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Arthur Miller died

[Feb 11,2005 9:24pm - retzam ""]

Just thought I'd make a thread.
[Feb 11,2005 9:27pm - Crucifire ""]
He'd just seen Pauly Shore in Death of a Salesman, and kicked right in his seat. Poor fucker.
[Feb 12,2005 10:20am - dirtycrayon sober  ""]
i remember reading death of a sales man in highschool --- it's one of my faves.

i didn't know theres a Roxbury in Conn.
[Feb 12,2005 10:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Joe Christianni, you bastard!
[Feb 12,2005 12:19pm - dreadkill ""]
he read that joe christianni liked dimmu more than death of a salesman and it angered him up so bad that he had a heart attack.

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