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ITT: New name suggestions for the band formerly known as 26 Beers

[Jun 8,2010 3:34pm - PatMeebles ""]
Go! I came up with the following

Fist Her, Mister
The Gay Heils Band
Screeching Meebles
The MeebZe

My friend came up with Against Meebles

[Jun 8,2010 3:35pm - DreadKill ""]
i think fist her, mister is a winner
[Jun 8,2010 3:35pm - horror_tang ""]
27 Beers
[Jun 8,2010 3:35pm - brian_dc ""]
27 Beers
[Jun 8,2010 3:35pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

PatMeebles said:
Screeching Meebles

[Jun 8,2010 3:35pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jun 8,2010 3:35pm - horror_tang ""]
Wow,that is just eerie.
[Jun 8,2010 3:36pm - horror_tang ""]
I Can't Believe It's Not 26 Beers
[Jun 8,2010 3:37pm - Herbie the love bug  ""]
How about "26 Zimas"
[Jun 8,2010 3:37pm - reimroc ""]
sreeb 62
[Jun 8,2010 3:39pm - anonymous  ""]
some homosexual bonanza
[Jun 8,2010 3:40pm - Reimrock  ""]
26 Queers
[Jun 8,2010 3:42pm - Lance Bass  ""]
[Jun 8,2010 3:43pm - blue ""]
You'll shit bricks
[Jun 8,2010 3:46pm - Reiming Rock  ""]
Twenty Six Alcoholic Beverages
[Jun 8,2010 3:46pm - Czarnobog ""]

[Jun 8,2010 3:47pm - narkybark ""]
Fist Her, Mister is the clear winner
[Jun 8,2010 3:49pm - HOGHEAD  ""]
Muddle of Pudd
[Jun 8,2010 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
25 beers?
[Jun 8,2010 3:54pm - sever ""]
Need moar beers
[Jun 8,2010 3:54pm - Rock & Reim  ""]
The artists formerly known as 26 beers
[Jun 8,2010 3:54pm - sever ""]
26 handles of whiskey
[Jun 8,2010 3:54pm - sever ""]
26 blunts
[Jun 8,2010 3:58pm - burnsy ""]
[Jun 8,2010 4:23pm - BloodcuntBetty  ""]
[Jun 8,2010 5:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
26 Raviolis
[Jun 8,2010 5:17pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jun 8,2010 5:29pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jun 8,2010 5:49pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Gaydolf Shitler

Zombie Jesus

26 Queers

666 Beers

6 Million Dead Jews

Zyklon Bea Arthur

Helen Cunt

One Way Ticket To P-Town

Mapquest Directions To The Ramrod

Black Guy

Unflushed Toilet

[Jun 8,2010 5:51pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jun 8,2010 5:51pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Grim Roeper
[Jun 8,2010 5:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
26,000 O'Douls
[Jun 8,2010 5:54pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Abraham Lincoln Was A Nigger Lover
[Jun 8,2010 5:55pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
If Republicans Hate Welfare So Much, Why Did They Free The Slaves?
[Jun 8,2010 5:56pm - Bradness NLI  ""]
50 ton crack rock
al gore sucks
scrimshaw and his bombastic swashbucklers band
[Jun 8,2010 6:57pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
26 Owls
The Human Slut

Eternal War
[Jun 8,2010 7:06pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Heroin is fucking awesome
[Jun 8,2010 7:08pm - tylor69  ""]
rubik's pubes
[Jun 8,2010 8:05pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Go fuck yourself San Diego
[Jun 8,2010 8:10pm - HTR ""]
26 Old E's
[Jun 11,2010 3:28am - patmeebles ""]
bump at least postable time
[Jun 11,2010 3:32am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Dinesh D'losers
[Jun 11,2010 3:43am - Archaeon ""]

PatMeebles said:Fist Her, Mister

This is only funny if one has seen that porn. i lold
[Jun 11,2010 10:34am - Dr. Sphincto  ""]
zyklon b wonderful
[Jun 11,2010 10:36am - Yeti ""]

Josh%20Cunt said:Abraham Lincoln Was A Nigger Lover

hahahaha win
[Jun 11,2010 11:10am - horror_tang NLI  ""]
26 Bears
[Jun 11,2010 11:11am - burnsy ""]
26 Faggot Indians in the Teepee
[Jun 11,2010 11:12am - Hoser ""]
Men Without Hats!
[Jun 11,2010 11:20am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jun 11,2010 1:22pm - Conservationist ""]
36 crazyqueers
[Jun 11,2010 1:48pm - hauptpflucker ""]

Herbie%20the%20love%20bug said:How about "26 Zimas"
[Jun 11,2010 2:15pm - i_am_not_me ""]

Hoser said:Men Without Hats!

