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Psyopus 2/10 Update (Video complete & tour dates)

[Feb 10,2005 4:54pm - arpmandude ""]


Check out Psyopus at this months magazine stand - Psyopus' offical signing with Metal Blade is mentioned in Revolver, we were voted #7 album of the year in Decibel and are mentioned in Alternative Press' top 100 bands to be on the watch for this year.

The anticipated video for "The White Light" is finally complete thanks to Justin Zangerle and the staff over at Optical Alchimists. A link to this video can be found in the VIDEO section. A live show from last summers Columbus, OH show is still in the works.

To all practioners of metal,

Jesus Christ last month was fun! We had a shit load of CRAZY fucking shows! Dayton, TN was off the fucking wall. Pittsburgh, PA turned into a living room show from HELL! We'd like to thank Knife the Glitter and The Network for being killer tour buddies. We had a blast jamming with these kats. Pittsburgh, PA and Buffalo, NY were witness to the unleashing of a new song, . . . tentitively entitled, "Bury Your Head in the Dirt", . . . I hope we change that name.

Well, we'll be embarking on yet another tour this Saturday 2/12. We'll be joining with THE END OF THE UNVERSE (ex- Converge, ex- Jesuit, Chainsaw Safety Records) for two shows, one being at New York City's own CBGB's. Then we'll be working our way towards the west coast for some LONG awaited dates out in that direction. We'll be sharing about a weeks worth of dates with the band His Irate Life (El Cajon/San Diego, CA). Many of the dates are still being finalized so, we'll try to keep you up to date. You can also check our website for any future news.

Till then, I have been away from my home of Rochester, NY spending time in PA at our drummer house. We are working on new material and getting our chops on point. Psyched to hit the west coast! See you on the road, . . . bring food, . . . we're ALWAYS HUNGRY!




PsyOpus "Death, I . . ."

His Irate Life "Apologies Eat Boxes"



PsyOpus "The White Light"



Zine interview with Adam 7/20/04




02/12 5:00 PM - Club Ra Nelles
73 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13903, - $5
All ages

02/13 7:00 PM - CBGB's
315 Bowery , New York, NY 10001


02/14 6:00 PM - Basement show
62 Logging Road , Leola, PA 17540, - $5
All ages

02/15 6:00 PM - Ace's Lounge
318 Chestnut Street, Johnstown , PA 15906
It Dies Today, 12 Tribes, Anterrabea, Winter Soltace, Psyopus, Implore the Black Sky!

02/16 08:00 PM - High Five Bar and Grill
1227 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201, - $6
All Ages

02/17 6:00 PM - Emerson Theater
4634 E. 10th St. , Indianapolis, IN 46201
All ages

02/18 7:30 PM - Basement show
13 Saint Timothy Dr, St. Peters, MO 633 76, - $5
All ages

02/19 8:00 PM - The Rockwell
221 South Ave, Springfield, MO 65806, - $6/$8
All ages

02/20 6:30 PM - The Pinkeye
1539 E. 11th, Tulsa, OK 74101
All ages

02/21 8:00 PM - The Conservatory
8911 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 731 14, - $5
All ages

02/22 8:00 PM - The Hole
1505 Mabry Drive, Clovis, NM 88101, - $4
All ages

02/23 7:00 PM - Warehouse 21
1614 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, - $5
All ages

02/24 7:30 AM - The Compound
3206 San Mateo St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, - $6
All ages

02/25 TBA
Prescott, AZ

02/26 7:00 PM - Havasu Underground
2146 N. McCulloch Blvd, Lake Havasu, AZ 864 05, - $8
All ages


02/27 TBA
Barstow, CA 92311

02/28 TBA
Bakersfield, CA 93301

03/01 TBA
Fresno, CA

03/02 7:30 PM - West World Wide
1908 16th St. (between S and T streets, across from Ernestos Mexican Restaurant),
Sacramento, CA 95662
All ages

03/03 6:00 PM - The Cave
2165 Lucretia Ave, San Jose, CA 95122, - $7
All ages

03/04 TBA
Santa Maria, CA 93454, -
PLEASE HELP! E-mail us at psyopusbooking@hotmail.com

