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Ideas for "Comp" for Wacken and Party.San

[Jun 22,2009 9:39am - RustyPS ""]
In case you missed the original thread: http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=61167

long story short: HeavensJail offered to pass out band merch when he goes to Wacken and Party.San over the summer...my idea is instead of him lugging a ton of different bands' merch over to Germany, it would be more logical to throw together a comp on CD-Rs, put them in plastic sleeves, and have him hand out those

first off, anyone else think this is a good idea? I know Tom and a couple other said it was a good idea, but there wasn't many replies

second, who would be willing to help out with this?...Tom said he would, but 2 guys wouldn't be able to pull this off alone...keep in mind, you won't be paid for anything...this is so bands from the area can get exposure to a huge metal audience overseas, and nothing more

third, suggestions? (number of bands/tracks, artwork, number of copies, etc.)

I'm pumped to do this, but again, help is needed to do this and do it right
[Jun 22,2009 10:28am - sinistas ""]
I think this is a good idea, but I'm not very good at anything.
[Jun 22,2009 10:43am - dreadkill ""]
i like this idea and may be able to contribute some artwork
[Jun 22,2009 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
good idea, however I am not sure how willing the people there would be in taking one and actually listening to it. most people that go there are there to party and listen to live music under the influence of something. so it'd be a tough market to deal with unless done the right way.
[Jun 22,2009 10:56am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
I love the idea. I haven't discussed it with the guys yet. but I'm sure BC would throw on a track.

I can also offer some assistance with production. Once we have a master disk, i could copy all the others at my work. We have two towers that copy 10cds at a time. It takes about 30seconds, so i could do at least a couple hundred... which brings up another point, i don't think this kid wanted to hand out cds. I'm pretty sure he said he wouldn't do it, a couple hundred cds is a lot to carry.

On the other hand, we could just put together a compilation ourselves to hand out in the states. Something low budget, maybe just a cd in a blank paper sleeve with band/track listing printed on cd?
[Jun 22,2009 11:00am - RustyPS ""]

BoarcorpseJimbo said:I love the idea. I haven't discussed it with the guys yet. but I'm sure BC would throw on a track.

I can also offer some assistance with production. Once we have a master disk, i could copy all the others at my work. We have two towers that copy 10cds at a time. It takes about 30seconds, so i could do at least a couple hundred... which brings up another point, i don't think this kid wanted to hand out cds. I'm pretty sure he said he wouldn't do it, a couple hundred cds is a lot to carry.

On the other hand, we could just put together a compilation ourselves to hand out in the states. Something low budget, maybe just a cd in a blank paper sleeve with band/track listing printed on cd?

What he said about taking CDs:

HeavensJail said:haha, not sure that I could bring CDs in by the crate and convince Danish customs it wasn't for commercial purposes, let alone man-pack said crate around the campground, but a hundred or so in slimlines or sleeves would definitely be doable.

so wecan give him 100 or so to take with him, then reproduce a bunch to ditribute around here
[Jun 22,2009 11:02am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
word, i can pump out a hundred at my work in minutes. We should buy good quality cdrs though, the cheap ones skip like crazy. I could also print the labels for them at my work, we'd still need to buy the actual labels, but i can do em all full color for nothing.
[Jun 22,2009 11:06am - HeavensJail_nli  ""]
I'm still working on pack capacity; as in the earlier thread, I'd prefer to take stuff that's small, not super-heavy, and already exists.

An ambassador comp is not a bad idea though. Hanging out in the beergarden and talking to random people last year, I got leads on like eight bands, but only really remembered Slogstorm and Dawn of Demise...and only got a CD from the second because they're on Deepsend and actually have distro here. This might be more if people from bands had music samples with them.

Comp or no comp, I was planning to load up a MP3 player with samples from anyone whose merch I was bringing over, in case anyone asked, "yeah, but what do they actually sound like?"
[Jun 22,2009 11:07am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:good idea, however I am not sure how willing the people there would be in taking one and actually listening to it. most people that go there are there to party and listen to live music under the influence of something. so it'd be a tough market to deal with unless done the right way.
but that's what I'm looking for, suggestions to figure out how to properly do this
[Jun 22,2009 11:08am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
^It sounds like your really into the local music scene, at least by how much your offering to help. Do you play in a band? There isn't a band called "heavensJail" that i haven't heard yet, is there?
[Jun 22,2009 11:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
my buddy is willing pass out like a 100 or so of these too.
[Jun 22,2009 11:09am - RustyPS ""]

HeavensJail_nli said:I'm still working on pack capacity; as in the earlier thread, I'd prefer to take stuff that's small, not super-heavy, and already exists.

