I play an electric drumkit, does anyone care?[views:7299][posts:78]_______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:32pm - Maggot_atnfac ""] Does anyone actually give a shit that I play on an electric drum kit? Are people actually retarded enough to think that I'm not playing what they hear or something? Should I set up my real kit with a bunch of triggers like most bands in order for people to actually say "that is a respectable drummer"? The story here is that if we play a show and don't get a response that pleases us, we try to figure out why. Sly's answer to it all is that I play on an electric kit. I tell him he is fuckin retarded and that people arent that revolted by an electric kit. Enough talking. seriously though, anyone even care? |
______________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:34pm - yummy ""] I've seen you guys play many times. I gotta say it's not so much the overall sound it's the fact that personally I like to see people beat the shit out of their drums. |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:37pm - Niccolai ""] I actually reaaaally like the sound of your kit. isn't half your kit reall anyway? I could be wrong, btu I thought you used all real overheads and a real snare. it sounds better then most real kits around, it's a million times easier to transport, and it's identifiable. I like the electric kit. |
________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:39pm - sxealex ""] yes its horrible now sell me your drums ![]() |
________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:40pm - sxealex ""] ps i think u have my drum key from forever ago |
___________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:45pm - handinjury ""] I would like to convert to a electronic kit, but only for kicks and toms, a real snare and cymbals is where its at. When you think of it, two 22x16 bass drums are fairly large(transport wise) and most guys use triggers on those anyways so why not use two trigger pads. |
__________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:47pm - DEATH2ALL ""] I think it's cool, sounds fuckin brutal. Just looks weird. |
_____________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:49pm - blue ""] honestly, i always thought it sounded waaaay better than most bands in the area. but it seems really hard to get the mix levels right live for the kit. for the 356758793456467835 times ive seen you guys play, a lot of the times ill always find myself not hearing certain parts of the kit. |
______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 7:59pm - Neverpurified ""] like handinjury said; most Death Metal drummers trigger the shit out of their kits anyway. you're doing the same thing but eliminating the actual drusm that you have to lug around. you're still hitting a drum, albeit and electric one. electric kits dont help you play anymore in time than you already are. and they sound awesome everytime i see you guy play. stick with it |
________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 8:06pm - sxealex ""] when i played your kit i could play like 10 times faster. but ya know its not bad its just different. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 8:19pm - diamond_dave ""] i don't dig it. for one, like aaron said i like to see drummers that beat the shit out of the drums. also, unless you have a massive PA, it's not going to sound as full as a real kit because a real kit is actually moving air that you can feel. if you're playing a club with a nice PA and subs, it's not as much of an issue, but for a basement show or anything with, say a couple of two-way speakers on stands, that's not gonna cut it. also, if you have to drag around a PA with you, that's gotta take longer to set up than a standard kit. i just don't see what the benefit is, honestly. |
______________________________ [Aug 6,2007 8:31pm - yummy ""] the drummer is supposed to sweat. OOOOOHHHHHHHHH |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:07pm - rotivore ""] no |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:20pm - 80081e5 ""] i only care if you have barnyard fx |
_______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:24pm - secthammernli ""] I use an electronic kit too, just don't like playing out with it, it feels wierd not getting that full response and feel from the drums, playing at home it feels fine, but at live shows the one time i tried using the electric set it just felt funny because i couldn't hear my snare or kick drum like i could w/ having an actual drum in front of me |
__________________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] i think it separates you from the pack a bit. i played with you guys way back in the day and i remember it sounding awesome. |
___________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:52pm - murph nli ""] the only thing I agree with Sly on at this juncture is that he peed on Craig. |
_______________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 9:23am - Maggot_atnfac ""] Thanks for the opinions. Now I can go spit in sly's mouth. Hey alex, I still