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april 9th, i heard there was a show

[Apr 1,2003 1:34am - desperado ""]
yeah, april 9th, in beverly ma, at the gallery of monserrat. 8ish
bands include: envelope, failsafe device, shallows and flats, since the flood, umbrella.

[Apr 1,2003 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
I think i know where that is...
is that this place:
[Apr 1,2003 3:07am - desperado ""]
no..its the place where you first saw shallows and flats....fire on floor.
[Apr 1,2003 8:10am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that's the link I meant to post.
[Apr 1,2003 11:38am - babysbreath ""]
tropical dogs in bellbottoms. arf
[Apr 1,2003 2:19pm - the umbrella  ""]
HOT DAMN! ill be there!
[Apr 1,2003 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
you sort of have to...
[Apr 1,2003 5:06pm - the umbrella  ""]
oh yea!

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