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the OFFICIAL recap thread for the DEHUMANIZED/SKINLESS show @ AS220

AS220 (Providence, RI) - [anoxia][dehumanized][randomshots][skinless][teratism][the_nightmare_continues][wasteform]
[Mar 5,2005 12:12am - tha reverend  ""]
dehumanized just played.
skinless is setting up.
Post about it here.
pictures of that absolute chaotic beuty will be up later.
[Mar 5,2005 1:20am - tha reverend  ""]
bump this for all the people going home.
[Mar 5,2005 1:47am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
the show was awsome, my first time seeing wasteform and dehumanized. and Teratism sounds sick with a bassist
[Mar 5,2005 1:48am - handinjury ""]
Hah, me and josh about ready to start drinking round #2.
[Mar 5,2005 2:05am - anonymous  ""]
this was such an awesome show, Dehumanized fucking killed!!
[Mar 5,2005 2:17am - tbone_r ""]
good stuff. im tired.
[Mar 5,2005 2:23am - bornsovile to lazy to log in  ""]
sucks i had to miss this, wanted to see dehumanized. any fights? ejections? blood?
[Mar 5,2005 2:27am - XmikeX ""]
i wish this show was at a much bigger venue, but I had fun.

some doofus that was trying to fight everyone got thrown out.

i almost fought some kid over absolutely nothing because im an idiot, but then squashed it.

dehumanized ruled ass, as expected.

i'll never understand why metal kids insist on spilling stuff all over the floors.

im glad this show had 700 threads leading up to it.
[Mar 5,2005 2:30am - XmikeX ""]

YOU WILL BURN!!!!!!!!! KINGDOM OF CRUUUUUUUUUELLLLLTTTYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you know it.
[Mar 5,2005 2:38am - tbone_r ""]
some guy spilled his beer on me like 20 times.
[Mar 5,2005 2:38am - tbone_r ""]
and that jersey is worth more than his life
[Mar 5,2005 2:42am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
my face is a little cut up and some scrawny pit ninja smashed my shoulder with one of his spinarm moves. teratism kills with the bassist and skinless owned that shit. i like being in a pit with metalcore kids. gives me something to aim for instead of plowing into random people
[Mar 5,2005 2:51am - XmikeX ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:my face is a little cut up and some scrawny pit ninja smashed my shoulder with one of his spinarm moves. teratism kills with the bassist and skinless owned that shit. i like being in a pit with metalcore kids. gives me something to aim for instead of plowing into random people

[Mar 5,2005 2:54am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
dont give me that shit xmikex. i had an assload of fun and dont mind pain.
[Mar 5,2005 3:02am - XmikeX ""]
i had an assload of fun too. so don't ruin it by turning this thread into yet another metal vs. hardcore "debate".
[Mar 5,2005 3:05am - hoser ""]
God, did pussy hardcore asswipes really show up at a great show like this?? Thank God they left our show alone!!
[Mar 5,2005 3:05am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
not what im lookin for, just stating the obvious. metalcore kids in the pit no matter how taboo they are, give the pit more of an obstacle course feel. there was a nice level of fun violence going on tonight
[Mar 5,2005 3:07am - XmikeX ""]
haha every show should feel like an episode of Guts
[Mar 5,2005 3:08am - blue ""]
[Mar 5,2005 3:09am - bornsovile to lazy to log in  ""]
[Mar 5,2005 3:23am - handinjury ""]
wheres the pics? whoa, im drunk.
[Mar 5,2005 3:26am - XmikeX ""]
post pictures so i can goto sleep
[Mar 5,2005 3:27am - mattrct ""]
do do do do ya have it
[Mar 5,2005 5:22am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The video I took of TERATISM, DEHUMANIZED and SKINLESS all came out great!
[Mar 5,2005 5:34am - the_reverend ""]
I just got back now.
they will be up shortly.
[Mar 5,2005 5:37am - the_reverend ""]
dehumanized (minus george aka enemy of da state) is sleeping in the other room.
pictures are uploading.
[Mar 5,2005 6:32am - Scoracrasia ""]
How was the crowd for such a small place?
[Mar 5,2005 7:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I came in during the end of Teratism's set, I couldn't hear the bass at all, but they were good as usual.