An ambassador comp is not a bad idea though. Hanging out in the beergarden and talking to random people last year, I got leads on like eight bands, but only really remembered Slogstorm and Dawn of Demise...and only got a CD from the second because they're on Deepsend and actually have distro here. This might be more if people from bands had music samples with them.

Comp or no comp, I was planning to load up a MP3 player with samples from anyone whose merch I was bringing over, in case anyone asked, "yeah, but what do they actually sound like?"

yea, keep us posted on that, so if we actually go through with this, we can figure out what will work for you logistically

that's a good idea with the mp3 player...might make people more likely to take what you bring
[Jun 22,2009 11:13am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Aril buddy, if you take that attitude, then why record music at all? People have better things to do then check out a comp, yes. A good portion of cds that get handed out never get even one play, but some of them do, and that's why you do it. If the cd is in a slim sleeve, or something similar, it'd be easy to toss in a pocket or a bag till you get somewhere where you can listen to it.
[Jun 22,2009 11:13am - HeavensJail_nli  ""]
No, not in any bands; I'm the guy with the ridiculous patchjacket with the Judas Priest stud belts on the shoulders. I just dig the local music scene around here immensely -- helps that there are so many good bands -- and want to do what I can to spread the word.
[Jun 22,2009 11:14am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
badass man. Good attitudes are in short supply these days. As you know, Dick is Bro.
[Jun 22,2009 11:16am - RustyPS ""]
yea, HeavensJail, anything you can do in support of local bands, is very appreciated, no matter what it is
[Jun 22,2009 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
It's not my outlook. I'm only being realistic. It will never hurt to try this (I've done it before) but you have to figure out how to break that barrier to utilize maximum listenage. It's all about marketing, man.
[Jun 22,2009 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
But I can tell you the Germans are very interested in their metal. one of my band's demos was released in Germany and it always seemed they're more into listening to underground type-stuff than your average American fan
[Jun 22,2009 11:25am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
i think that's Europe in general man.
[Jun 22,2009 11:30am - boblovesmusic ""]
Obviously the lineup for this comp will depend on which bands will/can contribute, however it'd be cool if the comp could show the variety of bands from the NE area. I mean, the scene is just all death metal or all thrash. Just a thought.

(haha, can't contribute much more than suggesting this haha)
[Jun 22,2009 11:33am - arilliusbm ""]
I like the idea, though. It'd probably be smart to include "New England" in the title of the comp only because it could increase the interest in listening to bands all from the same area. You dont want people to think it's a comp of all these random bands from all over.
[Jun 22,2009 11:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
also ... would like to get Scaphism on this if possible.
[Jun 22,2009 11:34am - arilliusbm ""]
someone put Pi on the mix.
[Jun 22,2009 11:35am - RustyPS ""]
I was planning on that, aril...not sure what to call it exactly though
[Jun 22,2009 11:36am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 22,2009 11:44am - arilliusbm ""]
just simply "New England USA Metal"
[Jun 22,2009 11:45am - sinistas ""]
[Jun 22,2009 11:45am - sinistas ""]
sorry, the srsly was to NEIWP Vol. II
[Jun 22,2009 12:07pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
"[Jun 22,2009 11:34am - arilliusbm]
someone put Pi on the mix."

Are you refering to a band "pi" or a song.. like maybe an (ouch) song?
[Jun 22,2009 12:13pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jun 22,2009 12:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I loved the idea of the first comp...
[Jun 22,2009 12:48pm - badsneakers ""]
i think this is a good idea.
I don't have much for ideas on the best way to pass them out but I'd think going to a pressing plant to have the copys made would be a goo idea and not to much money. Which all the bands involved could pitch in for dup costs.

