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serious metal band needs bass player

[Nov 28,2004 6:16am - alisterfiend ""]
They Wont Stay Dead is looking for a bass player....we are a serious thrash metal band....we are ready to start recording and we have alot of good oppurtunites coming our way ...so if interested email devon at UnsilentMassacre@yahoo.com
[Nov 28,2004 6:40pm - dan.  ""]
[Nov 28,2004 7:25pm - pisscup ""]
I just lost all the skin on the top of my finger in a grinding wheel accident, but when that heals I might be interested.
[Nov 28,2004 7:57pm - bringbacknh  ""]
EVERYBODY needs a bass player...no not the band called 'EVERYBODY' but musicians/groups in general. Tough fucking thing to find...at least in NH. Fuckin travisty. Everyone thinks they'll get more pussy as vox or guitar. Makes me cut my knuckles off with a switch blade.
[Nov 29,2004 9:39am - dan.  ""]
top for you morning assholes
[Nov 29,2004 9:40am - BestialOnslaught ""]
What kinda Thhhhrrrrash?
[Nov 29,2004 9:50am - dan.  ""]
venom, possesed, celtic frost, anthrax, nuclear assault, exodus...ect.... vocalist can range from low death metal growls to john connely esque highs. good shit. not to mention the most metal KISS cover ive ever heard.
[Dec 1,2004 10:20am - dan.  ""]
[Dec 6,2004 9:57am - dan.  ""]
this is a bump of the blackest hate
[Dec 6,2004 2:53pm - wakeoftears ""]
I'd do it. But im probably too far away, plus im workin with a singer.
[Dec 6,2004 2:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
but seriously forks
[Dec 6,2004 3:12pm - dan.  ""]
where are you thats too far away?
[Dec 6,2004 4:05pm - wakeoftears ""]
Wrentham MA. Near the RI border.
[Dec 6,2004 4:08pm - dan.  ""]
ehhh its a drive..but for 3 times a week...for a really good band...its worth it. maybe you could come down and play and see if you like it or some shit?
[Dec 7,2004 11:42pm - wakeoftears ""]
where are you guys? and do you need a singer as well?
[May 3,2005 2:04am - MikeFuckTittygrab  ""]
HEY WOW THIS IS A BLAST FROM THE PAST, also I am a douchebag
[May 3,2005 9:55am - destroyyoualot ""]
MikeFuckTittygrab said:HEY WOW THIS IS A BLAST FROM THE PAST, also I am a douchebag

Asshat. (Y'know, just to be agreeable.)
[May 3,2005 1:58pm - wakeoftears ""]
hahahaha, you ARE a douche, Grimballs.
[May 3,2005 2:06pm - dan.  ""]
MikeFuckTittygrab said:HEY WOW THIS IS A BLAST FROM THE PAST, also I am a douchebag

this is from before you ruined this band! what a magical time that was. i remember posting on this thread as unicorns were licking the salt off the tip of my nose.

you never wrote back to me, dick. dont text messages mean anything anymore???!?! is our love dead!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!

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