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the Kave (Bucksport, Me) - [abominable][cryptopsy][hatred_alive][my_dying_breath][porphyria][randomshots][your_funeral]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 23,2005 1:07am - RustedAngel ""]

larger version:

yep, all ages! awesome pizza! an amazing club as well! you will not see cryptopsy in such a low profile area ever. It's a trip for most of you, but worth the drive. This is going to be ridiculous. :shocked:


[Feb 23,2005 9:06am - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 23,2005 9:13am - succubus ""]
people should car pool


Porphyria..you selling tickets?

rev and i shall be there!
[Feb 23,2005 10:02am - grohm  ""]
this show is going to tear ass, i feel bad for a couple of the local openers, my dying breath and lifeless, who are both going to look very bad next to the other bands.

not that theyre badbands necessarily, but one plays slipcore and does hatebreed covers and the other is kind of, well i guess slipvaynekorncore
[Feb 23,2005 10:15am - RustedAngel ""]
grohm said:
not that theyre badbands necessarily, but one plays slipcore and does hatebreed covers and the other is kind of, well i guess slipvaynekorncore

i agree, they don't really fit, but they are local kids so it's cool at the same time. i wish cattle were coming back for that date.
[Feb 23,2005 10:16am - dirtycrayon  ""]
succubus said:people should car pool

especially people from the boston area!
[Feb 23,2005 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
tom, I was talking to kathy and cattle decap is coming back in the fall, playing the kave.
[Feb 23,2005 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
PS anyone who hasn't been to the Kave is missing out.
you need to come to this show. the kave is amazing.
[Feb 23,2005 10:36am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Damn, that's almost in Canada
[Feb 23,2005 10:40am - succubus ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Damn, that's almost in Canada

not at all....

everyone should go
[Feb 23,2005 10:42am - succubus ""]
people really should carpool to this...

you HAVE to see this place...

and to the smokers...you have your own smoking area...you go throuhg a side door and it's in an alley...
[Feb 23,2005 12:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
my new favorite club is 4 hours away...greaaat!

actually, toads in CT is pretty sweet too but doesn't have the same hospitality.
[Feb 23,2005 1:15pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
succubus said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Damn, that's almost in Canada

not at all....

everyone should go

Well it's almost the same distance if I were to drive to Southern Quebec. And knowing my dumb ass I'd probably miss my exit and just take Route 1 the entire drive. Anyone want to carpool with me?
[Feb 23,2005 1:40pm - succubus ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:succubus said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Damn, that's almost in Canada

not at all....

everyone should go

Well it's almost the same distance if I were to drive to Southern Quebec. And knowing my dumb ass I'd probably miss my exit and just take Route 1 the entire drive. Anyone want to carpool with me?

where do you live?

from portsmouth it took us 3 and a half hours and to canada (montreal) takes us about 5.

[Feb 23,2005 1:46pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Boston. It takes me like 4 hours to drive to Burlington and it will probably take me 4 and a half to drive to Bucksport.
[Feb 23,2005 1:51pm - succubus ""]

so who is going to carpool with bob?
I know miss stephanie wants to go too!

[Feb 23,2005 2:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus/rev, you aren't deathly afraid to ride the sausage van again are you? bwahahaha.
[Feb 23,2005 2:47pm - succubus ""]
RustedAngel said:succubus/rev, you aren't deathly afraid to ride the sausage van again are you? bwahahaha.

not at all!

i'll bake more goodies!!
[Feb 23,2005 3:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I would... but I don't want the cops busting me again
[Feb 23,2005 3:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
no tylenol allowed in the van next time.
[Feb 23,2005 3:24pm - succubus ""]
as long as i can bring my asthma pump, i'm all set!
[Feb 23,2005 7:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
me too.
[Feb 23,2005 7:50pm - dirteecrayon ""]

asthma is sexy!
[Feb 25,2005 9:05am - RustedAngel ""]
so is a girls hairy ass.
[Feb 25,2005 4:25pm - Anthony ""]
I wish CW (or any other long-standing, hard-working local act) was playing this instead of a couple of really really young openers. (Are these the same openers from the Cattle Decap. show at the Kave? They looked like they were 14.)

Don't you have to pay your dues before you open for a band like Cryptopsy?
[Feb 25,2005 4:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
Anthony said:I wish CW (or any other long-standing, hard-working local act) was playing this instead of a couple of really really young openers. (Are these the same openers from the Cattle Decap. show at the Kave? They looked like they were 14.)

Don't you have to pay your dues before you open for a band like Cryptopsy?

yeah, honestly I do wish you or a someone else from around here like goratory were on this as well.
[Feb 25,2005 4:33pm - Anthony ""]
Well at least those kids got lucky and get to play with Cryptopsy. I'll stop being jealous because it's a waste of time.

