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Songs that were overlooked because of other songs on the album!

[Jan 26,2005 9:29pm - retzam ""]
I was just thinking, the overlooking of some really cool songs on an album in favor of other songs happens very often:

Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness: It seems that awesome tracks like Damnation and Immortal Rites are vastly overlooked in favor of Chapel Of Ghouls.
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina: This is a really big example of what I'm talking about. People are so obsessed with Mother North that they forget about the other really awesome, sometimes better, songs on the album, The Dawn Of A New Age, Du Som Hater Gud, etc.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about or is it just me? I'm kind of expecting little or no replies, but if anyone shares this outlook please feel free to post more examples and shit.
[Jan 26,2005 9:46pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Emperor-Into The Infinity of Thoughts
[Jan 26,2005 10:03pm - Kalopsia ""]
i wouldn't know, i overlook them because of other songs on the album
[Jan 26,2005 10:24pm - retzam ""]
[Jan 26,2005 10:33pm - Hooker ""]
The whole back half of Far Beyond Driven

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