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[Jan 10,2005 9:39pm - metalmatt666 ""]
Anyone going to their show? I'm going to The Cleveland Show on Feb 25th(which happens to be my birthday)
[Jan 10,2005 9:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill tell you who wont be...
[Jan 10,2005 9:47pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Who is DAZIG?
[Jan 10,2005 10:26pm - retzam ""]
hahaha yeah really, what is Dazig?
[Jan 10,2005 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
danzig is fat....
[Jan 11,2005 12:15am - mikehuntstinks ""]
DANZIG use to be cool about 12 years ago! now he plays korn music while wearing mesh shirts, and getting knocked out by some harecore fagbilly-lame what the hell happened to him very sad:thescream:
[Jan 11,2005 12:22pm - METALMATT666 ""]
mikehuntstinks said:DANZIG use to be cool about 12 years ago! now he plays korn music while wearing mesh shirts, and getting knocked out by some harecore fagbilly-lame what the hell happened to him very sad:thescream:

i dont think he's quite that bad
[Jan 11,2005 12:25pm - METALMATT666 ""]
but then again i havn't heard his new shit so i don't know
[Jan 11,2005 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 12,2005 12:31am - mikehuntstinks ""]
my god go on steroids again danzig (a beer belly)!

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