If they try to leave early before Cryptopsy, you must kick their asses Tom and not let them leave!!
[Feb 25,2005 4:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, I'm feeling lucky about it enough. I wonder if half the kids up there even know who cryptopsy is ;)
[Feb 25,2005 5:25pm - soilworker ""]
im pretty sure i am going to make the drive and go to this
[Feb 25,2005 6:48pm - Abraxas NLI  ""]
RustedAngel said:yeah, I'm feeling lucky about it enough. I wonder if half the kids up there even know who cryptopsy is ;)

Eh? I live 15 minutes away and I know who Cryptopsy is. The None So Vile original displeased pressing is one of my favorite discs. I'll be there! Am I the only one from Maine?

Also, sorry I missed your show on the 20th!!
[Feb 28,2005 3:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
soilworker said:im pretty sure i am going to make the drive and go to this

cool man. good to know someone is.
[Feb 28,2005 3:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
Abraxas NLI said:
Eh? I live 15 minutes away and I know who Cryptopsy is. The None So Vile original displeased pressing is one of my favorite discs. I'll be there! Am I the only one from Maine?

Also, sorry I missed your show on the 20th!!

no problem dude, I was just saying, it didn't look like there were many metal-heads up there for the cattle show. It's still cool that the hardcore kids support other shows though. Metalheads take note. hehe.
[Feb 28,2005 6:15pm - Abraxas NLI  ""]
Awesome, I will look for you after the show and imitate that face you make in that picture.
[Feb 28,2005 6:39pm - DebilDrummer001 ""]
I agree, anyone who hasn't been to the Kave really needs to get there. It's a killer place.

I know we're definitely looking forward to this show. As far as the "Not so death metal" openers go - Oh well. We've played plenty of shows where we didn't fit in, and the fact is it'll be a kickass show regardless. I just hope the crowd isn't too hard on them, but I have a feeling it will be.

I agree that someone like Pillory would make another decent opener, but ah well... who cares?

Anyway, can't wait for the show, hope there is a massive turnout up there and if you miss this show and don't have a fantastic reason, then you're an idiot.

[Mar 2,2005 10:59am - RustedAngel ""]
goratory should be playing this with us.
[Mar 3,2005 3:19am - DebilDrummer001 ""]
Goratory would be a kickass addition to the lineup. I'm not sure the hardcore crowd could handle the massive influx of metalheads that would roll out for the show however.

I wish to fuck Molested Senses hadn't broke up, they would rule on this line up. Why do all the great bands have to call it quits at the worst times?
[Mar 3,2005 6:56am - RustedAngel ""]
who cares about what the hardcore crowd thinks, this is a death show.
[Mar 4,2005 9:08am - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 4,2005 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
what is the MS doing now? and more importantly, what is the custom drum platform that the drummer has doing?
[Mar 4,2005 9:17am - RustedAngel ""]
what the fuck are you talking about?
[Mar 6,2005 10:48pm - dirteecrayon ""]
anyone from boston going to this? if so i need a ride!

or would someone be able to pick me up in portland if i took the bus out there?

[Mar 7,2005 1:23am - DebilDrummer001 ""]
Molested Senses broke up. They're not doing anything. His custom platform was wicked wasn't it? I liked it a lot, wouldn't mind having one myself. I aimagine the platform is sitting in a room somewhere being beat on by the sickest metal drummer in Maine.
[Mar 22,2005 10:31am - RustedAngel ""]
SOOOON.....someone buy a ticket so we don't feel completely worthless. ;)
[Mar 23,2005 12:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 23,2005 12:46pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
DebilDrummer001 said:Molested Senses broke up.

They kinda had no choice in the matter:wiggam:
[Mar 27,2005 7:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
this sunday, douche's.
[Mar 28,2005 1:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
anyone going to make the trek? if anyone wants to follow us from my house, that's cool with me.
[Mar 28,2005 1:59pm - soilworker ""]
i want to go but no one will help for gas and i dont have that much money right now as it is so it sucks i will have to wait till april to see cryptopsy.
[Mar 28,2005 2:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
gay...I understand, I knew everyone would back out :(
[Mar 28,2005 2:42pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
im totally going
[Mar 28,2005 2:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
We're going to get up there earlier than last time, so if you need a ticket, give my cell phone a call when you arrive and I'll hook you up outside. 603.781.0993. thanks.
[Mar 28,2005 3:08pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I may go after the LAN party. I'd love to see you guys again, but Maine's a torture run for my car, I'm lucky it makes it to and from Hampton NH every day for work :(
[Mar 28,2005 3:09pm - DreamingInExile ""]
oh, tom, by the way, I'll call your cell for phone sex tonight. HAHAHA

[Mar 28,2005 3:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
DreamingInExile said:oh, tom, by the way, I'll call your cell for phone sex tonight. HAHAHA


call about the BJ.
[Mar 28,2005 3:11pm - DreamingInExile ""]
only if you swallow :pukeface:
[Mar 28,2005 3:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
DreamingInExile said:I may go after the LAN party. I'd love to see you guys again, but Maine's a torture run for my car, I'm lucky it makes it to and from Hampton NH every day for work :(

For anyone interested in seeing us as a 4-Piece, now's your 2nd chance. Shawn's wrist is still really bad if not worse. Hopefully for not much longer :(
[Mar 28,2005 3:18pm - DreamingInExile ""]
man, I hope he's doing better soon. that really sucks about his wrist :(
[Mar 28,2005 3:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 28,2005 3:55pm - DreamingInExile ""]
if I was a better guitarist and had more time, I'd offer to fill in, but I'm a shitty guitarist and I have no time because of Shroud (and counterstrike :P).

