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these faggits are all a bunch of fuckin queers

[Jul 31,2008 7:16pm - Slypknawt ""]
ZYKLON, ZJD, ZenErik, Y_Ddraig_Goch, yummy, Yeti, XmikeX, xanonymousx, Whoremastery, watchmaker666, VomittingCarcass, VoidExpression, vesgore, Vaettir, Timma, thuringwethil, thirsty, the_taste_of_cigarettes, the_reverend, the_network_booking, TheGreatSpaldino, TheAccursedVokillist, TheAccursedDrummer, sxealex, swamplorddvm, succubus, Strep_Cunt, STLUCI, SteveOTB, soilworker, SlypknaWt, Slymo, SlavonicIdentity, SkinSandwich, SirP, SINOFANGELS-RAY, Shannon, Sean, ScumFuck, SapremiaNJ, RustyPS, rotivore, RobinG, Revocation, powerkok, poop, Phrozenspite, Phillip, paulie_boy, pam, OTTOMAN75, oscarct, NuclearWinter, NoodleFace, Nocuous_Fumes, Nobody_Cares, Neverpurified, NateTheWar, narkybark, Murph, mortalis, moran, Monster_Island, metal_church101, MetalThursday, MetalAndy31, Mess, Menstrual_Sweatpants_Disco, Martins, MarkFuckingRichards, largefreakatzero, KitchenIncident, Josh_hates_you, Joshtruction, jonboy666, JoeyCobra, jebus_crispex, JDDomination, I_DESTROYER, IntestinalAvenger, inject-now, INFECT, IllinoisEnemaBradness, hyper_sludge, Hoser, handinjury, Grizloch, GodlessRob, GoatCatalyst, gerganoid, FuckIsMySignature, FleshFries, fishcakes, ellesarusrex, dyingmuse, duanegoldstein, dreadkill, DomesticTerror, divebomb, diarrhea_blumpkin, DestroyYouAlot, Dertoxia, demondave, deathchick, deadlikemurf, deadlikedave, Dave_Maggot, DaveFromTheGrave, Czarnobog, CraigForACurse, corpus_colostomy, Conservationist, Caricature, Burdened, Brownonomer, brian_dc, boru, Blue, Blender_Method, Blacktooth, BlackoutRick, AzubahF, AWOL, AUTOPSY_666, ArrowHeadNLI, Arist, Archaeon, alexc, addison, abuhlsbabe, aaron_michael,
[Jul 31,2008 7:18pm - scumfuck ""]
WOOOHOOOO!!!!! i feel so special
[Jul 31,2008 7:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the RTTP Dream Team!
[Jul 31,2008 7:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this has to be an inside job. i call shenanigans
[Jul 31,2008 7:22pm - Samantha ""]
How come I'm not on this list? Am I not a "faggit" or a "fuckin queer"? I feel so left out. :*(
[Jul 31,2008 7:22pm - fishcakes ""]
at least I made the list.
[Jul 31,2008 7:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i love how he listed himself on there as well.
[Jul 31,2008 7:25pm - W3 nli  ""]

Samantha said:How come I'm not on this list? Am I not a "faggit" or a "fuckin queer"? I feel so left out. :*(

it's cool i didn't make the list either.
[Jul 31,2008 7:27pm - hyper_sludge ""]
aw man I made it!
[Jul 31,2008 7:33pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
WOW! I feel honored.
I'd like to thank my family for anyways being there.
And to Tom/FuckIsMySignature for always being online!
thank you for the support. I would have never made it without you all!
[Jul 31,2008 7:36pm - kitchenincident ""]
I'm truly honored! I'm so happy that I had threads dedicated to me then finally got an honorable mention!
[Jul 31,2008 7:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
imma go get drunk now
[Jul 31,2008 7:54pm - vomittingcarcass ""]
how does these people kno who ia m?
[Jul 31,2008 7:57pm - slypknawt ""]
ya you all made the list except i copied and pasted a trick if you have any fuckin skills at all. anyhoo some of you sorry i didnt want to talk shit but so many peeps here have been total assholeZ.
[Jul 31,2008 7:58pm - pam ""]
I'm not an asshole, I'm a dick...and dicks fuck assholez
[Jul 31,2008 8:06pm - narkybark ""]
I'd like to thank the academy, my family, and of course all of you, my fans, who have supported me throughout the years.

