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10/20 PsyOpus show in Arlington - it's our bassists B-day!

[Oct 21,2004 2:00am - arpmandude ""]
Hey guys, . . .

We are hungry and dying, . . .

And it will be our bassists B-day at the show in Arlington on 10/20. We couldn't buy him a cake or anything cuz we are broke as a joke!

If someone is cherry enough and thoughtful enough to surprise this fucker with ANYTHING for his B-day, . . . you will officially rule!

RULE!, . . . I say!

So, . . . someone make a cake or something out of shit and bring it for this fucker, . . . PLEASE!
[Oct 21,2004 2:04am - the_reverend ""]
10/21 is the arlington show.
no one's birthday is on 10/20!
[Oct 21,2004 2:05am - BornSoVile ""]
i'll smoke him up and buy him beer!
[Oct 21,2004 2:25am - the_reverend ""]
ok, I've talked it over with ww&w.
I'll bring a cake.
[Oct 21,2004 2:29am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah i got some booze and such for you clowns plus i'll hit up the store for some stuffs
[Oct 21,2004 2:49am - arpmandude ""]
you guys are my hero!
gifts of any kind from dollar stores across america will make this guys day a success, . . . thanks so much for the cake guys!
[Oct 21,2004 2:51am - arpmandude ""]
yeah, . . .it's 10/21, . . . my bad!
[Oct 21,2004 8:20am - succubus ""]
oh! we tried stopping at the all night walmart after the show last night but they were closing!
[Oct 21,2004 12:11pm - arpmandude ""]
That os horrible, . . . fuck closing time, . . of coarse unless you are slave to the retail grind, . . .then closing time is temporary sanctuary.
[Oct 21,2004 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, and it was in scummersworth.
they need to get home to their pregnant teens.
[Oct 21,2004 12:36pm - jake  ""]
rev, are you baking your own cake?
[Oct 21,2004 12:37pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, I'm baking it.
it's in the oven at hannaford's right now.
[Oct 21,2004 12:41pm - jake  ""]

i might go tonight and i was thinking of buying 2+ cheap stop and shop cakes and just piling them ontop of eachother making something some people might refer as "THE ULTIMATE CAKE."

if anyone has ever eaten a double decker (/ triple decker...so on and so forth) cake, you might understand how both painful and pleasureable the experience can be.
[Oct 21,2004 1:14pm - succubus ""]
[Oct 21,2004 1:15pm - succubus ""]
i bought a vanilla and chocolate...unfortunately they are hard to read
[Oct 21,2004 1:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:AHEM:

ohh, the big A's b-day....

I wonder what date that was taken on???? hmmmMmMMMMMMMMMM. :spineyes:

and my ex-gf also holding one of the cakes.
[Oct 21,2004 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
you're ex will be holding her son's cake soon...
[Oct 21,2004 1:49pm - succubus ""]

where did you get you're????

[Oct 21,2004 2:32pm - blue nli  ""]
oh my gawsh.....i cant wait for this awesomeness. ill certainly be BAKING my own cake!!!! party!!!!!!!

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