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Christmas tree poll

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[Dec 17,2004 10:52am - succubus ""]
what do you prefer
ram girl and i were having a discussion about it
[Dec 17,2004 10:56am - Abbath ""]
how can one have a fake christmas tree, they make me so angry
[Dec 17,2004 10:58am - succubus ""]
well i didn't care...

usually had fake ones and then since i met aaron we now get the "Real thing" and get all into it and stuff

it's nice
and NO we didn't get it at walmart!
[Dec 17,2004 10:59am - Christraper ""]
I grew up with a fake christmas tree. Im from texas. This year we're decorating the keg instead.
[Dec 17,2004 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
real or nothing.
[Dec 17,2004 11:12am - dreadkill ""]
fake, but as soon as i move out, i will have no tree until i have kids or a wife who want one.
[Dec 17,2004 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
don't be a jew.
only jews have fake trees.
[Dec 17,2004 11:19am - Abbath ""]
the_reverend said:real or nothing.

[Dec 17,2004 11:46am - Lincoln ""]
Christmas ain't Christmas without a real tree. No fakes.
[Dec 17,2004 12:07pm - ram_girl ""]
the_reverend said:real or nothing.


Mr. Save The World is a tree killer!!!

TSK, TSK....not what I would have expected from you Revvie!!!

[Dec 17,2004 12:11pm - ram_girl ""]
the_reverend said:real or nothing.

Paul Bunyan will be getting a log sized BONER from this thread!!!

[Dec 17,2004 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
wrong! wood is a renewable resource.
coal/oil/gas are not renewable.

I grew up heating my house with wood and I'm currently burning wood at my place when I'm there.
[Dec 17,2004 12:18pm - ram_girl ""]
you mean your not one of those that takes the poor dead tree and throws it out on the sidewalk for 6 mths.....
[Dec 17,2004 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I will burn it.
[Dec 20,2004 1:43pm - succubus ""]
a lot of people "not caring"

[Dec 20,2004 2:21pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i didnt realize people used real trees until i was in highschool
we always got our tree at woolworth but my mom got tired of taking it down so she just left it up and put a cloth over it. my family doesn't celebrate xmas anymore and the tree is still up with the cloth on it. i have no idea what condition it is in --- im afraid to look.
[Dec 20,2004 2:36pm - phobia ""]
not that i celebrate christmas or anything, but theres something so unnatural about the holiday when you have a fake tree.
[Dec 20,2004 2:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Fake. The idea of cutting down a tree for a holiday that most people real care cause of presents is whack:satancross:.
[Dec 20,2004 2:45pm - phobia ""]
atleast a real tree is biodegradable.
[Dec 20,2004 2:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
true but who throws away a fake tree?
[Dec 20,2004 2:50pm - phobia ""]
you'd be surprised.
[Dec 20,2004 2:50pm - phobia ""]
people are weird.

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