bass player looking for a band[views:8384][posts:89]________________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 11:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""] I FOUND IT! [img] |
___________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 11:12am - Niccolai ""] If you want to start a flame war over an internet thread fine.... but the immigrant thing? ouch... I'm a legal citizen. but the same aplies to you, it's not one sided and if one of them feel like posting something in a journal or a message board than you can expect retaliation. and Joe, for your eyes only... [img] |
_______________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 11:12am - fatladyskid ""] thats my mom :O( |
________________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 11:13am - b 6 o 6 e 6 ""] you mom is hawt |
___________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 11:17am - Niccolai ""] immagine titty fucking that beast? |
___________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 11:32am - succubus ""] ewww and i'm a legal alien |
_________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 1:44pm - Andy111 ""] Its been about a month since you and the band departed and your just starting shit now. Why dont you worry about finding a new band that you can play with rather than making fun of chris's girlfreind and trying to get people not to like us. |
______________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 1:52pm - the_reverend ""] man, this thread's a whole lot'o me not reading... |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 2:09pm - Niccolai ""] Andy111 said:Its been about a month since you and the band departed and your just starting shit now. Why dont you worry about finding a new band that you can play with rather than making fun of chris's girlfreind and trying to get people not to like us. I am in a new band... sortof. my post wasn't 'just now' and it wasn't intended to start shit, it started off as me just asking greg if he joined the band and than I started thinking about the whole getting my equiptment thing back and it snowballed into me getting extreemly pissed and posting this nonsence. Don't think for a second this is about getting people to not like you. You know I liked you Andy, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to try out. however not calling me later in the week after saying 'hey I'll call you later in the week' and than not responding to me after is no good. :tightiewhities: |
_________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 2:31pm - Andy111 ""] Well you even told me that you were going to do this "post on every bands web site and return to the pit telling people not to play with the band" then saying "dont play with these kids" I also view calling us gaycore as starting shit. |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 2:51pm - Niccolai ""] I did tell you that. and I didn't do it did I? now calling you gaycore wasn't starting anything, it was in retaliation as posted above, and also you took the TEG line out of context. I didn't mean it as they were making fun of you andy, they amfde fun of mark, and it was before you were even in the band. and thanks to this I have Paul Wyman and Ricky Stock barking at me now. I'm mortified. |
______________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 3:07pm - Dave Maggot ""] haha greg, change your user name. out of respect for dead things. |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 3:21pm - Niccolai ""] Dave maggot ladies and gentlemen. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 4:01pm - ucwbass666 ""] yeah thats probably a good idead. ill change my name when nicolai shuts his fucking mouth and grows up. |
______________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 5:03pm - Dave Maggot ""] :waves at the crowd and says "HIIIYYOO!" pretends to play golf::: we've got a great show for you tonight folks, great show! |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 5:36pm - Niccolai ""] ucwbass666 said:yeah thats probably a good idead. ill change my name when nicolai shuts his fucking mouth and grows up. Didn't that already happen? You know Greg, I figured you'd understand my situation after what I read about you and UCW. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 6:29pm - Ashley_fat ""] yes its the extremely obese girl that fagget foreigner nick is talkinmg about. im actually not fat at all and i dont have sores. i cant stand korn and i do like evanescence because she has a good voice (on the cd) i shouldnt bother explaing myself but oh well Can i ask why you are posting all this shit about someone wen im not even in the band that kicked u out? yes thats right, u got kicked out. thats all besides the point. youre useless u brought dowen shit u stole so u didnt invest shit the computer u got just took up spce and was wicked slow anyways. why are you putting this in everyones face? u post a p-ick of me an im def not fat thats all i have to say. P.S. if youre thikning of letting nicvk try out for drums, dont bother youll puke with the way his fucking fatness jiggles around and he cant play anyways |
________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 6:33pm - Abbath ""] Niccolai said:If you want to start a flame war over an internet thread fine.... but the immigrant thing? ouch... I'm a legal citizen. but the same aplies to you, it's not one sided and if one of them feel like posting something in a journal or a message board than you can expect retaliation. and Joe, for your eyes