Or as they're known today, Men Without JOBS!

My vote goes to Fist Her, Mister.
[Jun 11,2010 2:35pm - nekronautnli  ""]
Pimply Pearlman and the Tubesteak Rangers

or anything Josh Cunt suggested
[Jun 11,2010 3:09pm - Conservationist ""]
White Rapist
Enlarged Prostitute
Heterosexual UK
Republican Unicorns
[Jun 11,2010 3:11pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Okay, now that I've seen Zyklon Bea Arthur...ROFLROFLROFL
[Jun 11,2010 3:37pm - Yeti ""]
Armand and the Tamzarians
[Jun 11,2010 4:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Big D and the Colored's Table
[Jun 11,2010 5:29pm - burnsy ""]
Nancy Pelosi's Puttering Pooter
[Jun 11,2010 5:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Needless Meatball
[Jun 11,2010 7:47pm - cobra slarship  ""]
yea my vote is for zyklon Bea arthur
[Jun 11,2010 9:06pm - Dankill  ""]
[Jun 11,2010 9:43pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Dogplow was a Bay State Rockish type band weren't they?
[Jun 11,2010 9:48pm - Kevord ""]
[Jun 11,2010 10:10pm - ArrowHead Logged In .... Or NOT!  ""]
I've always liked the name "Screech Made a Porno!"

I sang in a band once that almost had the name "No Room For Retards". They pussied out, so I used it for a song title with Pillory. I still LOVE that name.
[Jun 11,2010 10:12pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20....%20Or%20NOT! said:I've always liked the name "Screech Made a Porno!"

I sang in a band once that almost had the name "No Room For Retards". They pussied out, so I used it for a song title with Pillory. I still LOVE that name.

you played in Pillory? KA played a couple shows with you, you guys were great!
[Jun 11,2010 10:43pm - ArrowHead Logged In .... Or NOT!  ""]
I liked Pillory a lot, I wish Chris would get something new going. He writes good shit.
[Jun 11,2010 11:16pm - SteveSummoned ""]
36 Steers
[Jun 11,2010 11:51pm - Barry Soetoro-Soros  ""]
The Bug Chasers
[Jun 12,2010 12:51pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Suggest band names for 26 beers or you're a pussy
[Jun 12,2010 6:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]


thumbs up'd
[Jun 12,2010 6:30pm - Alexecutioner ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:

thumbs up'd

Arnold and The Taintanator's
[Jun 12,2010 6:31pm - Alexecutioner ""]
The Temptaintions
[Jun 12,2010 6:31pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Jun 12,2010 6:42pm - RustyPS ""]
Beers For Fears
[Jun 12,2010 6:46pm - Alexecutioner ""]

RustyPS said:Beers For Fears

Beers for Queers
[Jun 12,2010 10:59pm - Dankill  ""]

markworkingrichards said:Dogplow was a Bay State Rockish type band weren't they?
If it is, that's news to me.
[Jun 23,2010 4:39am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Jun 23,2010 9:21am - thrasher ""]
26 beerbong buttchug
[Jun 23,2010 11:16am - patmeebles ""]
The Clown Posse, a hip-hop act from Detroit, has drawn criticism since it formed in the early 1990s for songs like "I Stab People" and "Still Stabbing."

The thing reads like an Onion article
[Jun 23,2010 11:16am - patmeebles ""]
hey, wrong thread, haha

[Jun 23,2010 12:44pm - pam ""]
Rape Matress
[Jun 23,2010 1:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
moar bands about rape
[Jan 30,2012 9:34am - DEVnli  ""]
Fatal Fisting Fastlands
[Jan 30,2012 9:36am - Terrorizer ""]
anything else BUT 26 beers
[Jan 30,2012 10:40am - Yeti ""]
Neutral Neddy and the Peakless.
[Jan 30,2012 10:45am - trioxin245 ""]
AIDS Haver and the H I V's
[Jan 30,2012 11:34am - the_mex ""]
Its already Spitting Black, GAWD...it shouldve been spitting blacks, or shitting black, or etc..
[Jan 30,2012 11:40am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
....or Spitting On Backs, AKA Fools Gold
[Jan 30,2012 11:40am - AndrewBastard ""]

trioxin245 said:AIDS Haver


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