[Mar 29,2005 2:33pm - soilworker ""]
hey tom i think i got about 5 of us to go to this now for sure. you said we can buy tickets from you outside of the kave? just thought id help you get rid of some tickets. just let me know.
[Mar 29,2005 2:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
soilworker said:hey tom i think i got about 5 of us to go to this now for sure. you said we can buy tickets from you outside of the kave? just thought id help you get rid of some tickets. just let me know.

awesome dude, that rules...what time do you plan on getting there?

if you want, I think you're close so I could bring them to you before this weekend, otherwise, you could give me a call and I'll meet you outside at the show.
[Mar 29,2005 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
soilworker, bring your psp...
[Mar 29,2005 3:19pm - ~carina~  ""]
i want a PSP
i saw that they were on slickdeals..but only after it ended
[Mar 29,2005 3:50pm - soilworker ""]
yeah tom i could give you call because i wont see anyone before then to get money and we will probably leave around one hopefullay getting us there for four...rev i will bring my psp it makes time go by faster in between sets.
[Mar 29,2005 3:55pm - RustedAngel ""]
yikes! 4! the show won't eve start till 6 or 6:30.

definetly give me a call sunday before you leave. 603.781.0993

what's your name btw?
[Mar 29,2005 6:24pm - soilworker ""]
yeah i saw 5 so i was not sure when it was gonna starts so maybe we will leave a little later. names Josh
[Mar 30,2005 8:49am - RustedAngel ""]
cool man, talk to you sunday then.
[Mar 30,2005 9:47am - ~Carina~  ""]
Tom, am i baking cookies/brownies for the ride again?
[Mar 30,2005 9:49am - RustedAngel ""]
I wasn't sure if you were riding up with us again or not? I believe shawn is going to still go so I think we're doing the van again. If there isn't room in the van I will take my car or something. I dunno, we need to figure out what's going on.
[Mar 30,2005 12:32pm - Carina~~  ""]
ok let us know

BTW why aren\'t more people going to this?
[Mar 30,2005 12:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
Carina~~ said:ok let us know

BTW why aren\'t more people going to this?

will do...

I can answer for most of them..."IT'S TOO FAR, ESPECIALLY FOR A SUNDAY NIGHT."
[Mar 30,2005 1:25pm - soilworker ""]
tom how much will tickets cost is it $12 from you too?
[Mar 30,2005 1:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, $12 dogg.
[Apr 1,2005 1:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
just a few days!
[Apr 2,2005 2:36am - succubus ""]
[Apr 3,2005 12:34am - RustedAngel ""]
tonight...remember anyone going, give my cell a call if you need a ticket or ask for me at the door (tom) if you have too... I'll hook yer ass up outside, literally har har har. 603.781.0993

aaron and carina are meeting me at my house around 1 or so.
[Apr 3,2005 10:44am - RustedAngel ""]
we're leaving in a few hours.
[Apr 3,2005 10:56am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
so yeah, anyone else making this monsterous drive?
[Apr 3,2005 11:30am - the_reverend ""]
so soon...
[Apr 3,2005 11:58am - succubus ""]
cookies in the oven
[Apr 3,2005 1:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:tonight...remember anyone going, give my cell a call if you need a ticket or ask for me at the door (tom) if you have too... I'll hook yer ass up outside, literally har har har. 603.781.0993

aaron and carina are meeting me at my house around 1 or so.

we're packing up now. please buy tix from me at the show.
[Apr 3,2005 2:50pm - BogusRendition  ""]
I just woke up. Im leaving in a minute. Pancakes are good. Ill have plenty of copys of BR #3 up there for anyone interested. By the way, this venue IS indeed worth the drive. It takes longer for me to get there then it does to get to worcester (Im in Portland), and its definatly worth it.
[Apr 3,2005 2:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
hope the show goes well, if this was a saturday, i'd be there, bucksport is a fucking haul.
[Apr 3,2005 4:03pm - Blue ""]
damn, looks like i dont have the bling to rock this show. good luck guys.