only... [img] WHAT THE FUCK |
_____________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 6:36pm - ashley_fat ""] by the way shit for brains, u have no life. ur mad cause im getting a fucking education and ur at home on ur fat fucking ass starting shit on a fucking posting site. ya i live in a small town and theyre dry. im not fucking sweaty because i know what a shower is unlike u. but u admitted that ur not dry and being a guy isnt an excuse go back to where u fucking came from or do us all a favor and go:nuke: |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 6:56pm - Niccolai ""] Ignorance fathoms me: I told Greg I wasn't going to start anything with th guys in the band, assuming they didn't do anything in the first place, soI'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say your not fat, feel better? If your not than I'll say I'm not either. You now nothing of my origin or culture, and I'm currently in school, so you don't need to tell me about education. I don't play drums, so I don't know where that came from, and about the picture, ask mark about it. and as for 'doing everyone a favor' you shouldn't speak for thousands of people on a message board you don't know. |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 7:01pm - Niccolai ""] Abbath said: WHAT THE FUCK I know, I know, shes a fucking hottie huh? :shocked: |
_____________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 7:03pm - ashley_fat ""] well saying im not fat doesnt make up for u...i mentioned education cause u dont go top school and then u said ud try out for anythying in a band. u would always try to fucking play marks drums over chriss and shit s o ...ya and wen i said blow up i meant ud do the world not just the ppl here sory for adding to the bullshit nick, just stop |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 7:08pm - Niccolai ""] I do currently go to school. and seaking for everyone else in the world is going even further. As far as stopping I already did, hell I've even typed out a formal apology to Andy. Rev can you lock the thread? |
_________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 7:09pm - Terence ""] wow. Another stupid thread. |
__________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 7:11pm - Niccolai ""] Terence knows the dillio. |
________________________________ [Apr 25,2004 7:46pm - Abbath ""] holy fagatron everyone here needs to masterbate |
_____________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 5:48am - ucwbass666 ""] this thread is so retarded that i really wish i had never started it. rev, make it stop. if i hear any more of this bullshit i might just have to kill myself and others. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 7:03am - markdisgorge ""] i love to masturbate!! |
_______________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 9:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""] masturbate to fat chicks? |
__________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 9:43am - succubus ""] he doesn't lock threads... |
_______________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 9:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""] Someone should fight me. |
__________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 3:08pm - deathcow ""] You know what's good with ice cream? MORE FUCKIN' ICE CREAM. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 3:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""] deathcow said:You know what's good with ice cream? MORE FUCKIN' ICE CREAM. If you don't keep your mouth shut I will shut it for you |
__________________________________ [Apr 26,2004 5:00pm - deathcow ""] Bring it. Bring ice cream as well. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 29,2004 9:51am - ucwbass666 ""] i like ice cream...but im lactose intolerant so i cant have it. ::sad face:: |
________________________________________ [Apr 29,2004 10:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""] Can you have frozen yogurt? |
______________________________________ [Apr 29,2004 8:57pm - AgerDeMortis ""] i dont know. i wish i could. its tasty. sometimes i buy lactaid and i take 2 pills then an hour later i can eat as much ice cream as i damn well please. but theyre expensive. we should have a benefit show to buy me lots of lactaid pills |
____________________________________________ [Apr 29,2004 11:41pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""] I think I'm lactose intolerant. Either that or I just like to shit a lot after drinking milk. |
____________________________________ [Apr 30,2004 1:40am - BornSoVile ""] Joe/NotCommon said:best bassist in new england: Nick Kevorkian I wrote about Nick in my review The Modern Sound of Hate, to bogged with school to finish it, but it's cool you said that cause I wrote that about a month and a half ago. great minds think alike :spineyes: |
____________________________________________________________ [Jun 21,2004 10:47pm - Scrimmy the Dirtbag from MEATSAW ""] Hey! Who's fineass bitch is that in the picture. Yeah!! Nuthin like a fatty once in a while. I, myself, am a chubby chasing pro!! Fat bitches look out!! Oh yeah, lost track of what i came for.... my band needs a bassist. If you like GG ALLIN, ANTISEEN, or ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY (you know, bands that DONT wear gay pussy satanic mascara and kabuki paint). Come drink fight and fuck w/ MEATSAW. We live in LACONIA. If you arent interested, then fuck off. If you are feel free to send me free porn and maybe a reply to later fucks |