Also my band, who carries the lantern would be interested in being on this
[Jun 22,2009 12:52pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Sure, pressing plant is a great idea, but it's gonna make the cost higher.
[Jun 22,2009 12:54pm - RustyPS ""]
yea, I'd personally rather just do the CD-Rs, especially if we want to go beyond Germany, and continue to distribute this around here too
[Jun 22,2009 12:58pm - Yeti ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:also ... would like to get Scaphism on this if possible.
[Jun 22,2009 1:04pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
So.... in order for this to actually happen, someone's gotta take the lead. Is that gonna be you Rusty? I'd be happy to be a partner in this venture.
[Jun 22,2009 1:05pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
basically i'll help as much as you need, i don't wanna sound like i'm trying to take over your idea.
[Jun 22,2009 1:10pm - RustyPS ""]
oh you don't sound like that at all....unless someone else wants to step up and take the lead off of my hands, I'll gladly do it
[Jun 22,2009 1:10pm - RichHorror ""]
I am only good at sending mp3s of my band.
[Jun 22,2009 1:14pm - RustyPS ""]

RichHorror said:I am only good at sending mp3s of my band.
...and you'll get your chance to show off that talent soon enough
[Jun 22,2009 1:16pm - RichHorror ""]
I am good at drinking and throwing up on things too.
[Jun 22,2009 1:18pm - RustyPS ""]
great talent to have, just doesn't translate to putting something like this together
[Jun 22,2009 1:21pm - dreadkill ""]
if you throw up on something, you let it know you own it.
[Jun 22,2009 1:22pm - RichHorror ""]
Same thing with jizzing on it. There is an essay on this subject by Richard Tiberius Horror, Esq elsewhere on this website.
[Jun 22,2009 1:24pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jun 22,2009 2:05pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
I definitely don't want the lead, but i will do the duping and printing all the labels too.
[Jun 22,2009 2:10pm - RustyPS ""]
...which is beyond appreciated
[Jun 22,2009 2:15pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
likewise^^ I don't like heading up things like this. I would assume it's tough deciding who to put on etc.. but it's a great idea, and i wanna see it happen.
[Jun 22,2009 2:22pm - RustyPS ""]
well here's my idea bands-wise:

20-25 bands, depending on song lengths

first come, first serve...although if you can help me out in some way and you're in a band, the band will cut the line and make it on

while I want a diverse lineup of bands, that's the only way I can see it being fair...but that's the point of this thread, if someone else can come up with a better way while still being fair, post it

btw, don't send me anything yet...not ready to put shit together
[Jun 22,2009 2:31pm - dreadkill ""]
my take on throwing up on things was an allusion to the jizzing essay by r.t. horror, esq.
[Jun 22,2009 6:26pm - josh_hates_you ""]
ha. been there. done that.
[Jun 22,2009 6:35pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I didn't read all of the thread because I'm lazy but I know Aril mentioned it would be tough getting most people to listen to a comp. Most of the time I forget I have comps or listen to CDs from just 1 band first if given a handful of both at a fest. It's a lot harder/more annoying to remember what band(s) you liked on a compilation rather than a demo, EP or even full length from one band. I don't dislike the idea of a comp, but this is the biggest downside to them that I've noticed.

I already have about 100 Composted CDs sans-packaging anyway, so it would be pointless for us to spend anymore money (whatever small cost it would be) to contribute to the comp.
[Jun 22,2009 6:41pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
so your giving your cds away?
[Jun 22,2009 6:43pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Just a handful of them, yes; I didn't realize until a week or so ago that the pressing company sent me an approximate 100 extra CDs with no packaging. An overseas fest would be worthy of at least a good portion of these being given out as promotional copies.
[Jun 22,2009 6:46pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
That's badass. Was it built by Icon that did that? I hope so.
[Jun 22,2009 6:47pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Yes indeed. They sent 100 extra in packaging and close to 100 extra w/o packaging. So good.
[Jun 22,2009 7:00pm - Pires ""]
composted=too good for rttp comps. Didn't know you were capable of being so smug!
[Jun 22,2009 7:01pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
[Jun 22,2009 7:05pm - neverpurified ""]
we're currently recording, so we can contribute something as well, as i had mentioned in the previous thread. let me know if there's anything i can do as well
[Jun 22,2009 7:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Fuck you Pires, you're lower than scum under my shoe. PSHAW!
[Jun 22,2009 7:20pm - RichHorror ""]
Comps are only for bands that nobody likes. Hence why I said I'd send in a song from my band.
[Jun 22,2009 7:47pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
us too
[Jun 22,2009 8:14pm - narkybark ""]
metal comps aren't complete without a King Diamond song.
[Jun 22,2009 9:08pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
yeah, back when you were cool, in the 70s.
[Jun 22,2009 9:20pm - narkybark ""]
I am forever cool.
[Jun 22,2009 9:23pm - RustyPS ""]
King Diamond ain't from New England
[Jun 22,2009 10:15pm - dertoxia ""]
Can we pretend that NY is a part of New England so Psytoxia can throw a song on?
[Jun 22,2009 10:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Only if it's a King Diamond song.
[Jun 22,2009 10:15pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
i think we should.
[Jun 22,2009 10:17pm - Pires ""]
fuck that. NY will never be part of new england. However, psytoxia should definitely be on this,on account that they fucking rule hard and come out to mass alot.
[Jun 23,2009 1:03am - dertoxia ""]
I think we should be NY ambassadors to NE and have an honorary spot on the comp. Also because we love playing in your part of the country more than our own due to you nerds having a way better scene than small-bany. Mostly it's because of the 7-11's though.