[Apr 3,2005 7:17pm - retzam ""]
I want to be at this show... right now... blagfuck
[Apr 4,2005 2:36am - soilworker ""]
just got home what an awsome show cryptopsy was fucking amazing.
[Apr 4,2005 3:41am - DebilDrummer001 ""]
God damn... if you weren't at this show and you don't have a good excuse, you're an asshole. This show was fucking fantastic. The sound was great and we played one of (If not the) best set we've ever played. Porphyria were kick ass as usual (Minus a technical difficulty here and there) and Cryptopsy... well, lets just say that I am sure there are a lot of sore necks from all the headbanging that was going on. Mine is sore from shaking my head the entire time they were on stage. Pure insanity.
[Apr 4,2005 4:03am - RustedAngel ""]
just got home, aaron and carina are on their way back home. dane and dan are driving back to woodstock (2 hours)...yikes!
[Apr 4,2005 4:28am - the_reverend ""]
it was awesome.
[Apr 4,2005 4:30am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading
[Apr 4,2005 4:35am - succubus ""]
nous nous sommes bien amusés!
[Apr 4,2005 7:10am - anonymous  ""]
my dying breath was the worst band ive ever seen.
[Apr 4,2005 7:40am - MDB  ""]
you must not get out much then.
[Apr 4,2005 8:38am - BogusRendition  ""]
This show was rad. Next time something like this gets booked up here, I hope more people are able to make the drive up. It really is pretty much the coolest venue Ive ever been to. Its NOT that hard to throw together a 3 hour road trip if you think about it. And no matter what excuse you may have, there is ALWAYS a way to make shit work out. Trust me. And they also make the best pizza Ive had in a long time.
[Apr 4,2005 9:52am - soilworker ""]
This show was well worth the trip and was alot better than i thought. the kave is such a great place i really liked alot.
my dying breath: did not really get into them much at all. not really into the slipknot drums and shit.

abominable: it seemed like one huge breakdown for their songs and then they had breakdowns in a breakdown. so i didnt really get into them that much either

Your Funeral: i kind of like them actually. they remind me of bury your dead a little. the singers voice sounded a little better this time too.

Hatred Alive: First DM band of the night finally. I like these guys more and more every time i see them and tonight they sounded great. the crowd even seemed to like them alot too

Porphyria: Even with one guitar they still fucking rocked. The new song at the end was so fucking good! The vocals to sounded so good they seem so much deeper at times. Great set!

Cryptopsy: Fucking amazing sums it up pretty good. Such a good mix of songs. they play stuff off every album. they sounded so good the sound at this place is really good.

[Apr 4,2005 10:45am - RustedAngel ""]
[Apr 4,2005 11:56am - blue ""]
[Apr 4,2005 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]
my dying breath: they were the first band who played on the floor. I must say that I think that they sounded a lot better than they did the last time that I saw them. I think it's cause they were on the floor and you couldn't hear everything as much...

abominible: son de peru? now, not that peru... peru maine. from what they said, they were gone for a while and now they are back. I liked the dual vocals they did. it reminded me of some other band, but I couldn't think of it at the time. it's funny cause the song they sent out to the hardcore kids was IMHO the least hardcore song they played. there were a few people who danced for them. I think even kathy got out and paced back and forth on the dance floor.

your funeral: the second time I've seen these guys. they sounded a lot tighter than the last time I saw them. the vocals are a lot better. unforunately, I couldn't hear a lot of the guitar work. that sort of sucked cause they have a lot of melodic parts to their riffs that you couldn't really hear at all. people really started to mosh a lot during them. it was easy for them to get into the music cause it was really high energy.

hatred alive: wow, this is the first time that I've seen people moshing to this band. their set went by very fast too. The triggers were so loud... it was basically almost all I could hear for their set.

porphyria: so this is the first time that I saw them with out shawn. it was good, but there were definitely something lacking. this was very apparrent on the first song where tom messed up and there was nothing else going on to cover his mistake. I noticed before at other shows that when shawn would mess up, tom would just keep going and shawn would jump back in. dude, fix the wrists, please. I was hoping that Tim would do a jump like he practices when he's not on stage, but he didn't.. sigh.. he never does. the crowd loved these guys and if they would have had more CDs they could have made mad bills selling them.

cryptopsy: so much more of a personal show than the one in montreal. the sound wasn't quite the same nor the grand spectical in the intro... but this show was awesome. flo's set was way to large with the top rack so that wasn't part of his set up. he still did the insane drum solo. there was a lot of cool stuff in there since he's a super tech-drummer he played on a lot of the set that doesn't normally get hit in a death metal band.
the set was awesome. I'm not sure the exact set list, but it was awesome. which cryptopsy song am I going to play tonight... oh... I have no clue!
cryptopsy, it should be said, as the best merch... I mean key-chain knives? awesome.
I thought I had escaped getting my head grabbed by lord worm, but after their set was over, I was walking back to the table and he got me while my back was turned. Speaking of worms.. there were no living worms for people to eat.. I guess they all died. I would have just gone to a bait store.

the tour guy from cryptopsy made us listen to al barrett who was suppose to be the "worst" music ever. so we introduced him to gnarkill. I believe the line "shoot chocolate goo in your ass" convinced him that Gnarkill was much worse.
we ended up chilling at the Kave for about an hour. you just can't leave that place. Hightlights of the end of the show include
1) carina wowing cryptopsy with her photos
2) cryptopsy's bassplayer playing hackisack for like 30 minutes
3) pizza
4) the bassplayer of cryptopsy playing hackisack with porphyria/some locals.
5) RTTP pictures
[Apr 4,2005 2:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
my pictures (cryptopsy only):

the long drive once again was worth it. awesome place, got to watch cryptopsy soundcheck.

