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Zombies are Kind Of Metal....

[Jul 30,2012 9:24am - MichelleW  ""]
While it may be a stretch from my usual Cannibal Corpse Shirt
This is my newest addition to my daily wardrobe
It helps that I also love zombies and the walking dead

is anyone else watching the walking dead?
[Jul 30,2012 9:26am - xmikex ""]
What's a "Cannibal Corpse?"
[Jul 30,2012 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
that is actually a pretty awesome shirt.
[Jul 30,2012 9:31am - MichelleW  ""]

xmikex said:What's a "Cannibal Corpse?"

[Jul 30,2012 9:31am - KEVORD ""]
Kill yourself.
[Jul 30,2012 9:38am - xmikex ""]
Yes. Srsly. Explain Cannibal Corpse to me. Be as descriptive as possible.
[Jul 30,2012 9:46am - largefreakatzero ""]

xmikex said:Yes. Srsly. Explain Cannibal Corpse to me. Be as descriptive as possible.

Morrible, just morrible.
[Jul 30,2012 10:08am - MichelleW  ""]

xmikex said:Yes. Srsly. Explain Cannibal Corpse to me. Be as descriptive as possible.

cannibal Corpse:

a late 80's metal band that might be percieved as the most offensive metal band of all time. this is supported by its albums being banned from some places in the us, because of contest and also because the artwork on the front is just too great for "normal" eyes to look at.

Eaten back to life is my favorite album and also their first, but I also like tomb of the mutilated as a close second.
How much more detailed should I be?
I dont know a lot more about the bands activities off of the top of my head, but I have heard all of their albums a million times so if you need details about any of the songs, I'm your girl.
[Jul 30,2012 10:14am - KEVORD ""]
Didn't they invent death metal?
[Jul 30,2012 10:17am - AndrewBastard ""]
is this Glen Bentons new band?
[Jul 30,2012 10:19am - MichelleW  ""]

KEVORD said:Didn't they invent death metal?

no, they did not.
[Jul 30,2012 10:20am - KEVORD ""]
Oh Slipknot came first.
[Jul 30,2012 10:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Kevord, good thing this isn't our Michelle's
[Jul 30,2012 10:23am - KEVORD ""]

arilliusbm said:Kevord, good thing this isn't our Michelle's
My Michelle thinks the walking dead is dumb.
[Jul 30,2012 10:25am - ABastard NLI  ""]

[Jul 30,2012 10:25am - MichelleW  ""]
thanks for the nice warm welcome guys.
[Jul 30,2012 10:27am - xmikex ""]

MichelleW said:
a late 80's metal band that might be percieved as the most offensive metal band of all time.

No way. Hit Parader voted Warrant the most offensive band of the late 80's of all time. Are you really telling me someone was more offensive?

this is supported by its albums being banned from some places in the us, because of contest and also because the artwork on the front is just too great for "normal" eyes to look at.

Tell me more about this "contest." Did winners get to goto Water Country with Chris Barnes?

This is all very interesting.
[Jul 30,2012 10:30am - MichelleW  ""]
[Jul 30,2012 10:31am - KEVORD ""]
So were are not gonna discuss Cannibal Corpse and the walking dead?
[Jul 30,2012 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i remember the first lyrics i ever heard from Cannibal Corpse:

Michelle, ma belle
Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
[Jul 30,2012 10:37am - MichelleW  ""]

KEVORD said:So were are not gonna discuss Cannibal Corpse and the walking dead?

do you watch the Walking Dead?
[Jul 30,2012 10:38am - Yeti ""]
[Jul 30,2012 10:40am - KEVORD ""]
I do watch the Walking Dead. Show's a lot of boring with 10 minutes of good.
[Jul 30,2012 10:46am - MichelleW  ""]

Yeti said:OP IS PAUL

Who's Paul?
[Jul 30,2012 10:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the OP.
[Jul 30,2012 10:53am - KEVORD ""]
I ordered a Paul shirt to replace my hooded menace one.
[Jul 30,2012 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
ok, FIMS made me lol there.
[Jul 30,2012 10:55am - MichelleW  ""]
I'm the OP, Not paul. I am not paul
[Jul 30,2012 10:55am - Burnsy ""]
[Jul 30,2012 11:08am - Rich Horror 2005  ""]

MichelleW said:While it may be a stretch from my usual Cannibal Corpse Shirt
This is my newest addition to my daily wardrobe
It helps that I also love zombies and the walking dead

is anyone else watching the walking dead?

