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Zircon is looking for a guitarist

[May 18,2007 2:09pm - Aegathis ""]
who said i wasnt, this is an old thread from before i joined>:]
[May 18,2007 2:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh, excellent.
[May 18,2007 2:13pm - C.DEAD  ""]
HAHAH, andy wanted to join Zircon!

Sathodin noober! Ant-Eater Ragnahrockalips!
[May 18,2007 2:14pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
damn i was coming up to try out! and to teach ant how to be italian!
[May 18,2007 2:19pm - Aegathis ""]
[May 18,2007 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
Aegathis said:who said i wasnt, this is an old thread from before i joined>:]

oh good. i thought this was resurrected because you were considering leaving the ranks.
[May 18,2007 3:56pm - Aegathis ""]
Yeti said:Aegathis said:who said i wasnt, this is an old thread from before i joined>:]

oh good. i thought this was resurrected because you were considering leaving the ranks.

who said i wasnt>:]
[May 18,2007 6:23pm - Shannon nli  ""]
Shannon nli said:MadOakDevin said:"a strong metal image" hahahahaha

what a boner!

hahahahaha,I just lost some respect when I looked it this dude's profile pic. A strong Metal image he definetely does not have. he actually looks kind of emo.

I did not write this.

[May 19,2007 8:14am - MetalisGod  ""]
It's funny how the only one's taking offense to Zircon's Metal image thing is the one's with short hair because they believe they will find a better job. They love metal but fit in with mainstream society. Picture a dude with a gay short haircut playing guitar for Behemoth. It just wouldn't look right. Honestly when I see a band and everyone has short hair and baseball hat's on wearing emo or rap cloth's I don't even get into them because they look gay. It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too. I could be wrong though.
[May 19,2007 8:18am - MetalisGod  ""]
Who would agree with me that Bruce Dickenson seem's out of place now in Iron Maiden with that short haircut? I think he would look better with long hair again. He still sing's as good as ever but just looks kind of gay like this kid that just cut his hair for better job options.
[May 19,2007 9:43am - sinistas ""]
Who gives a fuck? It's hair.
[May 19,2007 11:33am - MadOakDevin ""]
funny. behemoth have long hair and are still hard gay.
[May 19,2007 11:38am - MadOakDevin ""]
Shannon nli said:MadOakDevin said:"a strong metal image" hahahahaha

what a boner!

hahahahaha,I just lost some respect when I looked it this dude's profile pic. A strong Metal image he definetely does not have. he actually looks kind of emo.

still caring about image huh? what's it like to walk into a sausage fest with a hardon?
[May 19,2007 11:40am - RichHorror ""]
It's funny how someone thinks having short hair makes you gay but having long hair like a broad makes you very manly. I'll make sure to tell every skinhead I know that.
[May 19,2007 11:45am - MadOakDevin ""]
RichHorror said:It's funny how someone thinks having short hair makes you gay but having long hair like a broad makes you very manly. I'll make sure to tell every skinhead I know that.

i think everyone that's not a girl looks potentially gay.
[May 19,2007 11:49am - JDDomination ""]
grow a beard
[May 19,2007 11:52am - eddie ""]
i love fashion metal
[May 21,2007 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
MetalisGod said:It's funny how the only one's taking offense to Zircon's Metal image thing is the one's with short hair because they believe they will find a better job. They love metal but fit in with mainstream society. Picture a dude with a gay short haircut playing guitar for Behemoth. It just wouldn't look right. Honestly when I see a band and everyone has short hair and baseball hat's on wearing emo or rap cloth's I don't even get into them because they look gay. It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too. I could be wrong though.

there isnt even a word for how pathetic that is.
[May 21,2007 1:44pm - tomx nli  ""]
MetalisGod said:It's funny how the only one's taking offense to Zircon's Metal image thing is the one's with short hair because they believe they will find a better job. They love metal but fit in with mainstream society. Picture a dude with a gay short haircut playing guitar for Behemoth. It just wouldn't look right. Honestly when I see a band and everyone has short hair and baseball hat's on wearing emo or rap cloth's I don't even get into them because they look gay. It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too. I could be wrong though.

