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Movie: Elf

[Nov 20,2004 8:19pm - succubus ""]
we bought the dvd
it was on sale and there are a ton of extras and games and stuff

about to watch it now..

[Nov 20,2004 8:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
my favorite part is where he jumps on the christmas tree, when my friend got the bootleg of it last year, we watched that part at least 30times laughing our asses off. great stuff
[Nov 21,2004 2:03am - succubus ""]
i'm going to watch it again eventually
[Nov 21,2004 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
you'll have to since you fell asleep
[Nov 21,2004 2:19am - succubus ""]
dosed off during a lot of parts
i blame the wine!
[Nov 21,2004 7:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pffft pussy, don't make me come over there and drink both of you under the table. Ha !
[Nov 26,2010 8:03pm - the_reverend ""]
So good
[Nov 26,2010 8:21pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

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