Take ya top off.
[Jul 30,2012 11:10am - xmikex ""]
This calls for an offensive contest
[Jul 30,2012 12:14pm - MichelleW  ""]

Burnsy said:A/s/l?

long black hair
green eyes
huge rack
fat ass

hahaha (not far off from the truth)
[Jul 30,2012 12:16pm - Horny guy with dick in hand  ""]
mmmm post a picture
[Jul 30,2012 12:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Fat-bottomed girl... you make the rockin world go round.
[Jul 30,2012 12:16pm - Burnsy ""]
You got a man?
[Jul 30,2012 12:19pm - MichelleW  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Fat-bottomed girl... you make the rockin world go round.

yeah, i wish, i have the body of a stick man.
I just put the crap about the rack and ass because youre supposed to lie in a online description arent you?
[Jul 30,2012 12:38pm - ark  ""]
zombies? on a shirt??? O. M. G. !!!
[Jul 30,2012 12:58pm - MichelleW  ""]

ark said:zombies? on a shirt??? O. M. G. !!!

mind blowing isnt it
[Jul 30,2012 1:25pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 30,2012 1:33pm - KEVORD ""]
The lack of Cannibal Corpse and Walking Dead talk in this thread is disapointing, 1\10
[Jul 30,2012 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
the ip isn't lying about canada, btw.. very weird looking ip address.
[Jul 30,2012 1:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Canada is easy to miss... all tucked away down there.
[Jul 30,2012 1:57pm - KEVORD ""]
Canada, Americas boot.
[Jul 30,2012 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
this is the first time in a long time that I've seen a legit nli being legit to push their wares. Well, except the face that their real name isn't MichelleW and the description is off. but anyhow... doesn't matter. cool looking shirt @ OP.
[Jul 30,2012 2:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ITT: its a trap
[Jul 30,2012 4:04pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Yeti said:i remember the first lyrics i ever heard from Cannibal Corpse:

12, 3, 2, Dog shit

[Aug 3,2012 8:38am - MichelleW  ""]
I'm from the great Canadian East Coast!
And I am a real Chick
Here is me with two Stripped Bass


[Aug 3,2012 8:46am - eye-gore ""]

MichelleW said:I'm from the great Canadian East Coast!
And I am a real Chick
Here is me with two Stripped Bass


Nice (b)ass. Seriously , you have the sexiest hands I've ever seen.
[Aug 3,2012 9:02am - MichelleW  ""]
Double Fishtin'
[Aug 3,2012 9:06am - Alx_Casket ""]
TIL canadian bass grow in hay fields
[Aug 3,2012 9:09am - MichelleW  ""]
I'm on the bank of a river and across the bank there were cows.
They kept going so close to the edge I thought they might fall in
this ones on new years day last year
[Aug 3,2012 9:11am - MichelleW  ""]
Can we talk about how awesome Micheonne is going to be in Season 3 of the walking dead?
[Aug 3,2012 10:13am - largefreakatzero ""]
Post fish pics and delicious fish meals in this thread:
[Aug 3,2012 10:18am - Alx_Casket ""]

MichelleW said:Can we talk about how awesome Micheonne is going to be in Season 3 of the walking dead?

Feel free to start a thread about season 3. There are already a few long threads from the first 2 seasons. This thread is all, "GOT A LOT OF GOOD THINGS ON SALE, STRANGER."
[Aug 3,2012 10:22am - the_reverend ""]

I'm surprised andy posted with out orgasming. a anything featuring women fishing sounds like a magazine I would find tucked into his field and streams in the bathroom.
[Aug 3,2012 10:36am - Hoser ""]

MichelleW said:I'm on the bank of a river and across the bank there were cows.
They kept going so close to the edge I thought they might fall in
this ones on new years day last year

Real outdoorsmen (and women) usually have stains on their fishing clothes....and is that a "purse" under your ass? Really? A purse? You took your purse fishing? a purse? cmon.......
[Aug 3,2012 10:46am - posbleak ""]
Hey I never go anywhere without my purse, a lot of women don't
[Aug 3,2012 10:47am - Hoser ""]
I don't go anywhere without my coin purse.
[Aug 3,2012 10:50am - CurlyRed ""]
I rely on my pant's pockets for outdoors...or maybe a backpack depending if I am hiking.
[Aug 3,2012 10:51am - posbleak ""]
Women's pants don't have much pocket space, definitely not enough for wallet + keys + various other bits