abominable: mosh death stuff it seemed, some good vocals...kathy looked like she was going to kill everyone.

your funeral: rocked well, I disliked the vocals a lot though.

hatred alive: probably the best sounding set I've heard them play. Nick's pretty much got the heal/toe technique down, I only heard a couple of unregistered trigger hits. I can't say I dig the singers stage personality. I dunno.

us: our 2nd show without shawn on the other side of the stage....oh christ, we opened with infection which was a horrible idea come to find out. I also played my jackson which I don't play much and was not adjusted to the shorter scaled neck. So I butchered that song completely. Switched guitars and played devoured, at the end of that my amp power shut off, I changed the fuse, and then look down and see the power cable came out of my ext. coord. FAAAAAAACK! played the rest of the set way better than the first 2 songs and a lot faster than we usually play them. christ. was fun times though.

cryptopsy: gad damn! so awesome seeing them in maine, and at an awesome club. I captured a video clip of flo's entire drum solo. I couldn't hear worms vocals for the entire set at all which was very weird. Also a lot of the parts that I know, he seemed to do differently. I dunno. Worm was a funny bastard and was cool enough to come up to us and shoot the shit. I do think I still prefer Mike D...His vocal style was way more technical which fit well with the music. I hope Dan/Martyr can hang with cryptopsy and still do martyr, he said they will tour after the next record. He definetly fills the shoes of jon.

hung around for like an hour maybe more after the show ended! more good pizza! awesome shit!
[Apr 4,2005 2:06pm - movetherabbit ""]
my dying breath is so awful... i dont understand how a band like that can open for fucking CRYPTOPSY but move the rabbit cant even get any shows at all.
[Apr 4,2005 2:42pm - BogusRendition  ""]
[Apr 4,2005 2:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
did you get those CDs I sent you? If you have AIM message me to discuss the ad.
[Apr 4,2005 2:47pm - BogusRendition  ""]
you know Rev, I have to say that among other things, youve done a great job with documenting my cerebral epidermal progression over the past few years.
[Apr 4,2005 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure this is what you mean:

how to link images:
[Apr 4,2005 3:40pm - BogusRendition  ""]
hehhe... yeah
[Apr 4,2005 3:43pm - xMattx ""]
anonymous said:my dying breath was the worst band ive ever seen.

We trashed them before the show so bad, and it turns out that one of there guitarists came over and acted all tough and said "hey if you got something to say say it to my face" we didnt know who he was so we just looked at him like he was an idiot, which he is anyway.
[Apr 4,2005 3:55pm - Hooker ""]
[Apr 4,2005 6:36pm - retzam ""]
I'm surprised they didn't do the Lord Worm coffin schtick. That was all part of their regular stage show back before Worm left.
[Apr 4,2005 8:43pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
hey carina, I was talking to you yesterday about the triple a directions
apparently they havent updated their systems to all the changes they've done in maine within the past 500 years
[Apr 4,2005 8:43pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
that kid with the slipknot drums was so funny
[Apr 4,2005 9:43pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 4,2005 9:51pm - anonymous  ""]
I am glad you talk shit about the band, but nothing you say really happens. You are just some 15 year old fuckhead with a cock up your ass and think you are the greatest person ever . . . Even though you are a fat retarded pussy, but that's okay. And it's sad that none of the guitarists talked to you . . . But that's okay too. Make stuff up like the kid you are. wOOt for your lameness, hahahaha
[Apr 4,2005 10:47pm - xMattx ""]
anonymous said:I am glad you talk shit about the band, but nothing you say really happens. You are just some 15 year old fuckhead with a cock up your ass and think you are the greatest person ever . . . Even though you are a fat retarded pussy, but that's okay. And it's sad that none of the guitarists talked to you . . . But that's okay too. Make stuff up like the kid you are. wOOt for your lameness, hahahaha
good job laughing at your own sucky jokes. you probably are in the band My Dying Breath. and that did definitely happen just ask the guitarist. nothing made up there. Dont waste your time defending a band who thinks they are slipknot.