03/05 TBA

03/06 TBA

03/07 TBA
San Diego, CA


03/08 7:00 PM - The Mason Jar
2303 East Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016
w/ Vehemence, Red Tear Memory, Kill The Last Hour

03/09 8:30 PM - Surge's Bar
4100 Montana, El Paso, TX 79903, - $3-$5
All ages

03/10 6:30 PM - The Unity Center
1500 West College Street, Roswell, NM 88201, - $3
All ages

Lubbock, TX
PLEASE HELP! E-mail us at psyopusbooking@hotmail.com

03/12 8:00 PM - The Conservatory
8911 N Western Ave , Oklahoma City, OK 73101, - $5
All ages

03/13 6:00 PM - Cesspool Basement Club
104 North Jackson, Joplin, MO 64801, - Donations
All ages

03/14 8:00 PM - Big Boys Qn
901c S Illinois Ave, Carbondale, IL 62901, - $5
Age Restriction 19+

03/15 6:00 PM - The No-Ruz Grotto
911 Second Street, Evansville, IN 47701, -
All ages

Dayton, OH 45201, -
PLEASE HELP! E-mail us at psyopusbooking@hotmail.com

03/17 7:00 PM - The Spot
316 Broad St, Elyria, OH 44035, - $7
All ages w/ Through the Eyes of the Dead The Knife Trade Sharon Tate



Anyone whose interested in street teaming, radio/zine interviews or booking, please contact us at

Street Team



All and any help greatly appreciated!

PSYOPUS MERCH (All in US currency)

T-SHIRTS $10 each (shipping $2 US/ $4 other)
JERSEY'S $12 each (shipping $2 US/ $4 other)

- "Homeboy"
front - http://b.myspace.com:80/00026/09/21/26061290_l.jpg
black t-shirt
availble sizes - XL, L, M, S, YL

- "Brown Wings"
front - image not availble
black t-shirt
availble sizes - XL, L, M, S, YL

- "Black Wings" JERSEY
front - image not availble
white shirt - black sleeves
availble sizes - L, M, S

-PsyOpus "Ideas of Reference" full length CD $10 each (shipping $2 US/ $4 other)
-PsyOpus "2003" demo CD $2 (shipping $1 US/$2 other)

- Arp Chronicles 3: X-mas Lust $8 (shipping $2 US/ $4 other)
VHS format 2 hour video of dumb shit. For example, a video of this black kid fucking a prostitute while he wears a soccerball mask and I sing to them such. I'm sure you have heard this story. A MOST OWN BY ALL!

You can order via WWW.PAYPAL.COM with our psyopus@hotmail.com account.

!!!Make sure you print your address, order, and e-mail address clearly so we can be assured we are sending the right stuff to the right place!!!



Psyopus - Ideas of Reference - 2004

Some of you may be wondering, who the hell is Psyopus? Well, I was lucky enough to have had the pleasure to hear a few tracks of theirs before most people had ever heard of htem thanks to a guitar playing friend of mine who gave me the heads up when he said it was some of the best, craziest stuff he's heard in awhile. Hailing from Rochester, New York, these guys play technical hardcore with a flair for intricate guitar parts that seem to come from nowhere and disappear almost as fast.

Technical hardcore has always amazed me, ever since being introduced to Dillinger Escape Plan. That being said, any fan of DEP will love this album. It reminds me of DEP with Dmitri, the sheer craziness of it all, the guitar and drums at blistering speeds. However, they are not a blatant rip off. Songs like "Death, I" showcase their love for melody in the guitars while "Bones to Dust" is a great closer, not slowing down a bit. There is absolutely no filler on this CD, every track is great and should be listened to. Vocally, their is nothing really special besides the same screaming we all know and obviously love. But in every other are, it shines through all the wanna bes and is paving the way for more tech bands to come. Bottom line: Check them out and tell everyone about them.

by Austin


"There's a penis on this pin!"
[Feb 10,2005 4:55pm - RustedAngel ""]
come back to the aviary!
[Feb 10,2005 4:57pm - blue ""]
i saw that in decibel mag. it was the only ablum that deserved to be in the top 10.

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