[Jul 31,2008 8:09pm - slypknawt ""]
your only support is a pair of the tight whites because you have small balls LOL ya fuckin donk.
[Jul 31,2008 8:10pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
not peeps
[Jul 31,2008 8:10pm - slypknawt ""]
[Jul 31,2008 8:25pm - Whoremastery ""]
i must of wrote a song about this guy
[Jul 31,2008 8:28pm - slypknawt ""]
i wrote that same song its called fuck you asshole . its starts with the opera line 'mememememememeeeeeee!'
[Jul 31,2008 8:29pm - Whoremastery ""]
bam!!! I be there with my pussy wraps!
[Jul 31,2008 8:30pm - slypknawt ""]
=rap suck try again !!!
[Jul 31,2008 8:31pm - Whoremastery ""]
BAM! i got gumbie gold!!!!!!
[Jul 31,2008 8:32pm - slypknawt ""]
THAT oops doesnt make a shit smell of sense try again and this time puyt down the beer you old fuckin drunkard
[Jul 31,2008 8:34pm - brownonomer ""]
YES! I'm in that list!
[Jul 31,2008 8:35pm - slypknawt ""]
BAM! my mom 'emerald' is making my tacos ill be back in a few. shes a killer good cook. rock out fuckerZ!
[Jul 31,2008 8:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Slypknawt said:SlypknaWt,
[Jul 31,2008 10:01pm - demondave ""]

I feel special

In my special area
[Jul 31,2008 10:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
have you ever been squatting down and just, you know, tucked in your neck, you know? and closed your eyes? and then put your forehead down on the ground, you know? and then you know, leaned forward a little bit, you know, shifted your weight? and then just lifted your posterior up in the air, pushed hard, you know, and watched yourself take a gigantic shit on another man's chest? man, there should really be a name for doing this.
[Aug 1,2008 8:20am - slypknawt ""]
sound like yer a gayfag man. an you could prolly use some help LOLhahaha...whatever.
[Aug 1,2008 8:41am - grizloch ""]
[Aug 1,2008 9:25am - aril  ""]
yes. i'm not on that list.
[Aug 1,2008 9:42am - tylor  ""]
beers > queers
[Aug 1,2008 9:45am - slypknawt ""]
that doesnt even make sense this isnt math class you stupid crotch.
[Aug 1,2008 9:50am - tylor  ""]
sounds like you need a beer, and to stop taking it in the rear
[Aug 1,2008 10:03am - slypknawt ""]
should i do it at the fountain on top of the mountain? or should i get it from the jar that i left in the car by the bar?
[Aug 1,2008 10:34am - Yeti ""]
you're boring now. A for effort though.
[Aug 1,2008 10:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
Actually I give him a D-. We have had more entertaining trolls in the past.
[Aug 1,2008 10:50am - Yeti ""]
yeah, true, that was intended as sarcasm but even then its stretching it. this is like an AOL 5.0 chat room troll.
[Aug 1,2008 10:53am - Nobody_Cares ""]
Thanks for the shout, I don't even post that much. I'd like to know the qualifications, maybe being awesome. Maybe its like a columbine list and we're all dead.
[Aug 1,2008 11:42am - brownonomer ""]
I feel like the character really changed too fast. At first it was just a genuine squid wanting to talk about death metal types lolhahaha.

Then he became angry cause we're a bunch of gayfags loserzzzz.

And now its completely obvious because he is blatantly trying to cause trouble... cause we're all assholeZ
[Aug 1,2008 11:54am - fleshfries nli  ""]
I'm so happy I'm on this list haha...I love being a part of things :P
[Aug 1,2008 11:58am - archaeon ""]

brownonomer said:
And now its completely obvious because he is blatantly trying to cause trouble... cause we're all assholeZ

hahaha if anyone doesn't realize this is just someone posting under another name by now i suggest they leave RTTP this instant
[Aug 1,2008 11:58am - CMTAIB ""]
Why aren't we on this list of ever growing awesomeness?
[Aug 1,2008 12:35pm - pam ""]
He just copied and pasted the list of "users today" from the forum page. You guys are dumb.
[Aug 1,2008 12:38pm - Yeti ""]
i'd like to pat myself on the back for being 6th on the list.
[Aug 1,2008 4:01pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
I normally make these things. Damn. Oh Karma Enema where art thou?
[Aug 1,2008 4:02pm - zenerik ""]
I'm glad I made it.
[Aug 1,2008 4:26pm - Murph ""]
My band is a bunch of harley-riding QUEERS, who drink BEERS.


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