[Apr 4,2005 10:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
very nice big sis!
[Apr 4,2005 10:59pm - Scott  ""]
well guess what but, you all think we are slipknot because that is the only band you have seen to have the balls to have two drummers, some if not most see it as a joke or we have a bad drummer but if you listen you can hear this thing called talent. It is cool to dis us we have no problem but if you are gonna do it, at least say something original to say god we are local musicians just like most people with something to say, and when people like you think you can actually come in and drag us down you only fuel the fire. We start writting and making our full length soon so wait and listen and maybe by then your view will change, or not but we will see. and it doesn't matter what people like you say as long as we enjoy it and it means shit to us we will keep playing weather you like it or umm not. now I bet you will be like woah ... this guys are so bad, well if we are so bad how come people who dis us like nick from Shadar Logoth to our faces was like you guys are cool but behind our backs he says shit oh wait that is just him being 15 right no that is him showcasing that he wont last in this industry but we use all negitive shit and turn it into something that will leave it's mark! oh yeah thanks for comparing us to a kick ass band by the way.
[Apr 4,2005 11:06pm - xMattx ""]
Scott said:well guess what but, you all think we are slipknot because that is the only band you have seen to have the balls to have two drummers, some if not most see it as a joke or we have a bad drummer but if you listen you can hear this thing called talent. It is cool to dis us we have no problem but if you are gonna do it, at least say something original to say god we are local musicians just like most people with something to say, and when people like you think you can actually come in and drag us down you only fuel the fire. We start writting and making our full length soon so wait and listen and maybe by then your view will change, or not but we will see. and it doesn't matter what people like you say as long as we enjoy it and it means shit to us we will keep playing weather you like it or umm not. now I bet you will be like woah ... this guys are so bad, well if we are so bad how come people who dis us like nick from Shadar Logoth to our faces was like you guys are cool but behind our backs he says shit oh wait that is just him being 15 right no that is him showcasing that he wont last in this industry but we use all negitive shit and turn it into something that will leave it's mark! oh yeah thanks for comparing us to a kick ass band by the way.

First off you sound nothing like slipknot second of all your drummer isnt bad, we have all heard that he is a cool guy, second of all you guys wouldnt be half as bad if you had listened to Dan when he is in your band, i dont know any of you or have any personal beef with you at all, i just think your band needs a lot of work, so keep at it, but dont be surprised when people say you suck because your style of music sounds like it is extremely forced and isnt original at all. You sound like you are trying to be like 5 different bands all in one, just be what band you are, and write breakdowns that dont have steady percussion, listen to the other breakdowns hardcore kids get into.
[Apr 4,2005 11:11pm - Scott  ""]
there was really no listening to dan he just left because of whatever reason but he is still a great guitarist in my eyes, but you try working so hard at something and have it shoved in your face. I know we dont sound like slipknot but people compare us to them that is just because of the two drummers, so be it. But I will agree we do have work to do and Brent which is our new guitarist has only been with us for 3 weeks and once you hear what he can actually do you will be amazed and there is no beef just you know it kinda gets old after a while.
[Apr 4,2005 11:11pm - Hatred  ""]
the cunts are now weeping on this web
[Apr 4,2005 11:13pm - Scott  ""]
do u have a tissue
[Apr 4,2005 11:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
please take this high school drama to another board, thanks
[Apr 4,2005 11:15pm - Hatred  ""]
lol yes please
[Apr 4,2005 11:17pm - Scott  ""]
o ok bye then
[Apr 4,2005 11:30pm - xMattx ""]
awww man
[Apr 5,2005 6:28am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
[Apr 5,2005 7:35am - Hatred  ""]
once that fat ass xmattx the mec bitch gets on the board its nothing but shitting on peaple because when he was in grade school he got picked on and now behind the keyboard he feels like a man
[Apr 5,2005 8:03am - tyler_mdb_singer  ""]
um, i guess we got some better feedback then we did for the cattle decap show, but oh well, were out their to have fun, not impress people, and i had a blast. And i must agree with some other people, we are not the type of band that should be playing with bands like cattle decap and cryptopsy, but it was a big show for us, so we couldnt turn it down.... check us out on April 6 at Ushuaia with DeadSeason.
[Apr 5,2005 9:43am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Hatred said:once that fat ass xmattx the mec bitch gets on the board its nothing but shitting on peaple because when he was in grade school he got picked on and now behind the keyboard he feels like a man

Yes I am very interested in Pineapples too!


[Apr 5,2005 10:04am - RustedAngel ""]
soilworker said:
Porphyria: Even with one guitar they still fucking rocked. The new song at the end was so fucking good! The vocals to sounded so good they seem so much deeper at times. Great set!

thanks a lot josh, and thanks to you and your friends for making the trip!
[Apr 5,2005 10:28am - soilworker ""]
RustedAngel said>>

thanks a lot josh, and thanks to you and your friends for making the trip!

It was so worth the trip this show was great and if more worth while shows happen there i will be there.
[Apr 5,2005 10:37am - RustedAngel ""]
soilworker said:
It was so worth the trip this show was great and if more worth while shows happen there i will be there.

there is another big show in august in the works, will keep you updated ;)
[Apr 5,2005 12:57pm - Hatred  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Hatred said:once that fat ass xmattx the mec bitch gets on the board its nothing but shitting on peaple because when he was in grade school he got picked on and now behind the keyboard he feels like a man

Yes I am very interested in Pineapples too!



lol people
[Apr 5,2005 3:12pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
porphyria and crytopsy made the 5 1/2 hour trek worth it
[Apr 5,2005 4:03pm - xMattx ""]
Hatred said:once that fat ass xmattx the mec bitch gets on the board its nothing but shitting on peaple because when he was in grade school he got picked on and now behind the keyboard he feels like a man
haha this isnt xmecxmatt dude.

