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I have the new Mars Volta

[Feb 11,2005 7:02pm - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
I believe it's not out yet. I didn't get to listen to it in entirety, I was too high and it was too weird (in a good way). Plus at 70+ minutes and 5 tracks, you get the idea (#5 is like 30 min.). Everyone should hear this. Weirder than the last one, and definately more Mexican influenced. If you've heard the guitarist's solo album, I'm told it's kind of like that. The drums are better (is this guy underrated? He's amazing) everything is stepped up. Maybe you heard the radio song, which I don't mind, the rest of the album is very ecclectic. Get it when you can.
[Feb 11,2005 7:52pm - Crucifire ""]
I've never heard this band. I'm into judging people by the way they look, and these guys look like a bunch of ass jockeys. Isn't the guy from Racer X in this band???
[Feb 11,2005 9:19pm - dirtycrayon drunk  ""]
de-loused in the commatorium is an amzing cd! i listened to that cd for the entire summer --- soooo good.

i haven't listened to thier new stuff yet but i heard it sounds alot like ATD.
[Feb 11,2005 9:56pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
it sounds a lot like Led Zeppelin
[Feb 11,2005 10:02pm - Hooker ""]
*rolls over in grave*

[Feb 11,2005 10:15pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i have this too. unbelievable. not most people here's 'cup 'o tea'
[Feb 11,2005 11:26pm - mike.........  ""]
all ive heard is the frances the mute "decoder" 12" single. its unreal. theyre my favorite band, and its their best song, in my opinion.
[Feb 12,2005 12:05am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
you have it? i heard that you can't get it if you fuck her in the mouth.
[Feb 12,2005 12:41am - kyledoes ""]
Mars volta is awesome.
I cannot wait to hear the new stuff.
[Feb 12,2005 1:11am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i think Mars Volta is OVER-rated
[Feb 12,2005 1:21am - arsonick ""]
i downloaded this new track that was all in spanish. or something. it was ok. kinda weird though, not what i expected. i love de-loused.
[Feb 12,2005 1:33am - ArrowHead ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i think Mars Volta is OVER-rated

Maybe it's just not your bag, but considering that they're one of the most powerful rock and roll bands to put out a CD since the demise of ATDI, I'd say their lack of exposure would make them UNDER rated if anything.

Of course, you usually say shit like this to get reactions or cover your own insecurities, so I'll wait till you actually give your statement some support before I write off your comments.

[Feb 12,2005 1:38am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i probably dont like them that much because bands like Porcupine Tree and Yes and Glass Hammer and Transatlantic are just so much better and do a similar thing. everytime i listen to Mars Volta... i just think about how disappointed i was when i first heard them. they were hyped up by like 20 different people on this forum i post at... so i downloaded "de-loused" and was totally bored to tears. the best parts of the album were the minute and a half long interludes. other than that, pretty boring and uninspiring. granted i understand the whole opinion thing... but yeah... just blah for me.
[Feb 12,2005 1:46am - ArrowHead ""]
In other words, you don't like a rock and roll band because they're not playing progressive rock like the other bands you just listed?

While the more progressive aspects of At the Drive In definately wound up in Mars Volta (sure as hell won't find it in any Sparta songs), I would never consider the Mars Volta to be a progressive band foremost.

Sure, they CAN be considered progressive, I even read an interview with Neil Pert where he listed them as an example of current prog rock he digs, I would approach their music as the finest blues-rock you'll ever hear, with some progressive influences.
[Feb 12,2005 1:51am - thegreatspaldino ""]
all im hearing now is progressive with some jazzy wank off part... its not terrible... and i would listen to it... and i am enjoying it now... its just not as good as i have heard it was. thats all.
[Feb 12,2005 1:56am - ArrowHead ""]
All argument of wankery aside,

I really love de-loused. I've noticed most people either love it or hate it. As a whole the album is amazing. It's rare to find a CD I can throw in and actually listen to the ENTIRE thing straight through. No distractions, attentively. The production alone is so raw and wonderful, and as someone said earlier the drumming is sick but really fits in with the tunes.

It's not for everybody. While I love the vocals, some people have reported seeing dogs and emo kids annoyed by their sqeaky high pitch. Kinda the reaction I get from Coheed and Cambria, a band that truly IS overrated.
[Feb 12,2005 1:57am - ArrowHead ""]
Dude, we need lives. Every time I've gotten in a thread with you our responses are like 5 minutes apart.

