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Oh wow, Raynard is terrible at portraits

[Jan 11,2012 12:27am - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
Seriously lulz work






[Jan 11,2012 12:28am - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
[Jan 11,2012 12:45am - arilliusbm ""]
Looks internationally recognized to me.
[Jan 11,2012 12:47am - KEVORD ""]
My King Diamond is way cooler.
[Jan 11,2012 1:38am - PATAC Records  ""]
why did he put my Grandpa's face on Ash from Evil Dead?
[Jan 11,2012 3:16am - Geminiii ""]
I See fine work here...
[Jan 11,2012 8:25am - timma ""]
[Jan 11,2012 12:25pm - bitch_please ""]
[Jan 11,2012 1:12pm - ben ""]
the big tips prove i must have pleased my clients. but the work speaks for itself, and it doesnt say i suck either. but this thread does say you suck.
[Jan 11,2012 1:12pm - ben ""]
but thanks for the added free advertising, you guys rock!
[Jan 11,2012 1:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Portraits are pretty hard to do, I hear. Kat Von Fag was really good at them
[Jan 11,2012 1:15pm - burnsy ""]
Dan henk is fucking awesome at portraits. Does mostly horror/gore stuff from what I've seen.
[Jan 11,2012 1:43pm - burnsy ""]
[Jan 11,2012 2:05pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
Just sayin' that if you can't do a portrait, like our friend "ben" here, then don't do it.
[Jan 11,2012 2:11pm - ben ""]
you got that kinda money? i will give you even better then that. to many broke ass people around here. i can only do what i am paid to do. why did i have to fall in love with NewEngland?! oh yeah because the history and the land rocks. i will let you in on a little inside secret, the guys that do massive color bombs portraits give the work away practically free just to get to do it. if they waited for someone who could actually afford it, they would never get to do it. i just dont believe in giving it away.
[Jan 11,2012 2:12pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
nothing wrong with the last three of the original post
[Jan 11,2012 2:13pm - burnsy ""]
Two of those are tats my buddy had done. Pricey but not outrageous. Definitely worth the work product in my opinion.
[Jan 11,2012 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
that wolvie is awesome if logan were still underground.
[Jan 11,2012 2:51pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]

ben said:you got that kinda money? i will give you even better then that. to many broke ass people around here. i can only do what i am paid to do.

This is the kind of attitude that makes you a shitty tattoo artist.

A good artist ISN'T going to lower the integrity of their body of work by doing less quality work for a lower price.

A good artist IS going to explain the way tattoos work and let the customer know that they don't feel comfortable doing something shittier- just because the customer can't afford an amazing tattoo. You know, perhaps even suggest to the customer that they come back another time when they do have their money together?

The fact that you just give the customer whatever you see fit is ignorant, and above all else, just fucking shameless.

If you have portraits that look better than that then post them. I want to see your INTERNATIONAL AWARD WINNING work. Specific pieces, articles in tattoo magazines, accolades, maybe a link to some prestigious tattoo convention you attended. Otherwise, you're just a fucking joke, because even the good work I've seen from you isn't that fucking great.

If you can prove me wrong, then please do so. If not, put down your fucking gun and turn the sign to closed, you are a disgrace.
[Jan 11,2012 2:52pm - portraits by actual professionals, not scratchers  ""]
for reference:

[Jan 11,2012 2:58pm - posbleak ""]
I assume you have to pay people to put that shit on their bodies right?

[Jan 11,2012 3:18pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I don't know, the huge portrait he did on my chest of Wren was pretty impressive.
[Jan 11,2012 3:59pm - ben ""]

Somebody%20that%20gets%20good%20tattoos said:
ben said:you got that kinda money? i will give you even better then that. to many broke ass people around here. i can only do what i am paid to do.

This is the kind of attitude that makes you a shitty tattoo artist.

A good artist ISN'T going to lower the integrity of their body of work by doing less quality work for a lower price.

A good artist IS going to explain the way tattoos work and let the customer know that they don't feel comfortable doing something shittier- just because the customer can't afford an amazing tattoo. You know, perhaps even suggest to the customer that they come back another time when they do have their money together?

The fact that you just give the customer whatever you see fit is ignorant, and above all else, just fucking shameless.

If you have portraits that look better than that then post them. I want to see your INTERNATIONAL AWARD WINNING work. Specific pieces, articles in tattoo magazines, accolades, maybe a link to some prestigious tattoo convention you attended. Otherwise, you're just a fucking joke, because even the good work I've seen from you isn't that fucking great.