[Apr 5,2005 5:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:porphyria and crytopsy made the 5 1/2 hour trek worth it

thanks a lot dude, seriously.
[Apr 5,2005 5:54pm - succubus ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:hey carina, I was talking to you yesterday about the triple a directions
apparently they havent updated their systems to all the changes they've done in maine within the past 500 years

bastards! they are supposed to help people with directions, not get them lost. that's why mapquest is free
what are they going to do for you?
[Apr 5,2005 5:55pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 5,2005 8:24pm - Hatred  ""]
my bad sorry:yoda:
[Apr 5,2005 8:54pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
Scott said:well guess what but, you all think we are slipknot because that is the only band you have seen to have the balls to have two drummers, some if not most see it as a joke or we have a bad drummer but if you listen you can hear this thing called talent. It is cool to dis us we have no problem but if you are gonna do it, at least say something original to say god we are local musicians just like most people with something to say, and when people like you think you can actually come in and drag us down you only fuel the fire. We start writting and making our full length soon so wait and listen and maybe by then your view will change, or not but we will see. and it doesn't matter what people like you say as long as we enjoy it and it means shit to us we will keep playing weather you like it or umm not. now I bet you will be like woah ... this guys are so bad, well if we are so bad how come people who dis us like nick from Shadar Logoth to our faces was like you guys are cool but behind our backs he says shit oh wait that is just him being 15 right no that is him showcasing that he wont last in this industry but we use all negitive shit and turn it into something that will leave it's mark! oh yeah thanks for comparing us to a kick ass band by the way.

Alright man. i tried bein cool with you guys but you assume to much. i didnt say jack fucking shit behind your bands back. you can ask DJ and matt, who were there. those guys were openly slamming you and, I said i dont like you guys. and i dont, and im sticking by that. you want reasoning? the drums do not add anything to your band,and the kid doesnt even know what hes doing. he fucked up a million times. and i dont like the style of trying to be to many bands at once. the breakdowns are not any good. theband has its moments but it has to be arranged correctly. I think the singer is good tho.

ANd yeah i wont make it in the industry. You and the other drummer are the two who came to me at the cattle decap show and said OH MY GOD WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE CRAZY DOUBLE BASS SKILLS?!

If you didnt notice, talent does not mean jack shit. you might have talent but if you dont apply it in an appealing way you arent going anywhere.

oh yeah and slamming me by saying i "wont make it anywhere in the industry' yeah really professional. you guys fucked up your last song so bad that you had to stop early! grow up.

you wanna talk further drop me an email. since you oviously dont want to leave your own happy_noodle_boy41@hotmail.com feel free.

oh and by the way slipknot is not the only band with "balls" enough for more than one drummers. gwar for a while had three, ill nino has two, and a few other random bands have more than one. trust me, its not a "balls" thing.
[Apr 5,2005 8:56pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
oh and by the way i am 17, how old are you 11?
[Apr 5,2005 9:00pm - Hatred  ""]
get um
[Apr 5,2005 9:12pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I totally bought the shirt from you
I hope you spent the 10 bucks on that awesome pizza
[Apr 5,2005 9:15pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
succubus said:
bastards! they are supposed to help people with directions, not get them lost. that's why mapquest is free
what are they going to do for you?

nothing at all, they pretty much told me its not their fault
[Apr 5,2005 9:16pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
by the way tom, I totally wore my porphyria shirt to school the next day.
I happen to be in highschool, and like three people asked me what it was

[Apr 5,2005 11:25pm - anonymous  ""]
I think the Drummer of My Dying Breath is pretty good. I didnt see him mess up???
[Apr 5,2005 11:31pm - todayistheday  ""]
: post by anonymous at Apr 5,2005 11:25pm

I think the Drummer of My Dying Breath is pretty good. I didnt see him mess up???

^^^^^^^drummer of My Dying Breath
[Apr 5,2005 11:41pm - anonymous  ""]
Alright u all win!!! If u hate my drumming style that much, I will throw my 18 years of experience away, I will sell my tama kit. If that makes u happy!
[Apr 5,2005 11:44pm - EAT SHIT  ""]
Obviously it will make the shadar logoth drummer happy
[Apr 5,2005 11:51pm - DebilDrummer001 ""]
Eh, I am the drummer for Hatred Alive, and while I might not be a huge fan of MDBs music, they do have a good drummer who played a decent set with no major noticable mistakes.
[Apr 5,2005 11:55pm - EAT SHIT  ""]
Thanks man I seriously appreciate that, even thought I know I am not "excellent" I do try my hardest and I just hope people will respect that. That means a lot to me
[Apr 5,2005 11:59pm - powerkok ""]
[Apr 6,2005 2:57am - movetherabbit ""]
porphyria and cryptopsy were CLEARLY the best bands there, the vocals for porphyria are so fuckin brutal it makes me shit my pants.

the extra drummer for my dying breath was totally unnecessary. you guys are clearly ripping off slipknot blatantly, theres no need for that douche to be up there with you guys. you sounded awful, the riffs were real bad. the vocals i thought were decent and the actual drummer wasnt bad --- but that doesnt change the fact that you guys are all mallcore losers with no skillz. heh. /rant.

www.movetherabbit.com for a band thats better than my dying breath
[Apr 6,2005 3:56am - MDB  ""]
We will never trash other bands, and we have heard worse bands than us. SO... Why do u feel powerful saying shit about us rabbit?
[Apr 6,2005 4:13am - Anthony nli  ""]
This thread has too much bickering and not enough talk about how awesome Daniel Mongrain is.