There's other stuff on the interweb besides RTTP, like porn. Broke Ass Bitches .com rules.
[Feb 12,2005 2:03am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i mean... there are some really awesome parts... but overall... not totally my thing... but very close. maybe im just too into prog or something. speaking of which... there are a bunch of Yes albums for 8.99 at newbury. time to buy more
[Feb 12,2005 2:16am - ArrowHead ""]
There's a LOT of bad Yes albums. And we won't even mention A,B,W,and Howe.
[Feb 12,2005 2:26am - damnose ""]
Mars Volta is definitely a great band and worth checking out, but the wankery does get a bit much for me sometimes. And this is coming from a guy who loves Rush and Rhapsody...

anyway, I just got this album and the new Judas Priest, not sure which one to listen to first!
[Feb 12,2005 10:15am - dirtycrayon sober  ""]
the singers vocal range amazes me --- whenever i hear him i'm like how the hell is he hitting those notes!

i had tickets to see them last year but i couldn't go --- i heard they played like a "jam band"... whatever --- de-loused is an incredible cd that needs to be listened to multiple times.

i'm gonna pick up the new cd today!
[Feb 12,2005 11:11am - Abbath ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i probably dont like them that much because bands like Porcupine Tree and Yes and Glass Hammer and Transatlantic are just so much better and do a similar thing. everytime i listen to Mars Volta... i just think about how disappointed i was when i first heard them. they were hyped up by like 20 different people on this forum i post at... so i downloaded "de-loused" and was totally bored to tears. the best parts of the album were the minute and a half long interludes. other than that, pretty boring and uninspiring. granted i understand the whole opinion thing... but yeah... just blah for me.

my lady friend swears by this band, she loves them to death. but i've listened to there stuff and wasn't too impressed myself, i'd have to agree bands like Porcupine Tree blow them out of the water
[Feb 12,2005 11:30am - Crucifire ""]
These guys make Kingdom Come sound good.
[Feb 12,2005 11:30am - Crucifire ""]
Just kidding. Hardly "prog", though.
[Feb 12,2005 11:32am - Crucifire ""]
Makes me want to listen to "Seconds Out" instead.
[Feb 12,2005 12:10pm - dreadkill ""]
i like mars volta. i'm looking forward to hearing the new album.
[Feb 12,2005 2:27pm - mike.........  ""]
although yes may be more prog then the mars volta, yes can also come off as bland and almost stoic. its like the purpose of them playing is not to transmit any emotion but to show you how sweet they are at playing in weird time signatures. mars volta combine prog elements with great rock n roll to create great music with emotion.
[Feb 12,2005 2:28pm - mike.........  ""]
i love yes by the way. close to edge is one of my favorite songs.
[Feb 12,2005 2:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i love porcupine tree. is anyone going to see blackfield next month at the middle east?
[Feb 12,2005 3:53pm - blue ""]
i dont care what anyone thinks. i love the mars volta so much, and im frigging dying to pick this one up.
[Feb 14,2005 1:17pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
German and European prog kick the shit out of this ''prog''. I heard this last night. I couldn't get past 5 songs. Just NOT for ME.
[Feb 14,2005 1:38pm - gorgish  ""]
mars volta is one of the smartest bands out right now in my opinon.
i like them because they're not too proggy. talk about transending genre's.
it's like if an indie rock band listened to too much floyd and zepplin and mixed about 7 other genres as well and did it with unbelieveable musicianship.
bringing up bands like porcupine tree makes no sense too me. i love In Absentia as much as the other guy, but mars volta isn't really like that at all.
some of my favorite guitar sound ever. best sounding drums. so well played. hater can eat shit, this band blows so many other bands out of the fucking water.
my only problem with the new cd is there's a bit too much noise filling up space, but it's still incredible and i might like it more than deloused.
[Feb 14,2005 2:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
gorgish said:mars volta is one of the smartest bands out right now in my opinon.
i like them because they're not too proggy. talk about transending genre's.
it's like if an indie rock band listened to too much floyd and zepplin and mixed about 7 other genres as well and did it with unbelieveable musicianship.
bringing up bands like porcupine tree makes no sense too me. i love In Absentia as much as the other guy, but mars volta isn't really like that at all.
some of my favorite guitar sound ever. best sounding drums. so well played. hater can eat shit, this band blows so many other bands out of the fucking water.
my only problem with the new cd is there's a bit too much noise filling up space, but it's still incredible and i might like it more than deloused.

yeah incase i didnt thank you before thanks G !

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