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attn Todd(bombshelter)

[Dec 18,2004 12:04pm - Aegathis ""]
I dont know if you saw this in the other thread about the show last night or not but I played in one of the bands last night and beleive i left my back pack in there. I really need to get that back , if you let me know as to whether or not its still there that would be greatly appreciated. If it is there I should be able to come get it soon.
[Dec 18,2004 12:57pm - Aegathis ""]
[Dec 18,2004 3:05pm - kyledoes ""]
it will be brought to the lost and found if the janitor finds it.
[Dec 18,2004 4:21pm - Todd(bmbshelter)  ""]
I got it ,man E-mail me with contact info so i can meet up with you or something. My E-mail is Canniballust666@yahoo.com.I did not leave it there ,cause if I did ,It would end up lost or at Serge's house,that is where most of the stuff left behind mysteriously dissappears too.
[Dec 18,2004 8:39pm - Aegathis ""]
Todd said:I got it ,man E-mail me with contact info so i can meet up with you or something. My E-mail is Canniballust666@yahoo.com.I did not leave it there ,cause if I did ,It would end up lost or at Serge's house,that is where most of the stuff left behind mysteriously dissappears too.

Alrite man I sent an email to that address with my phone number in it, hope to hear back from ya soon.
[Dec 19,2004 1:52pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 19,2004 4:45pm - Aegathis ""]
That last one was me
[Dec 19,2004 7:12pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
finally got a sec to call..weekends suck man
[Dec 26,2004 12:07am - Aegathis ""]
Alright man i left a message on your phone tonight i dont know if you got it. Im gonna be leaving at some point before 9 in the morning so We wont be in Nh till some where between 11 and 12. Just give me a call back and tell me where you want to meet, maybe at the bombshelter or what ever.Alrighty then.
[Dec 26,2004 3:35am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I did call you back ,I'll meet you at the shelter or across the street at Dunkin's ,I'll call again in the morning to remind ya,(if my new alarm clock wakes me) .

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