Did anyone get a look at that guitar's headstock that he was playing? It seemed like a custom instrument based on the Jackson Warrior body shape.
[Apr 6,2005 7:31am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
MDB said: We will never trash other bands, and we have heard worse bands than us. SO... Why do u feel powerful saying shit about us rabbit?

because they are clearly better than you.
[Apr 6,2005 9:04am - Hatred  ""]
Anthony nli said:This thread has too much bickering and not enough talk about how awesome Daniel Mongrain is.

Did anyone get a look at that guitar's headstock that he was playing? It seemed like a custom instrument based on the Jackson Warrior body shape.

Yes it was fucking killer
[Apr 6,2005 11:50am - PERCUSSIONIST  ""]
well I see i am unessary and i mean maybe you are right seems how you do know more then us and you are just so high up in the industry, that last show we were just thrown in as an opening band. we were expected to get dissed yet people still cam up to us and were like you guys are good, maybe they felt bad who knows but either way we had fun.
[Apr 6,2005 12:56pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
ive yet to see a band with more than one percussionist where the other drummers did anything that really made a difference in the band.
[Apr 6,2005 1:14pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

[Apr 6,2005 1:18pm - Hatred  ""]
shit guys come on the shows done I hate all music that is not black,death,thrash, or just stright metal. But at lest both of your bands are giving all you got,so injoy MDB good luck at the dead season show.
Arron Hatred Alive
[Apr 6,2005 5:34pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
if your having fun it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks .hatred alive is hated around here by many and they just play anyway. i dont see a point in bands slamming other bands. yeah, you dont like MDB tough shit. instead of calling them slipknot fags you could just say you dont like them and be constructive about it instead of pissing them off
[Apr 6,2005 5:37pm - powerkok ""]
Its cuz everyones tuff while online. And when confronted their pussies start quivering and leaking, and they siss their panties.
[Apr 6,2005 6:54pm - Hatred  ""]
powerkok said:Its cuz everyones tuff while online. And when confronted their pussies start quivering and leaking, and they siss their panties.

true so true lol:doublehorns:
[Apr 6,2005 7:48pm - anonymous  ""]
What did everyone think of Your Funeral?
[Apr 6,2005 7:50pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
I enjoyed them. not anything overly spectacular but i did really enjoy them
[Apr 6,2005 8:03pm - anonymous  ""]
I liked the guitarists,I thought they were pretty tight
[Apr 6,2005 9:09pm - hatred  ""]
not my kind of music so i cant say if there good or bad
[Apr 6,2005 9:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
anonymous said:What did everyone think of Your Funeral?

no one tell the singer you don't like his vocals, he will be offended and then your opinion will not be credible, and you only listen to death metal.
[Apr 7,2005 12:12am - hatred  ""]
:doublehorns::doublehorns:im sure he wuold two lol
[Apr 7,2005 12:15am - sideburns  ""]
whats with that girls side burns in the random shoots holy shit
[Apr 7,2005 4:08pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
haha damn thats harsh man
[Apr 7,2005 4:29pm - xMattx ""]
Nick from shadar logoth said:if your having fun it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks .hatred alive is hated around here by many and they just play anyway. i dont see a point in bands slamming other bands. yeah, you dont like MDB tough shit. instead of calling them slipknot fags you could just say you dont like them and be constructive about it instead of pissing them off

isnt the point of hardcore to make a spectacle of yourself and cause drama?

[Apr 7,2005 5:09pm - EAT SHIT  ""]
Well the dead season show we played at last night went very well. And can you believe people actually liked us!!! Its amazing. I guess because they are there to have a good time and not to pick apart bands. *I.E. Regulars at the Kave* And Nick, u made a great point on one of your recent posts. Thanks bro!
[Apr 7,2005 8:28pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
and what point would that be? congrats on getting fans. playing ushuias rules
[Apr 7,2005 8:30pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
xMattx said:Nick from shadar logoth said:if your having fun it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks .hatred alive is hated around here by many and they just play anyway. i dont see a point in bands slamming other bands. yeah, you dont like MDB tough shit. instead of calling them slipknot fags you could just say you dont like them and be constructive about it instead of pissing them off

isnt the point of hardcore to make a spectacle of yourself and cause drama?


sometimes i wonder, hahaha:tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4:

[Apr 8,2005 2:44pm - anonymous  ""]
xMattx said:

isnt the point of hardcore to make a spectacle of yourself and cause drama?


This is the greatest thing ive ever read haha

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