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I saw Cannae on the telebox

[Dec 10,2004 9:50pm - retzam ""]
The drummer is awesome.
[Dec 11,2004 1:03am - the_reverend ""]
hah! on fox-news? about dimebag?
the singer mentioned it tonight.

the drummer of cannae is awesome though. I just got a cd of one of his other bands called frozen.
[Dec 11,2004 2:41am - the rev on a phone  ""]
I\'m going to listen to the frozen cd and then tell you how it is.
[Dec 11,2004 12:52pm - dreadkill ""]
are you going to tell us on the phone? that would be cool.
[Dec 11,2004 4:50pm - in deering nh  ""]
dude, the frozen cd is soooo good.
I think that retzam would like it.

want me to mp3 a track for you of something? I'll be playing it on my show. sort of like COB or soultorn. little bit different from that those. they mix i some jammy sort of sound.

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