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[Feb 24,2005 9:47pm - Karen  ""]
this is going to be so AWESOME
is anybody else going to the one in Boston on Monday?
[Feb 24,2005 9:49pm - Jaytanica777 ""]
I am....
[Feb 24,2005 9:50pm - Blue ""]
me too.

this is honestly, one the defining moments in my life.
[Feb 24,2005 9:52pm - Karen  ""]
yeah, i just got my ticket
[Feb 24,2005 10:20pm - succubus ""]
i posted about it here:
..and i would have gone..but found out after i promised to shoot another show
[Feb 25,2005 1:51am - XmikeX ""]
see you all there you sonsofbitches
[Feb 25,2005 1:57am - moran ""]
As much as I want to go, I don't consider it a reunion. I think Glenn is just trying get people in the club and trying to make more money. I don't buy it.
[Feb 25,2005 2:20am - GoatCatalyst  ""]
I'm going to the one on Tuesday. I'm curious to see what you all make of it on Monday. I saw Glenn a few Halloweens ago at the Roxy and he encored with "Earth AD" and it make me want to vomit. This better fucking rule for a goddamn $38 ticket.
[Feb 25,2005 2:47am - the_reverend ""]
misfits extravaganza!
[Feb 25,2005 12:14pm - blue ""]
moran said:As much as I want to go, I don't consider it a reunion. I think Glenn is just trying get people in the club and trying to make more money. I don't buy it.

i sure as hell do. im sorry, but id give my left nut to hear 1/2 of the misfits play songs together.
[Feb 25,2005 12:16pm - dan.  ""]
its hardly a reunion....now if they have one more special guest like i heard they might....thatll be something.

there was already a misfits reunion..i believe in 89? or early 90s? it was unannounced and only 200 people or something like that saw it.
[Feb 26,2005 8:21pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Is that this Monday and Tuesday? where is it?
[Feb 26,2005 8:23pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
haha nevermind,DUH!! I just saw the link to the other thread, Sometimes my brain needs to catch up with me
[Feb 27,2005 3:19am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
a real reunion or not, see you there!
[Feb 27,2005 11:09am - mikehuntstinks ""]
someone should pull a nathan gale on glen
[Feb 27,2005 1:42pm - skullet ""]
I just keep thinking about that video where that dude knocks out Danzig with one punch. Somebody post that please!
[Feb 27,2005 3:04pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
somebody needs to wear a north side kings shirt to this show

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