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Have you guys missed me??

[Feb 24,2005 12:31am - retzam ""]
I havn't posted for 12 days cause of computer/network troubles. AIM has been the only thing that's been working out for me, the network has sucked too hard to run a browser. I'm back though.
[Feb 24,2005 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
you could have used http://text.returntothepit.com
[Feb 24,2005 12:59am - retzam ""]
My phone doesn't have internet access silly.
[Feb 24,2005 7:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Joe Christianni has been fucking with alot of networks, in fact he hacked into Paris Hilton's phone trying to find Corey Feldman's number, but ended up with Fred Durst's instead
[Feb 24,2005 9:06am - Abbath ""]
i was wondering were you were, i didn't know you had aim you bastard!

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