If you can prove me wrong, then please do so. If not, put down your fucking gun and turn the sign to closed, you are a disgrace.

you are in the wrong. i cater to the poor as well as the rich. the poor have portraits because i make myself affordable to them. it is the most expensive tattoo work you can get. that is the award winning work your looking at. you have a right to dislike it. doesn't stop me from being booked for weeks in advance. i cant scan my awards but they are proudly displayed in my shop. come check them out. get an eye full. I have three work portfolios. the thickest one is made up only of published work and zine interviews i have made. i am done doing conventions but i began them when paul booth was unheard of and he sat in a booth next to mine twiddling his thumbs, while i tattooed away. yes he was just as fat then. you are entirely welcome to come and look over my vast portfolios and winnings. its really impressive. i dont do better work for more money and shitty work for less money. it takes more time to do better work. time and money most customers dont have. so i do the best i can for them for the money they got. i dont give it away like a fool. my work has worth and its my living. you are a stupid shit bag.... but dont worry i dont expect much from many here.
[Jan 11,2012 4:02pm - ben ""]

Somebody%20that%20gets%20good%20tattoos said:
ben said:you got that kinda money? i will give you even better then that. to many broke ass people around here. i can only do what i am paid to do.

This is the kind of attitude that makes you a shitty tattoo artist.

A good artist ISN'T going to lower the integrity of their body of work by doing less quality work for a lower price.

A good artist IS going to explain the way tattoos work and let the customer know that they don't feel comfortable doing something shittier- just because the customer can't afford an amazing tattoo. You know, perhaps even suggest to the customer that they come back another time when they do have their money together?

The fact that you just give the customer whatever you see fit is ignorant, and above all else, just fucking shameless.

If you have portraits that look better than that then post them. I want to see your INTERNATIONAL AWARD WINNING work. Specific pieces, articles in tattoo magazines, accolades, maybe a link to some prestigious tattoo convention you attended. Otherwise, you're just a fucking joke, because even the good work I've seen from you isn't that fucking great.

If you can prove me wrong, then please do so. If not, put down your fucking gun and turn the sign to closed, you are a disgrace.

its not a gun you fucking idiot. its a tattoo machine. but if it was a gun i would love to shoot you with it.
[Jan 11,2012 4:08pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]

ben said:
you are in the wrong. i cater to the poor as well as the rich. the poor have portraits because i make myself affordable to them. it is the most expensive tattoo work you can get.

i dont do better work for more money and shitty work for less money. it takes more time to do better work. time and money most customers dont have. so i do the best i can for them for the money they got. i dont give it away like a fool.

That doesn't make much sense seeing how you just said this earlier:

ben said:you got that kinda money? i will give you even better then that. to many broke ass people around here. i can only do what i am paid to do.

[Jan 11,2012 4:11pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
Don't do mediocre portraits just because somebody can't afford a good one.

If you can't pay for it you don't need it, fucking duh.
[Jan 11,2012 4:12pm - burnsy ""]
Joe Christianni has also gotten ink from Dan Henk.
[Jan 11,2012 4:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Joe Christianni is Ben.
[Jan 11,2012 5:24pm - dreadkill ""]
ben is paul
[Jan 11,2012 5:33pm - Beach Barbie Ben  ""]
dick is bro
[Jan 11,2012 6:11pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]

ben said:

its not a gun you fucking idiot. its a tattoo machine. but if it was a gun i would love to shoot you with it.

Haha, way to get butt hurt over some slang.

What if I called it an iron? Would that make you feel better?

For all you know I could be a professional tattoo artist... with... OMMYGAWD, a portfolio that far outweighs yours.
[Jan 11,2012 6:35pm - ben ""]

Somebody%20that%20gets%20good%20tattoos said:
ben said:

its not a gun you fucking idiot. its a tattoo machine. but if it was a gun i would love to shoot you with it.

Haha, way to get butt hurt over some slang.

What if I called it an iron? Would that make you feel better?

For all you know I could be a professional tattoo artist... with... OMMYGAWD, a portfolio that far outweighs yours.

if you were a tattooist you would make a poor example of one. professional tattooists do not shit talk other professionals.even if they are direct competitors. its unethical in the industry. shit talk the bums all you want. but my work is to well recognized to be effected by your shit mouth. thats how i know your not one of us. the Metal scene here should be the same. unity.
[Jan 11,2012 6:38pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Only tattoos with chisels and ink in 1940s Shanghai is real
[Jan 11,2012 6:46pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
It's hard to be united with a racist asshole like yourself.

You are a walking parody of yourself.

What you think you do and what you actually accomplish are on opposite ends of reality.

I hope a minority fire bombs your place of business.

[Jan 11,2012 7:10pm - Woodie Guthrie NLI  ""]

ben said:
its not a gun you fucking idiot. its a tattoo machine.

