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Slipknot and Coheed in Lowell?

Tsongas Arena (Lowell, MA) - [coheed_and_cambria][randomshots][slipknot][trivium]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Feb 6,2009 10:56am - boblovesmusic ""]
Rev go to the Metalian show! It'll be much more awesome! (though admittedly I'd go to this as well if I could haha. Mostly for the lolz)
[Feb 6,2009 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
oh yes, this is 100% for lulz
[Feb 6,2009 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... this really isn't very funny at all. trivium is playing. hearing them say COHEED AND CAMBRIA all scarey. that name is like the least scary name ever.
[Feb 6,2009 7:31pm - archaeon ""]
Rev write down coheeds set or youre a pussy.
[Feb 6,2009 8:17pm - the_reverend ""]
welcome home
al the killer
grave markers
no world
end complete
rowing (this one was crossed out)
in keeping
[Feb 6,2009 8:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
welcome home is the only song i like.
[Feb 6,2009 8:26pm - archaeon ""]
ew on two songs from before the good apollo era, very good ones at that.

Need to see them on a headlining tour. How was pennie?
[Feb 6,2009 8:27pm - the_reverend ""]
they sound really good. they are on now and the sound is so good that when they talk, you can hear it where I am like they are talking right to you.
[Feb 6,2009 11:25pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures soon.
[Feb 7,2009 2:36am - BBruins12 ""]
Without reading all the other stuff people have pontificated about this show...I will sit here and comfortably say that Coheed and Cambriais the ONLY band worth listening to in this lineup...Trivium is a fucking Joke, and Slipknot can all make just that and go hang themselves. I know that's harsh but it's the truth. Jordison is a total piece of shit, and the guys in that band SERIOUSLY watched videos of people DYING in real life to psych themselves up for their first album. Fucked. And I'm not saying Jordison is a P.O.S. becasue he's a 'better drummer" than I am, and I'm "jealous" I'm saying thise because he takes credit for things he shouldn't. I hate Trivium, I hate Slipknot, and I wish they would BOTH drop off the face of the earth like Creed (another terrible band) did..
[Feb 7,2009 12:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i love how a giant LOL pops in my face everytime this thread opens. and coheed and cambria would be a better band if their singer took the vice off his nuts.
[Feb 7,2009 12:37pm - reimroc ""]
I will give C&C credit for their musicianship and yea claudio sounds like a chick but it works. The other two bands I have never/will never care about.
[Feb 7,2009 12:47pm - Fleshfries nli  ""]

BBruins12 said:like Creed (another terrible band) did..

Have you ever taken the time to actually "listen" to Creed? Those guys are actually pretty badass musicians, check out Alter Bridge.
[Feb 7,2009 12:51pm - narkybark ""]
listening to Creed seriously makes me contemplate violence with silverware.
[Feb 7,2009 1:01pm - Kevord ""]

BBruins12 said: the guys in that band SERIOUSLY watched videos of people DYING in real life to psych themselves up for their first album. Fucked.

I might actually like Slipknot after all.
[Feb 7,2009 1:14pm - archaeon ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i love how a giant LOL pops in my face everytime this thread opens. and coheed and cambria would be a better band if their singer took the vice off his nuts.

Claudio is one of my favorite singers ever. i'll kill yo ass.
[Feb 7,2009 1:17pm - Martins ""]
Note: Grant wouldn't like Coheed and Cambria if I didn't remove the vice off his nuts.
[Feb 7,2009 1:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 7,2009 1:29pm - archaeon ""]
I wouldn't like coheed if martins didnt get me into them. after i took the vice off my nuts.
[Feb 7,2009 1:43pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
The Prize Fighter Inferno>Coheed and Cambria
[Feb 7,2009 2:06pm - archaeon ""]
stfu john lucci.
[Feb 7,2009 2:12pm - rotivore ""]
slipkorn sucknot
[Feb 7,2009 8:41pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

Fleshfries%20nli said:
BBruins12 said:like Creed (another terrible band) did..

Have you ever taken the time to actually "listen" to Creed? Those guys are actually pretty badass musicians, check out Alter Bridge.

Heh, I was into Creed in my younger days. Alter Bridge is so much better.
[Feb 7,2009 9:32pm - watchmaker666 ""]

boblovesmusic said:the other Slipknot!

There's also the crossover Slipknot![/QUOTE
I love this 7"

[Feb 7,2009 10:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
did the drummer play with sticks or his hands?
[Feb 8,2009 2:54pm - crap  ""]
as far as drumming goes...Chris owned that show. He sounds great with Coheed and played most of the songs exactly how they are on the album

Jordison didnt seem to do so hot, a lot of the blast beats we're kinda mushy sounded and almost sounded rushed sometimes...ehh.

I saw slipknot open for slayer like 5 or 6 years ago and they were much, much better. I dont even really like this band anymore, but they put on such a good show that i wanted to check them out again

meh...it was okay, but im not dishing out cash like that again to see em.
[Feb 8,2009 3:00pm - archaeon ""]

crap said:as far as drumming goes...Chris owned that show. He sounds great with Coheed and played most of the songs exactly how they are on the album

YES. glad to hear that. All the bootleg old live coheed shit skips all the fills on the albums. glad to hear chris knows the deal.
[Feb 8,2009 3:16pm - the_reverend ""]
cause he is an awesome drummer.
[Feb 8,2009 3:21pm - archaeon ""]
So was the other dude, just lazy.

I have the biggest hard on for CP...
[Feb 8,2009 3:31pm - brodown ""]

crap said:as far as drumming goes...Chris owned that show. He sounds great with Coheed and played most of the songs exactly how they are on the album

Jordison didnt seem to do so hot, a lot of the blast beats we're kinda mushy sounded and almost sounded rushed sometimes...ehh.

I saw slipknot open for slayer like 5 or 6 years ago and they were much, much better. I dont even really like this band anymore, but they put on such a good show that i wanted to check them out again

meh...it was okay, but im not dishing out cash like that again to see em.

Totally agree. Penne was awesome (and the band has NEVER sounded as badass) and Jordison was a little on the sloppy/lazy side. Then again, if I was in Slipknot for 10 years I might get bored too. I've seen them a few times way back when and he's always played much better.

Was it just me, or did it appear that Jordison wasn't really putting much force behind his playing and just relying on the triggers? From my shitty viewing angle, it looked like he was barely tapping the kit.
[Feb 8,2009 4:56pm - crap  ""]
i had a perfect floor view of him and you are exactly right. I didnt think he triggered, but now that you say it that would make sence. He also seemed to be stuck on his china cymbal all night. Who knows, maybe it was just a bad night.

This was the second time i had seen Penne as well(first time with DEP), and it was exactly the same as the first time: nearly perfect emulation of the album. Only this time he wasnt playing so much crazy shit.
[Feb 8,2009 4:59pm - archaeon ""]
did coheed mention plans for a new album or upcoming tours?
[Feb 9,2009 7:21pm - crap  ""]
coheed said nothing execpt "thank you we are coheed and cambria"
[Feb 9,2009 7:25pm - Martins ""]

AfterWorldObliteration said:The Prize Fighter Inferno>Coheed and Cambria

Gay. They're both good.

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