yeah, so i guess Necrophagist sucks, because the band photo inside the epitaph cd looks like an American Eagle ad. and Emperor must be gay too, because they don't wear corpsepaint.

get the fuck over it. if you want to look like some douchebag clown extra from the movie Airheads, go for it. as for me, i'll just be a gaybag and listen to dumb bands like Death, Psyopus and Cryptopsy, and go back to my poser, loser job of being a paramedic and making enough to support my family.

[May 21,2007 3:42pm - PHILIELOCKFOOT ""]
RichHorror said:It's funny how someone thinks having short hair makes you gay but having long hair like a broad makes you very manly. I'll make sure to tell every skinhead I know that.

Is this the part that I chime in on?

Im way too lazy to have long hair, Even if I wasnt a skin It would do what it always does and turn into big nasty dreads. It's amazing to me that someone would hate a band because of the way they look.
I hate the way Kenny Rogers looks but shit man......The Gambler is one of the most iconic tunes in the world. I wouldnt condem a man or women with talent because of how they looked.

I may not like you as a person, I may kick your teeth in if you fuck with my friends or family but I will always respect your rights as a human being to exist and follow your passions.

Im very sorry for anyone who is so insecure about there ego or identity that they hafto bash others to make themselfs feel more secure.

Lets all fight now, especially naked chicks.
[May 21,2007 3:45pm - PHILIELOCKFOOT ""]
PHILIELOCKFOOT said:RichHorror said:It's funny how someone thinks having short hair makes you gay but having long hair like a broad makes you very manly. I'll make sure to tell every skinhead I know that.

Is this the part that I chime in on?

Im way too lazy to have long hair, Even if I wasnt a skin It would do what it always does and turn into big nasty dreads. It's amazing to me that someone would hate a band because of the way they look.
I hate the way Kenny Rogers looks but shit man......The Gambler is one of the most iconic tunes in the world. I wouldnt condem a man or women with talent because of how they looked.

I may not like you as a person, I may kick your teeth in if you fuck with my friends or family but I will always respect your rights as a human being to exist and follow your passions.

Im very sorry for anyone who is so insecure about there ego or identity that they hafto bash others to make themselfs feel more secure.

Lets all fight now, especially naked chicks.

Im waaaaaaaay to high to give a lecture.:LOL:
[May 21,2007 3:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have long hair because it feels cool when headbanging and also because i hate the way every haircut has ever looked on me. trying to fit in with a certain image only means you are insecure about yourself.

[May 21,2007 3:52pm - pam ""]
[May 21,2007 3:55pm - pam ""]
My code is right and I can't make it work. Damn you RTTP.
[May 21,2007 3:58pm - pam ""]
Yeah I give up. Rev, your site hates me.
[May 21,2007 4:01pm - pam ""]


[May 21,2007 4:02pm - pam ""]
There we go...to the stupid comment above...Bruce Dickinson will never look out of place because he cut his gay bangs and ratty ugly hair off. Kill yourself immediately.
[May 21,2007 4:02pm - RichHorror ""]
PHILIELOCKFOOT said:PHILIELOCKFOOT said:RichHorror said:It's funny how someone thinks having short hair makes you gay but having long hair like a broad makes you very manly. I'll make sure to tell every skinhead I know that.

Is this the part that I chime in on?

Im way too lazy to have long hair, Even if I wasnt a skin It would do what it always does and turn into big nasty dreads. It's amazing to me that someone would hate a band because of the way they look.
I hate the way Kenny Rogers looks but shit man......The Gambler is one of the most iconic tunes in the world. I wouldnt condem a man or women with talent because of how they looked.

I may not like you as a person, I may kick your teeth in if you fuck with my friends or family but I will always respect your rights as a human being to exist and follow your passions.