Plus Psytoxia's singer is from Vermont so due to the kevin bacon rule....Psytoxia is a NE band.
[Jun 23,2009 1:28am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
I'm not sure if you understand the Kevin Bacon rule. It sounds like your saying that since the singer is from VT that the band can be called a New England band.
The Kevin Bacon "Rule" I think your refering to, is defined as a game in wiki:
Kevin Bacon Game

The game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" was invented as a play on the concept: the goal is to link any actor to Kevin Bacon through no more than six connections, where two actors are connected if they have appeared in a movie together.

So can you see how it confused me?
[Jun 23,2009 8:32am - RustyPS ""]
it has been decreed: Psytoxia is the only band from outside NE that is allowed on this comp

it has been written and it shall come to pass
[Jun 23,2009 9:18am - dreadkill ""]
psytoxia plays in new england more often than half the new england bands who post here. i say put em on.
[Jun 23,2009 9:21am - RustyPS ""]
[Jun 23,2009 9:24am - dreadkill ""]
i failed to read your previous post fully
[Jun 23,2009 1:35pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 23,2009 1:37pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jun 23,2009 1:37pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 23,2009 1:42pm - dertoxia ""]

BoarcorpseJimbo said:I'm not sure if you understand the Kevin Bacon rule. It sounds like your saying that since the singer is from VT that the band can be called a New England band.
The Kevin Bacon "Rule" I think your refering to, is defined as a game in wiki:
Kevin Bacon Game

The game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" was invented as a play on the concept: the goal is to link any actor to Kevin Bacon through no more than six connections, where two actors are connected if they have appeared in a movie together.

So can you see how it confused me?

oh ok i used the wrong thing.....then we're just from NE by association
[Jun 23,2009 1:44pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 23,2009 1:46pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jun 23,2009 1:47pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 23,2009 2:06pm - dertoxia ""]
O hai guiz you know like back when the Nazi's were all if yur 1/6 jewish then yur a jew, well we're 1/4 New England so we're New England-ish
[Jun 23,2009 2:20pm - RustyPS ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:so it would be pointless for us to spend anymore money (whatever small cost it would be) to contribute to the comp.

just saw this...as far as cost for bands go, I won't be charging any band for the 100 or so copies to send over with HeavensJail

I'm considering charging for the CD-Rs for the any copies a band wants to hand around in this area...but other than that, no cost to the bands whatsoever
[Jun 23,2009 2:21pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 23,2009 2:23pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Are you gonna handle the cost of the CD labels and sleeves too? It'd be wicked cheap, like 5bucks a band or something.
[Jun 23,2009 2:29pm - RustyPS ""]
here was my plan:

no label on the CD face...just write "New England Comp" or whatever on them

printing out/making copies of artwork/tracklist on my own or with help and throwing them in sleeves

didn't really look up costs of eveything, but I know plastic sleeves and CD-Rs aren't expensive at all...what might be the most expensive aspects is getting the color copies of the artwork (49 cents/copy if I remember correctly)
[Jun 23,2009 2:33pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
I can do the color copies for free.
[Jun 23,2009 2:34pm - RustyPS ""]
that'd be pretty awesome
[Jun 23,2009 2:35pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
no problem.
[Jun 23,2009 6:14pm - neverpurified ""]
sounds logical
[Jun 24,2009 8:03pm - RustyPS ""]
bump...any other name ideas?
[Jun 24,2009 9:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


the only logical choice.
[Jun 24,2009 10:17pm - dertoxia ""]
There are so many good bands from New England. I've been thinking that a comp is way wayyyy overdue.

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