have your key. That fancy folding one. |
_________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 9:39am - brian_dc ""] I don't think it's the electric kit at all. I think it would be fun if you guys played one show where you played acoustic drums and joe and sly played through tube amps. That's my one issue with you guys, the guitar isn't defined enough...too much treble. |
__________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 9:44am - DEATH2ALL ""] I could see how that would be a down fall.... Playing out is probably tough to mix right, I've only heard it at your jam room. It must suck if there's no monitor for the drummer!?!? |
__________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 10:07am - sinistas ""] The mix for your set on Friday was probably the worst out of all the bands. Considering that the soundguy was a tool, he probably didn't mix it right. I personally hate triggered drums 98% of the time, so having that be the loudest thing in the mix kills a set for me. |
____________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 10:21am - SapremiaNJ ""] I thought the set was decent and the kit didnt bother me. |
__________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 10:34am - sinistas ""] I'm not talking about the music, just the mix. Again, the soundguy blew in general, it's not like anybody had a great mix. Awesome show though. |
____________________________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 11:55am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""] I didn't read this whole thread.. but I think you're a great drummer and the electric kit I saw you play on sounded pretty fucking good. |
_____________________________ [Aug 7,2007 12:40pm - cav ""] i dont know if its the electric kit but atnfac usually sounds funky live, the funny thing is at random clubs you guys sound amazing, one i remember specifically was cherry st station in ct, so i get confused. i tend towards blaming the line 6 amps and the eq of the whole band because usually the live sound is thin, not heavy. my recommendation would be to get tube amps first, then if that doesnt help, switch to an acoustic set. |
__________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 12:44pm - Sinistas ""] I agree - the amps as well as the drums being digital probably doesn't help. |
________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 1:01pm - sxealex ""] hey for real tho if u wanna sell your kit let me know |
_______________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 3:39pm - Maggot_atnfac ""] A new amp has been in plans for a bit. Sly is picking up a triple rectifier (or something =+ good) next week. Line6 has been giving us too many issues. Now it is just a matter of convincing Money Bags Joe to get one too. And that sound guy was a douche last Friday. Should have used our own PA like we normally do. |
_________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 3:43pm - Sinistas ""] The only Line 6 I'd get is the Vetta, other than that, I'm done with modeling. |
_________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 3:45pm - Niccolai ""] Sinistas said:The only Line 6 I'd get is the Vetta, other than that, I'm done with modeling. Agreed. The Vetta II is better sounding then most of the tube amps I've ever played. |
_________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 4:03pm - Sinistas ""] And even then, you can upgrade a I to the II firmware and save yourself a grand. |
_____________________________ [Aug 7,2007 4:22pm - sly ""] i'm also dont with amp modeling... to many knobs, buttons, switches... it sucks. |
___________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 4:24pm - craig nli ""] i like the electronic kit. slys just looking for a reason to not blame the guitar sound. i thought he was looking into an engl for abit too. triple recs are cool. oh, and play a real snare asshole. |
_____________________________ [Aug 7,2007 4:27pm - blue ""] sly get the hell away from those rectos. unless youre finding an older 2 channel, youd be better off with the line 6. look at some peaveys, maybe (5150/6505/ultra). i think that would be way more up your guys' alley. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 4:34pm - joshtruction ""] sly said:i'm also dont with amp modeling... to many knobs, buttons, switches... it sucks. I might have a mint dual recto with footswitch, cover for the footswitch, and slip cover for the head all in mint shape really really soon ;) |
_________________________________ [Aug 7,2007 5:24pm - sinistas ""] You can get 5150s stupid cheap. |
_____________________________ [Aug 8,2007 4:14pm - sly ""] I dunno about thoes 5150's I've tried them before and I did not relly get into them. Maybe I used it wrong but it seemed to me that the single notes hold up really well but it lacks in the chunk. I'll try the vetta and ill also give a try to that new peavy (the new steave vai that is getting really good reviews). |
_________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 4:24pm - Sinistas ""] Steve Vai plays Carvin Legacys. You're thinking