lamp ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:might be three of my least fav bands ever...

[Nov 11,2011 7:34pm - The_Reverend ""]
The publicist said 7:50 fr death angel. Death angel might be my favorite on the bill.
[Nov 11,2011 8:00pm - KEVORD ""]
This show is crazy packed already.
[Nov 11,2011 8:10pm - The_Reverend ""]
Yeah and death angel is so loud I had to leave the front.
[Nov 11,2011 8:18pm - KEVORD ""]
I saw you Aaron. I'm already up in the balcony. A ton of mutha fucka's up here too.
[Nov 11,2011 8:29pm - KEVORD ""]
Death Angel was pretty good live even though I'm not a big fan of their records. Every time I go to the bar a see people who clearly have one metal shirt they dust off for events like this. Sorry someone's mom but I doubt you listen to Slayer.
[Nov 11,2011 8:34pm - The_Reverend ""]
There are a lot of older metal chicks. They wear way too much perfume. Death angel filled their set with awesmenss.
[Nov 11,2011 8:50pm - Alx_Asscat  ""]
[Nov 11,2011 9:05pm - The_Reverend ""]
My favorite troll.
[Nov 11,2011 9:05pm - KEVORD ""]
There is an old black dude playing air guitar to Testament. This show just got cooler.
[Nov 11,2011 9:38pm - late_rising ""]
Only missing all of Death Angel waiting outside 45 minutes in a 1500 person will-call line is real.
[Nov 11,2011 9:48pm - KEVORD ""]
Testament and their Castle Greyskull back drop were pretty killer.
[Nov 11,2011 10:11pm - KEVORD ""]
Corpsepaint kid is here in full corpsepaint. Just saw him at the upstairs bar.
[Nov 11,2011 11:01pm - The_Reverend ""]
Testament sounded muddy up front... how was it in the normals section?
[Nov 11,2011 11:14pm - KEVORD ""]
They sounded a little muddy but was still killer. I wish Anthrax would stop playing new shit cause the old stuff sounds awesome.
[Nov 11,2011 11:24pm - arilliusbm ""]

KEVORD said:I wish Anthrax would actually be S.O.D.
[Nov 11,2011 11:24pm - nekronaut ""]

[Nov 11,2011 11:25pm - nekronaut ""]

[Nov 11,2011 11:26pm - nekronaut ""]

[Nov 11,2011 11:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
replace death angel with dark angel and we have ourselves a show.


[Nov 11,2011 11:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]

KEVORD said:Corpsepaint kid is here in full corpsepaint. Just saw him at the upstairs bar.

[Nov 11,2011 11:37pm - KEVORD ""]
Its safe to say no one in the balcony knows the lyrics to Among the Living.
[Nov 11,2011 11:47pm - KEVORD ""]
Chaos Ad?
[Nov 11,2011 11:54pm - The_Reverend ""]
Yeah, chaos ad had one of the best reactions.... and is joey sponsored by red bull? That guy ain't going to sleep tonight. He drank so many he got wings for reels.
[Nov 12,2011 12:04am - KEVORD ""]
My douche bag review is that I had a lot of fun but I still prefer John Bush Anthrax. I have a VHS copy of their set from the last time I saw them at the new Aud in Worcester and it was super killer.
[Nov 12,2011 12:36am - curlyred ""]
Wow lol
[Nov 12,2011 12:36am - goatcatalyst ""]
Was that with Pantera and AC?
[Nov 12,2011 12:37am - curlyred ""]
Anthrax played sepultura was cool
[Nov 12,2011 12:43am - KEVORD ""]

goatcatalyst said:Was that with Pantera and AC?
Yeah dude. I have the Pantera set on the same VHS but no AC.
[Nov 12,2011 1:33am - Seth  ""]
Well like late rising I missed death angel and was in line only went to see them. Got to see testament and Anthrax two people deep in the front. Not bad, got to watch one of my idols Gene Hoglan and charlie too. Testament was cool with the mix of songs in the set and anthrax played to many new shit all the people around me were singing it, so I would just look at the back drop and see eddies face from iron maiden and a few freddy krueger faces and if anyone noticed the NOT man at the top of the Anthrax pentagram? Also one of the faces looked like sodoms sign of hate dude with the hood. Yeah I was not happy. They played way to much boring shit to even watch them. I was even bored by charlies playing this time around, yet I did not see them since Persistence of time in 91. Not including the big 4 dvd show. Cool to see it packed with a lot of old school fans and new ones. oh well Good time.
[Nov 12,2011 1:37am - Seth  ""]
sign of evil I meant to say about sodom^
[Nov 12,2011 1:46am - the_reverend ""]
did gene look lean? lost a lot of weight.
[Nov 12,2011 1:47am - Seth  ""]
I could not tell he was behind the drums and could only see his head... and even when they bowed I could not see his body! hahah
[Nov 12,2011 1:47am - Seth  ""]
Where are the pics!
[Nov 12,2011 1:49am - i_am_lazy  ""]
Yeah, my first thought when I saw Gene was "Holy shit he looks....thinner."

I have no idea how anyone could be bored by Charlie's playing. He kept throwing all kinds of cool shit in...one of the songs during a guitar solo he was doing some INSANE cymbal work.
[Nov 12,2011 1:54am - Seth  ""]
He may of been but I have seen him play better ever since seing him first in 1987/among through persistence of time in 91. Cool that is good then Happy to hear that.
[Nov 12,2011 2:22am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 12,2011 9:58am - Alexmetal ""]
Anthrax doing Chaos AD was one of the coolest parts of the show. I was hoping they would at least play Only, ignoring Bushthrax altogether is weaksauce. Death Angel was good and Testament played Three Days In Darkness so it was a pretty good night.
[Nov 12,2011 10:09am - curlyred ""]
So when anthrax played the whole time I was looking for Danny spitz cause I use to love him when I was younger. Come to find out he isn't in the band anymore he is a watch maker!
[Nov 12,2011 11:04am - i_am_lazy  ""]
LAWL at not knowing Dan Spitz is a watchmaker.
[Nov 12,2011 11:58am - MillenialKingdom ""]
This was an awesome show. Death Angel's set wasn't long enough. Testament was great but by the end it was starting to drag for me. They're ok but not THAT great. Anthrax was sweet! Joey sounded great and I thought they played a good mix of old and new. The new album is their best in years.
[Nov 12,2011 1:55pm - Joey Belladonna's Pride  ""]
Too bad I couldn't be there for this, but I was completely left behind when Joey rejoined the band as their third choice/last resort.

[Nov 12,2011 4:09pm - OLD  ""]
[Nov 12,2011 4:36pm - Mark_R ""]
Loved the show, anthrax gets a big A+ for being awesome. Got to see death angel thanks to getting an advance ticket

I had no idea that was hoglan with testament. Looked very skinny. Get him a cheese burger!
[Nov 12,2011 4:55pm - 0peth  ""]

Fucking lol'd.
[Nov 13,2011 3:03pm - Gottlieb  ""]
This place needs to open the doors earlier if they can't get people thru the doors on time. I got there at 7:30 and missed most of death angel. And all of that so they can frisk the fuck out of everyone, which is useless because I got in all the shit I wasn't supposed to bring in anyway(which was a lot of shit).
[Nov 13,2011 4:20pm - the_reverend ""]

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