Im very sorry for anyone who is so insecure about there ego or identity that they hafto bash others to make themselfs feel more secure.

Lets all fight now, especially naked chicks.

Hey stupid, where did I say any of that? I said it's funny that 'real men' are the ones with women's hairstyles. Look into some reading comprehension you stupid fuck.

[May 21,2007 4:23pm - dreadkill ""]
bruce dickinson looks way less gay with short hair. who gives a fuck about someone's hair. i'll go get a fucking bouffant and still be more "metal" than anyone who gives a fuck about hairstyles.
[May 21,2007 5:39pm - Aegathis ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i have long hair because ..... i hate the way every haircut has ever looked on me.

[May 21,2007 5:58pm - PHILIELOCKFOOT ""]
RichHorror said:PHILIELOCKFOOT said:PHILIELOCKFOOT said:RichHorror said:It's funny how someone thinks having short hair makes you gay but having long hair like a broad makes you very manly. I'll make sure to tell every skinhead I know that.

Is this the part that I chime in on?

Im way too lazy to have long hair, Even if I wasnt a skin It would do what it always does and turn into big nasty dreads. It's amazing to me that someone would hate a band because of the way they look.
I hate the way Kenny Rogers looks but shit man......The Gambler is one of the most iconic tunes in the world. I wouldnt condem a man or women with talent because of how they looked.

I may not like you as a person, I may kick your teeth in if you fuck with my friends or family but I will always respect your rights as a human being to exist and follow your passions.

Im very sorry for anyone who is so insecure about there ego or identity that they hafto bash others to make themselfs feel more secure.

Lets all fight now, especially naked chicks.

Hey stupid, where did I say any of that? I said it's funny that 'real men' are the ones with women's hairstyles. Look into some reading comprehension you stupid fuck.

Wow, Captain fucking grumpypants, I dont recall suggesting you felt any particular way. Just chiming in in general .
Fucking stupid????
That was not very polite.

I guess you told me though didnt you...:middlefinger:
[May 21,2007 6:37pm - Lamp ""]
MetalisGod said:It's funny how the only one's taking offense to Zircon's Metal image thing is the one's with short hair because they believe they will find a better job. They love metal but fit in with mainstream society. Picture a dude with a gay short haircut playing guitar for Behemoth. It just wouldn't look right. Honestly when I see a band and everyone has short hair and baseball hat's on wearing emo or rap cloth's I don't even get into them because they look gay. It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too. I could be wrong though.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too.

You might as well have just said "It's not all about image but image is what makes you good." Come on, nobody can be that stupid, right?
[May 21,2007 10:02pm - brian_dc ""]
man, I don't get it. I'm the guy who he's saying looks "gay". Yeah, I'm skinny and I have short hair, but I think I look like a pretty normal dude. Eh, this guy's probably gone by now.
[May 21,2007 10:36pm - Anthny  ""]
MetalisGod said:It's funny how the only one's taking offense to Zircon's Metal image thing is the one's with short hair because they believe they will find a better job. They love metal but fit in with mainstream society. Picture a dude with a gay short haircut playing guitar for Behemoth. It just wouldn't look right. Honestly when I see a band and everyone has short hair and baseball hat's on wearing emo or rap cloth's I don't even get into them because they look gay. It's not all about Image but if they look gay they probably have gay music too. I could be wrong though.

dude HOLY SHIT!!!

you FAIL soooo fuckin hard.. this is one of the most asshatted posts I've ever read on this site. And that's saying alot.
[May 21,2007 10:49pm - pam ""]
[Jun 4,2007 4:08pm - secthammer  ""]
whoever "metalisgod" dude is, is a fucking MORON unless he's being sarcastic about the whole hair thing.

the guitarist/singer for necrophagist had one of those abercrombie flip things at one point, but i'm sure he's more "metal" than you could ever hope to be in your entire life.

just kill yourself

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