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TYAG Looking for musicians!

[May 6,2003 2:50pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost is looking for a new guitarist and drummer. Here are some basic qualifications you must have to apply for either position....

1.) Must be willing to play DEATH METAL with slams and blast parts!!!

2.) Must have job, car, money to put into the band, and a ride to our practice space on the South Shore of Massachusetts

3.) Must be willing to play gigs out as much as possible, record, etc.

4.) Must be a fast learner and have a "creative" guitar style.

5.) Must not be an asshole or uncompromising.

If you think that you fill any of these characteristics please give Devon a call @ (781) 775-2156....

Devon (TYAG) tyagxgrind@hotmail.com - http://www.tyag.cjb.net/
[May 6,2003 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
> 3.) Must be willing to play gigs out as much as possible, record, etc.

you guys play out now? since when?
last time I knew of was the show BYD @ lawrence.

> 4.) Must be a fast learner and have a "creative" guitar style.
> 5.) Must not be an asshole or uncompromising.

damn, I'm out.. I don't play guitar at all and I have an uncompromising asshole (or so some people tell me).

you should insert a "tom, move to mass" before he gets home and replies.
[May 6,2003 3:44pm - tyagxgrind ""]
When we say be able to play gigs, is because we can get good gigs but we have problems keeping them because of inability for our memebers to stay in our band. Tom says he needs a good job here before he moves to MA. Devon (TYAG) tyagxgrind@hotmail.com
[May 6,2003 3:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm just poking fun.
you musicians are sooo tempermental and emotional.
[May 6,2003 4:24pm - tyagxgrind ""]
hahaha. Seriously back to the topic. Anyone interested? Devon(TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com
[May 6,2003 4:46pm - joostin ""]
did the previous members quit or get the boot?
[May 6,2003 5:17pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This would be a good time to quit bane of existence haha
[May 6,2003 5:30pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Joostin, Both quit. basically they wanted to be in other bands (ie. Hardcore ones) hehe yeah quit BOE hahahaha. Devon (TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com
[May 6,2003 6:42pm - baneofexistence ""]
very funny mike but READ LINE # 2 again (job and car HMMMM)
[May 6,2003 6:54pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'll be swimming in the dough when I sell all your equipment and buy myself the partridge family bus
[May 6,2003 7:18pm - tyagxgrind ""]
HAHA yeah we are basically from the Whitman/Abington/Hanson/Rockland/Hanover area if that makes since. If you know anyone whos interested in being in a DM band seriously, tell them to call me. Thanks Devon (TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com
[May 6,2003 7:26pm - bullets_for_jake ""]
shit dev, when did scott leave?
[May 6,2003 7:56pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Jake, almost about 2 weeks ago now. Devon (TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com
[May 6,2003 9:05pm - baneofexistence ""]
yea very funny mikee
[May 7,2003 3:02pm - tyagxgrind ""]
yep. keep this thread at the top. bump.
[May 7,2003 3:06pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Also you can email us about trying out, visit our website and see what were going for, see if you can play the type of shit we use to atleast. Devon (TYAG) http:///www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com

P.S. If Tom gets to move to Mass, all we'll need is a drummer. Tom is too good at guitar to not be in a band like ours. hahahaha
[May 7,2003 5:56pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 8,2003 6:27am - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 8,2003 3:20pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 8,2003 5:56pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 8,2003 7:26pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 8,2003 9:22pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 9,2003 6:30am - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 9,2003 4:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
your trying waaay too hard devon. hahaha
[May 9,2003 4:56pm - the_reverend ""]
um... shut up!
I don't think they could try hard enough as tyag is fucking awesome.
[May 9,2003 6:26pm - tyagxgrind ""]
thanks for the boost Rev. we are actually trying out a few people now for each opening but we still want to see several before making a final choice. Devon (TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com

P. S. Tom's just pissed because he lives in fucking Maine. hahaha
[May 10,2003 6:24am - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 10,2003 2:29pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 10,2003 6:29pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 11,2003 10:59am - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 11,2003 12:18pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 11,2003 8:48pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Hey I know I have posted a fuck load with nothing on here to bump this thread up to the top. But just wanted to let you know that we are trying out 4 drummers soon, and a few guitarists one who use to be in Piecemeal, so it will be going good soon. Devon (TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com

P.S. Sorry Tom.
[May 11,2003 9:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I know you are REALLY just watching the 90210 reunion
[May 12,2003 12:31pm - tyagxgrind ""]
your right Rev. hahaha. Devon (TYAG) http://www.tyag.cjb.net - tyagxgrind@hotmail.com
[May 12,2003 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 13,2003 11:32am - xericx ""]
yo dev, how about i quit IDN and come play for you guys....HAHAHA

xericx IDN
[May 14,2003 4:06pm - tyagxgrind ""]
haha do it! Devon (TYAG)
[May 15,2003 2:51am - tyagxgrind ""]
[May 17,2003 12:01am - tyagxgrind ""]
Rev, I never realized how ugly I relly am! haha nice. Devon (TYAG)
[May 17,2003 11:22am - tyagxgrind ""]
Some of you fuckers got to atleast respond, haha. We have $1200 to record and most of the material we just need to fill out the sound with a second guitarist, and find a drummer. Well.... Devon (TYAG)
[May 19,2003 12:52pm - ....  ""]
[May 19,2003 1:13pm - baneofexistence ""]
i am assuming you parted with you old members on bad terms cause if it were me i just do the studio stuff just to complete somthing i started

and you outta be able to overdubb the second guitar parts it eh studio with no problem i didn't think i'd be able to do it but i pulled off most of my second guitar parts with hardly any real problems
[May 19,2003 4:52pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Our drummer left on bad terms... so yes, you are correct, but that was HIS causing. The whole idea of doing it studio has already been discussed with a drummer who we know can pull it off, but see the thing is, is that we want to play shows and shit. Its one thing to do it in the studio, because frankly anyone can do that.... and we are going to finish what we started, it wasn't that we are unable to do that, its just why just record it, it'll just leave us back to where we started without members?
Apparently no ones interested in our band enough to want to try out. Ok, I'll stop posting. Maybe you'll see what happens, maybe.

Devon (TYAG)
[May 19,2003 5:53pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
if you really need a guitarist... i might be able to do this...
[May 19,2003 6:47pm - tyagxgrind ""]
full time and possibly tour? email me, or hit up the AIM, you know it bro! Devon (TYAG)

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