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[Feb 14,2006 4:17pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
RichHorror said:Part of the Military operations here in Iraq is to report these problems to US and Multinational contractors who fix these issues. And they actually do fix these issues.

This is the only thing that bothers me. They do fix these issues by supplying contracts to Hailburton, which in turns puts cash in the people running our country. So are they are really in it for the well being of the Iraqi people, or just the cash? The answer is obvious.
[Feb 14,2006 5:45pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Anthony nli said:we all support corrupt corporations, governments and militaries everytime we go to the supermarket or mall...people are still influenced by the lyrics so it's not like his military service makes his band totally invalid.

[Feb 14,2006 9:26pm - eddie ""]
who says you can't hate something and "support" it at the same time?

+ corruption is better than nothing

[Feb 14,2006 9:35pm - xmikex ""]
everybody said:a bunch of stuff i don't care about

benumb kills. the end.
[Feb 14,2006 9:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah seriously. I hate when fucking peter eaters like Josh Martin come in and bring this down to a Kindergarten level.

This should be about Benumb, not about morons being stupid.
[Feb 14,2006 10:11pm - wade ""]
xmikex said:everybody said:a bunch of stuff i don't care about

benumb kills. the end.

seriously. hating benumb is pretty much like sucking a cock with your eyes closed and lots of saliva.

[Feb 14,2006 10:12pm - RichHorror ""]
They will slaughter at the fest. And in Philly and NYC, if all goes according to plan.
[Feb 14,2006 11:27pm - cdan nli  ""]

sick! benumb is the shit
[Feb 14,2006 11:40pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 15,2006 11:15pm - xmikex ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
This should be about Benumb, not about morons being stupid.

stupid morons need the most attention.
[Feb 16,2006 10:20am - Dissector NLI  ""]
Playing with BENUMB is gonna be awesome. I think that's a well written "essay" by Pete.
[Feb 16,2006 10:48am - Josh_Martin ""]
When I was in Anal Cunt Benumb opened for us in Oakland. Pete let us crash at his apt. Pete is the nicest guy on the planet and anyone who would question his ethics is a stupid fuck.
[Feb 16,2006 11:05am - horror_tang ""]
Josh you'd better watch out. You mentioned AC so the rapist from Taste of Silver is going to be all over you about it. Pete is cool as hell. My question is why hasn't anyone just beaten the shit out of the rapist already?
[Feb 16,2006 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think bands who play my shows are far bigger hypocrites then any points made about Benumb or any other band in this thread.
[Feb 16,2006 11:29am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
horror_tang said:Josh you'd better watch out. You mentioned AC so the rapist from Taste of Silver is going to be all over you about it. Pete is cool as hell. My question is why hasn't anyone just beaten the shit out of the rapist already?

he's usually too busy hiding while his singer gets beat up
[Feb 16,2006 2:01pm - RichHorror ""]
That's THERAPIST, Mr. Connery.
[Feb 16,2006 3:18pm - anonymous  ""]
Who raped who? Im confused
[Feb 16,2006 3:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Josh raped a few girls while he was in AC
[Feb 16,2006 3:34pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm insanely jealous.
[Feb 16,2006 3:35pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I think it's funny that Josh Martin is still caught up in high school bullshit but he's old enough to be a grandfather.

What a loser.
[Feb 16,2006 3:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 16,2006 3:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Feb 16,2006 3:53pm - RichHorror ""]
And long past due.
[Feb 21,2006 8:07pm - wade ""]
joe & Rich - thanks for making this happen! hopefully they'll get to play some other shows out east. Benumb's first ever Boston show!!!
[Feb 21,2006 9:03pm - soloman nli  ""]
wait, so taste of cigarettes rapes chicks?
[Feb 21,2006 9:07pm - the_reverend ""]
that link no worky.
and if I got punched just once I would be DEAD!
[Feb 21,2006 9:14pm - davefromthegrave ""]
the_reverend said:that link no worky.
and if I got punched just once I would be DEAD!

[Feb 22,2006 9:01am - Josh_Martin ""]
soloman nli said:wait, so taste of cigarettes rapes chicks?

[Feb 22,2006 9:59am - SPALDINO  ""]
chicks deserve to be raped and Benumb is fucking pissed.
[Feb 22,2006 10:07am - soloman ""]
ha ha.
[Feb 22,2006 10:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Josh_Martin said:soloman nli said:wait, so Josh Martin rapes chicks?


[Feb 22,2006 10:26am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
soloman nli said:wait, so taste of cigarettes rapes chicks?

incorrect. It's just something Josh Mart, Alex Onslaught, and butt buddies they have that clearly can't think for themselves say whenever they want to take the focus off of them or anything involving them

for instace (real life situations):

Me: I don't like watchmaker because of the gauntlets and stage antics from the singer
Alex Onslaught : At least he doesn't rape chicks!

Me: The singer of Benumb writes lyrics that are anti-government and against destorying other cultures. He admitted to being hypocritical in an article in Resound magazine, but avoided an explanation. I'd like to hear his explanation.
Josh Martin: He doesn't rape chicks!

Me: Ben Sisto has elitist, exploitative business practices, but is also a smart business man that has done a lot for underground indie music in boston.
Ben: You rape chicks, so your opinion doesn't count.

You remember Jr High, right?
[Feb 22,2006 10:49am - Shock and revulsion  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:

You remember Jr High, right?

Wait, is that where you are finding your victims these days?

[Feb 22,2006 12:00pm - soloman ""]
so you don't rape chicks. thats good. ever give it a whirl?
[Feb 22,2006 3:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:soloman nli said:wait, so taste of cigarettes rapes chicks?

incorrect. It's just something Josh Mart, Alex Onslaught, and butt buddies they have that clearly can't think for themselves say whenever they want to take the focus off of them or anything involving them

for instace (real life situations):

Me: I don't like watchmaker because of the gauntlets and stage antics from the singer
Alex Onslaught : At least he doesn't rape chicks!

Me: The singer of Benumb writes lyrics that are anti-government and against destorying other cultures. He admitted to being hypocritical in an article in Resound magazine, but avoided an explanation. I'd like to hear his explanation.
Josh Martin: He doesn't rape chicks!

Me: Ben Sisto has elitist, exploitative business practices, but is also a smart business man that has done a lot for underground indie music in boston.
Ben: You rape chicks, so your opinion doesn't count.

You remember Jr High, right?

So everyone agrees. You rape chicks.

[Feb 22,2006 3:44pm - horror_tang NLI  ""]
It's not rape if you say I love you. It's only sexual assault.
[Feb 22,2006 4:17pm - RichHorror ""]
That's the most important thing anyone can take from all of this.

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