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if you like cowbells

[Feb 4,2005 11:28am - litacore ""]
[Feb 4,2005 11:31am - the_reverend ""]
NPR did a thing on cowbells last week.
[Feb 4,2005 11:41am - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 4,2005 11:47am - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha awesome
[Feb 4,2005 12:01pm - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:[img]


This is one of those posts that makes other people stare at me because I am sitting here giggling to myself
[Feb 4,2005 12:20pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
its impossible not to laugh at that
[Feb 4,2005 12:21pm - paganmegan ""]
Its because of the look on his face

and the fact that its a goddamn cow bell
[Feb 4,2005 12:27pm - litacore ""]
and that he's thrilled and spiritually satisfied AS FUCK due to the fact that can't stop hitting it
[Feb 4,2005 12:36pm - paganmegan ""]
[Feb 4,2005 12:39pm - korpse-l- ""]
he's fuck'n psyched!
[Feb 4,2005 1:01pm - malettey ""]
"i got a fever! and the only prescription....is more cowbell!!!"

that skit was awesome!
[Feb 4,2005 2:24pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
one of the last great snl skits

you know the show is gonna suck for the next 25 years
[Apr 5,2005 3:33pm - litacore ""]
[Apr 5,2005 3:36pm - Christraper ""]
Im Bruce Dickinson....
[Apr 5,2005 3:44pm - paganmegan ""]
Hey, hey , hey guys

I put my pants on one leg at a time
except when my pants are on I'm Bruce Dickinson
[Apr 5,2005 3:45pm - paganmegan ""]
When I'm done you'll be wearing gold diapers

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