"this machine scratches fascists"
[Jan 11,2012 7:27pm - ben ""]

Woodie%20Guthrie%20NLI said:
ben said:
its not a gun you fucking idiot. its a tattoo machine.

"this machine scratches fascists"

Arlo Guthrie was better.
[Jan 11,2012 7:28pm - ben ""]

Somebody%20that%20gets%20good%20tattoos said:It's hard to be united with a racist asshole like yourself.

You are a walking parody of yourself.

What you think you do and what you actually accomplish are on opposite ends of reality.

I hope a minority fire bombs your place of business.


hey! i resemble that remark!
[Jan 11,2012 9:31pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
The one about you being a racist asshole or the one where I said you are a walking parody of yourself?

..oh no, I know, you're going to try and play the race card and say that you are the white minority.

Fuck off, blowtard.

You're nothing but a white nigger.
[Jan 11,2012 9:57pm - Geminiii ""]
I got a sleevefrom ray. Its supreme and detailed work!! I paid fir none of it...it was recording studio bartering. His work wasnt tried for not being paid. to the above poster...use a real log in. Or it just goes to show youre afraid of the interweb
[Jan 12,2012 11:37am - diarrhea_blumpkin-NLI  ""]
its pretty hilarious seeing all this shit talking about tattoomb on here... lets keep this up!
[Jan 12,2012 12:56pm - ben ""]

diarrhea_blumpkin-NLI said:its pretty hilarious seeing all this shit talking about tattoomb on here... lets keep this up!

yeah you do that. but at the end of the day , i will not have lost any business due to the shit talking. you fags weren't smart enough to come to me anyway. so you may as well have your misguided fun. you are lost to me and my wise clientele. oh and dont think for a minute that i haven't gained business from posting here, because i have.
[Jan 12,2012 3:21pm - diarrhea_blumpkin-NLI  ""]

ben said:
diarrhea_blumpkin-NLI said:its pretty hilarious seeing all this shit talking about tattoomb on here... lets keep this up!

you fags weren't smart enough to come to me anyway.

The tattoos I have blow your work out of the water dude
[Jan 12,2012 3:26pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]
Raynard, I'm not saying that all of your work is bad. I'm just saying the majority of it, especially the portraits, are mediocre at best.

Also, I just think you have a piss poor attitude to begin with. Anytime anybody says anything that isn't sucking up to you, you proceed to act like a child in a toy aisle of a department who can't get the GI Joe he wants.

I personally can't think of any tattoo artist that has ever acted out in the way that you have. Somebody doesn't like your work? So what? You are a "respectable business man" right? Fucking act it and stop acting like an entitled little bitch who thinks he is the best thing to happen to the tattoos since the 45-degree angle.

P.S. Nobody is missing out. New England is full of excellent tattoo shops and artists, only The TaTTomB isn't one of them.
[Jan 12,2012 3:28pm - ben ""]

diarrhea_blumpkin-NLI said:
ben said:
diarrhea_blumpkin-NLI said:its pretty hilarious seeing all this shit talking about tattoomb on here... lets keep this up!

you fags weren't smart enough to come to me anyway.

The tattoos I have blow your work out of the water dude

there is no work that i cant do or copy. your work most likely looks like your page name, DIARRHEA.
[Jan 12,2012 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
i personally know people who have paid surprisingly low prices for some of the most jaw-dropping work i've ever seen. and it wasn't at the Tatboob by a toothless dickhole.
[Jan 12,2012 3:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said: a toothless dickhole.

i'd be scared of tooth-filled dickhole
[Jan 12,2012 4:12pm - timma ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Yeti said: a toothless dickhole.

i'd be scared of tooth-filled dickhole

Just imagine if everytime you jizzed, you shot teeth.

Uncomfortable yet?
[Jan 12,2012 4:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Sarlacc vagina anyone?
[Jan 12,2012 4:28pm - Somebody that gets good tattoos  ""]

ben said:
there is no work that i cant do or copy.

Oh right, because people don't have completely different styles with characteristics unique to the individual.

Please show me at least FIVE (that's 5, ya fucking moron) of your BEST pieces. I want to see what you are most proud of.

There is really no excuse for you not to do this. You do own a tattoo shop, so I would assume you would own a scanner and/or a digital camera. You've either already uploaded the pictures onto a computer somewhere or you have them in one of your wonderful portfolios that you can just scan in.

[Jan 12,2012 4:29pm - herr doctor minister  ""]

Geminiii said:I got a sleevefrom ray. Its supreme and detailed work!! I paid fir none of it...it was recording studio bartering. His work wasnt tried for not being paid. to the above poster...use a real log in. Or it just goes to show youre afraid of the interweb


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