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TYAG dropped from Siege Of Amida Records/Ferret Music

[Jun 27,2008 9:41am - aaron_michael ""]
you guys can do so much better than Ferret! fo'realz.
they might be a bigger label, but look at the garbage they've put out
[Jun 27,2008 10:12am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
What the fuck. This sucks so hard. Why do bad things happen to good people?

I'm sure you guys will get on a better label than Ferret anyways.
[Jun 27,2008 10:20am - mOe ""]
try Century Media...have you seen/heard the band they just signed? Christ, they'll sign anyone, i think.
[Jun 27,2008 10:33am - archaeon ""]

TYAG name is definitely obnoxious enough to get signed to CM.
[Jun 27,2008 10:35am - archaeon ""]
hahaha the singer is actually a girl, i just though it was a girlie man.
[Jun 27,2008 11:21am - Joshtruction ""]
CM would be a good place to try.
[Jun 27,2008 12:37pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
post by archaeon at Jun 27,2008 10:33am


TYAG name is definitely obnoxious enough to get signed to CM.

what the fuck did i just hear/watch??
[Jun 27,2008 1:45pm - La'Benjamin White  ""]
Nigga, you got dropped from ya label? Yo identity ain't even worth stealin no more. Holla at me if you want that wallet back.
[Jun 27,2008 3:30pm - cav nli  ""]

xanonymousx said:sucks i heard ferret was going under anyways.
they supposedly ripped off bleeding through

that was trustkill, but ferret isnt doing very well either or any of the metalcore labels, they have all been replaced by b9, deathwish, and the like. yay trends! seriously though guys, i wouldnt worry about it too much. yea ferret would have had SWEET distribution but you dont want to be under the wing of some big ass shitty label trying to tell you what to do and how to do it.
[Jun 27,2008 4:43pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
fuck those labels bros.
your severance from said gangrenous appendage will work out for the better.
[Jun 27,2008 9:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

archaeon said:hahaha the singer is actually a girl, i just though it was a girlie man.

I'd throw it in her.
[Jun 27,2008 11:35pm - archaeon ""]
She looks good in some shots, not so good in others. all the same to you.
[Jun 28,2008 5:53pm - rustyps ""]
Sorry to hear that, fellers. MySpace friends as a decision of what albums to release is utterly retarded. Good luck in finding another label.
[Jun 30,2008 2:31am - ernie  ""]
fuck it. pay for it your selves and just find someone to press it.. you guys dont need no stinkin label .. youll do fine without that fineprint fancy pants stuff any way....
[Aug 13,2008 12:21pm - Jamie SOAR  ""]
I'd better set the record straight here on our part.
No buck passing here, but if I didn't want to do the TYAG record I wouldnt have signed the band. The problem was that Ferret were not keen on doing the record due to the fact that they had been on a lengthy hiatus and were concerned about doing expensive retail campaigns when perhaps they felt they would not recoup. TYAG are a US band, and it would have been bad move for us to work a US band if our US distributors don't do it too...also they have never been to Europe and have a pretty low profile over here, they are still relatively unknown. Telling Devon we couldnt do the record made me feel terrible. I believe at some point in the near future, SOAR will be in the position where we can release what we like regardless of profile, but at this point we have to make it work on both sides of the Atlantic. I'm sure this post will result in a flaming but believe me when I say it was not how we wanted it to be. TYAG are an awesome band and Devon was nothing but courteous and professional.
[Aug 13,2008 12:23pm - brian_dc ""]
I think that's a reasonable response. Gotta understand their disappointment and then the way this board is going to respond to one of the more successful bands on this board being jilted. I don't think you'll get flamed.

It sucks that this was sort of the first brick in building the house that was the TYAG disbandment. But it seems like you meant to do right by them.
[Aug 13,2008 12:39pm - archaeon ""]
tyag is gay
[Aug 13,2008 12:56pm - BenFo ""]
Chuck Schuldiner would say: "I told ya so."
[Aug 13,2008 3:03pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I just hope it had nothing to do with not having enough Myspace friends because if that's the case, you can shove your label up your tight-wad bunghole.
[Aug 13,2008 5:11pm - archaeon ""]
It was ferret that said that not SOAR
[Aug 15,2008 6:42pm - Jamie SOAR  ""]
Of course we dont base our signings on how many myspace friends they have, don't be ridiculous. Look at half the roster...bands like Nefastus Dies, Plasmarifle, My Cross To Bare, Martriden, etc etc, are about as myspace friendly as my Grandmother.
[Aug 15,2008 6:49pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Well, the whole Myspace thing was something I was told and it really irritated me. Myspace is not the only place for promotion and shouldn't be.

If Ferret actually believes that Myspace gives you cred, then they really need to quit the music business.
[Aug 15,2008 9:10pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
SOAR was nothing but amazing to us. Devon (vocals in TYAG) told the rest of us that in a conversation with Carl from Ferret, he was told we did not have enough MySpace friends. SOAR never once said anything like that, and it is understandable that in losing the US market they had to pull out of the deal.
[Aug 15,2008 9:58pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Then my apologies to SOAR if I was rude. I'm just irritated at the whole situation. I've been pulling for this band to get out there and then a ton of bricks get shat on them. It sucks.
[Aug 15,2008 10:03pm - archaeon ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:
If Ferret actually believes that Myspace gives you cred, then they really need to quit the music business.

True, but what would happen to their great line-up of bands! oh wait....
[Aug 15,2008 11:13pm - CMTAIB ""]

Dave_Maggot said: post by archaeon at Jun 27,2008 10:33am


TYAG name is definitely obnoxious enough to get signed to CM.

what the fuck did i just hear/watch??

Woah! that is a chick singer?
until i watched that video i thought it was an emo guy.
[Oct 26,2010 5:23pm - devontyag  ""]
if anyone is looking for a metal singer. email me at devon.wedge@gmail.com. i'd like to do something and am interested in any bands looking for a singer.
[Oct 26,2010 5:34pm - nekronaut ""]
[Oct 26,2010 5:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
you should hit up xGODZILLAx I heard he's trying to drum for a grind band
[Oct 28,2010 11:39pm - immortal13 ""]

I still wish for a TYAG reunion.
[Oct 29,2010 2:45am - Archaeon ""]

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