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Friday, March 3rd...Birth rites, hostage heart, ATTWN...@ Manchester Elks Lodge

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[Mar 3,2005 9:21am - jonnyrites ""]
Good thing we're breaking out the throwdown covers for this bad boy...

Friday, March 3rd
Manchester Elks lodge, manchester NH

Birth rites
hostage heart
and then there were none
R.L. Stine
Flesh And Blood
The Miles Between

[Mar 3,2005 2:33pm - moe_rk nli  ""]
damn...no #12?
[Mar 3,2005 2:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm so march 3rd like tonight or march 4th friday like tomorrow. i'm so confused.
[Mar 3,2005 3:50pm - jonnyrites ""]
yeah, i thought it was a leap year.

march 4th.
[Mar 3,2005 4:28pm - sxealex ""]
damn it i have to learn martial arts
[Mar 3,2005 4:29pm - sxealex ""]
mary pocolypse

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