The exception being baggy unflattering men's pants
[Aug 3,2012 10:55am - CurlyRed ""]
Yeah I am not very girly that is for sure lol

To each his own as they say...
[Aug 3,2012 10:58am - posbleak ""]
Maybe someday a brilliant supergenius will take a break from curing cancer and world hunger and will figure out a way to put functional pockets into a pair of cute pants
[Aug 3,2012 11:11am - eye-gore ""]

MichelleW said:Double Fishtin'

Nicely done! Though reading these puns is starting to give me a major haddock.:shocker::bartmoon:
[Aug 3,2012 11:13am - trioxin_245 ""]
When I was a kid I was OBSESSED with zombies, and everyone called me a dork/faggot/whatever. Nowadays, you can buy your 1-year-old a 'Mommies Little Zombie' t-shirt at wal-mart for $3.99. Fuck 2012.
[Aug 3,2012 11:14am - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:

I'm surprised andy posted with out orgasming. a anything featuring women fishing sounds like a magazine I would find tucked into his field and streams in the bathroom.

Oh there's a few out there,

This one: http://larysaunleashed.com/

And this one (I'm very partial to this chick):

[Aug 3,2012 11:14am - trioxin_245 ""]
The point being, zombies ARE NOT metal. Zombies WERE metal before people like OP went and made them commonplace amongst the common folk.
[Aug 3,2012 11:30am - MichelleW  ""]

posbleak said:Hey I never go anywhere without my purse, a lot of women don't

first, that "purse" is a bowling ball bag that i retrofitted for a tackle box.
it has a ton of compartments which i made myself. Since I suck at bowling, and dont own my own ball, I decided i wouldnt be needing it for its original purpose.
second, it was freezing out, so I wore my snowboarding pants and jacket to keep warm, ended up burning a hole in that west beach jacket (boo to not being careful around fire wearing a $400 coat)
I learned my lesson after that and started wearing that cammo jacket and shitter snow pants

stuck a patch on the burn in the jacket and got back to real life

not every woman who fishes in an expensive jacket is a tard
[Aug 3,2012 11:31am - MichelleW  ""]
oops sorry posbleak, i meant to quote the person who was ripping my "purse" but instead quoted you. You sound lovely by the way.
[Aug 3,2012 11:32am - MichelleW  ""]

and heres me fishing on a warm day with shitty clothes on
[Aug 3,2012 11:41am - trioxin_245 ""]
since I guess we're just here to post pictures of ourselves, here's me jetskiing into the world trade center

[Aug 3,2012 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 3,2012 11:50am - MichelleW  ""]
Here is me after surviving your attack, Note how METAL I look as a zombie
[Aug 3,2012 11:52am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
... what exactly is your endgame here?
[Aug 3,2012 11:55am - MichelleW  ""]
World Peace ;)
[Aug 3,2012 11:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Too Late

[Aug 3,2012 11:59am - MichelleW  ""]
Hahahahahhaha I was wondering what the consequence of world peace comment was going to be.
Thanks for taking it big black and easy on me
[Aug 3,2012 12:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]
thread needs warps
[Aug 3,2012 12:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
PROTIP - Create a log in and you wont get so much of hard time from peeps on the board.
[Aug 3,2012 12:09pm - trioxin_245 ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:PROTIP - stop posting pictures of yourself because this isn't facebook and noone even knows who you are anyway.
[Aug 3,2012 12:09pm - MichelleW  ""]
I love your all encompassing shart witted assholery -generally, as in all of you, not singleing anyone out (KEVORD)
the mere fact that you put up with my inane, shit stabbin,g rocket science- in such a challenging and pleasant way, really pleases me.
I spend a lot of the time on the internet, but never in such good company.
I hope I never have to log in
[Aug 3,2012 12:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
troll identified.
[Aug 3,2012 12:45pm - MichelleW  ""]
I'm FuckIsMySignature ;)
[Aug 3,2012 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 3,2012 1:10pm - MichelleW  ""]
my name is Sasha, im from Nova Scotia Canada (east coast)

[Aug 3,2012 3:48pm - DukeManJunk nli  ""]
I am so awesome and everyone fucking loves me. God I rule.

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