of Satriani. |
____________________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 4:26pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I will also agree that the guitar tones live don't do ATNFAC much justice, so it's good that at least one of the guitarists is looking to get a beefier amp. If you can get your hands on a Crate Blue Voodoo BV120H, I would recommend it. I hate all Crate products except for that one Blue Voodoo in particular and the Shockwave (the only solid state head that I like that I've ever heard). Last night at The Body Farm practice, I got my Blue Voodoo to sound almost exactly like the guitarist from Decapitated's rig, which was really fucking scary but awesome. |
_____________________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:32pm - ArrowHead likes Pie ""] Is there a reason no one mentioned ENGL yet? I think they sound sexy. As for the electronic kit, yeah I think it's a little gay. From a drummers perspective, it's a way to avoid having soundguys mic your drums a different way every night. It gives you control over your bands sound that is usually out of your hands. However, from a fan perspective it still seems like "cheating". A lot of fans get the same way about bands that use kick drum "triggers". While there's plenty of people like myself and the people in this thread that know there is little difference in technique, etc..., there's still a lot of people that think that the electronics are still in some way compensating for some lack in your technique. I can't even count how many times I've heard people criticize a drummer saying things like "he's using triggers. He's BARELY hitting the drums and then the triggers make everything sound louder and better." And from any point of view, It just doesn't look the same without having a big old bulky drumkit up on the stage. |
______________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:38pm - Arist ""] I really hate the peavey JSX, the other guitarist in my band had one and it really had no balls. The gain felt like you were playing on 3 in the crunch channel and the lead/ultra channel was just hideous for rhythm |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:40pm - aterribleguitaristnli ""] i fought TOOTH AND NAIL and had many long arguments with maggot and sly against this gay line 6 bullshit years ago, and after much aggrivation, bought the pod pro, so i wouldn't have to hear about it anymore. Now after spending all that money, and now that i'm broke, I ain't getting new shit until old shit breaks. Sly, I love to say i told you so... I knew you'd get sick of the line 6 someday |
_____________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:44pm - Hungtableed ""] I wish I had an electric drum kit, I'd rock that shit all the fucking time. They are quite possibly the most idea thing a drummer could get if they want to be able to practice when ever they want. |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:47pm - aterribleguitaristnli ""] MarkFuckingRichards said:I will also agree that the guitar tones live don't do ATNFAC much justice, so it's good that at least one of the guitarists is looking to get a beefier amp. If you can get your hands on a Crate Blue Voodoo BV120H, I would recommend it. I hate all Crate products except for that one Blue Voodoo in particular and the Shockwave (the only solid state head that I like that I've ever heard). Last night at The Body Farm practice, I got my Blue Voodoo to sound almost exactly like the guitarist from Decapitated's rig, which was really fucking scary but awesome. Hey Sly! you should buy your blue voodoo back from reuben! |
__________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:54pm - DEATH2ALL ""] Maggot_atnfac said: And that sound guy was a douche last Friday. Should have used our own PA like we normally do. Get a cheap line mixer to run your kit thru. That way you can give the soundguys 1 channel for your entire kit & you can keep the same mix where ever you play. Douchebag sound guys hate that shit!! I run my kicks and snare thru my mixer if the sound guy doesn't want to mic my snare. |
__________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 5:57pm - DEATH2ALL ""] Hungtableed said:I wish I had an electric drum kit, I'd rock that shit all the fucking time. They are quite possibly the most idea thing a drummer could get if they want to be able to practice when ever they want. I 2nd that. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 6:33pm - joshtruction ""] Come on Sly, you know you want this dual rec I am getting next week!!!! |
_______________________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 6:52pm - aterribleguitaristnli ""] how much?......fuck sly, he's got people giving him money for no reason, I'm the one who needs the deal |
_______________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 7:09pm - Maggot_atnfac ""] Is there a pro/con about the triple rec compared to something else? |
________________________________ [Aug 8,2007 7:44pm - sxealex ""] i think we can all agree cymbals should never be triggers. |