Anoxia was second, I've only seen them recently one time at O'Brien's and didn't like them, but last night they were good. The guitar was a little low for the first few songs but after that came out fine. Seeing them at the Living Room should be awesome, I hope I make that one.

The Nightmare Continues was fun, and helped break up the monotony of the rest of the night. Something seemed off though, I can't really say what it was though. They ended their set by throwing the drum kit off the stage.

Wasteform went on next, I seen these guys back in 2002 and they are exactly what I remembered, heavy NY slam death metal. The singer is this huge guy, which automatically gave them great stage presence. I enjoyed them live, but I don't listen to stuff like this normally.

Dehumanized went on after that and I spent most their set text messaging people about hot dogs. I left after they finished playing.
[Mar 5,2005 9:48am - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I was the rev poser kid with the camera

I totally forgot about this show until about 5 that nite. I was sick but I made it down anyway, coughing the whole night and infecting everyone. My first time seeing everybody, and everybody was good. My first time taking pictures of bands that were signed to anything and also my first time at the AS220. You guys who left before Skinless missed out on some real rock. I was lols when he came on stage with the gas masked and then kicked the guy right in front. Then later he dived on me and my friends and I fell in a green box.
[Mar 5,2005 11:03am - theCZA ""]
was it only me, or did the singer from wasteform look a lot like fat joe...? lean back. hah
[Mar 5,2005 11:45am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
now that you mention it....
[Mar 5,2005 11:46am - VEsGORE  ""]
HOw'bout that new skinless vocalist EH!
[Mar 5,2005 11:53am - handinjury ""]
Killer show, thanks to the rev for taking killer pics, carina for filming the event, the gortory guys for lending a video camara( i donated the film , can somebody make me a copy of anoxia's set on vhs, please?). all the metalheads that came out for this awesome show.Thanks to fucking Chris abomb for putting us on this show, thanks dude you fucking rule!!!!!!!!! Who ever threw the pa monitor at rob, your a fucking loser, you chipped his tooth tuff guy. Rule #1 of the pit--never use anything but your own body parts to inflict pain.
Im impressed with mike for learning 6 teratism songs in a week ,shit dude you own. I think we played pretty good, half our set in the dark was pretty cool. The nightmare had the first pit of the night, and gregdeadface smashed his kit. Wasteform, was badass. Then dehumanized turned the place into a pit, mike wandered in the crowd, i got that on video. The skinless came up......AND FUCKED AS220 TO PIECES!:doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns:

I got hammered after the show drinking till 4 something am with my bandmates, its been awhile since we did that.
I got the whole show on disc. So when i get around to it, i got lots of cd burning to do for the bands.

[Mar 5,2005 12:07pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
im totally pumped that i actually got there in time for Dehumanized. i got out of work at about 10:30 and fucking bombed down 95 to make it from Natick. i even found a spot right in front of of the place... awesome set from Dehumanized... for somereason, Skinless didnt seem as intense as they used to be. i dont know... maybe it was just me...
[Mar 5,2005 12:26pm - Paullll  ""]
tonight was pretty good. Dehumanized was excellent. They played a tight and heavy as hell set. Its a shame though that a lot of the kids there couldnt accept the fact that people like to do other things in the pit besides walk around with beer and hug each other shirtless while drunk. I could have and should have got into a fight last night, but out of respect for dehumanized and the as220 nothing happend. Wasteform put on an amazing set also. Anoxia dissapointed me a little bit (no offense to the band at all), it was my first time seeing them without dave and honestly I dont think the new guitarist can measure up to daves ability. Dont get me wrong the dude can play damn good, but I think in whole he lacked what dave had done for the band.
[Mar 5,2005 12:27pm - XmikeX ""]
teratism killed too. just thought i should add that.
[Mar 5,2005 12:38pm - handinjury ""]
Paullll said:I dont think the new guitarist can measure up to daves ability. Dont get me wrong the dude can play damn good, but I think in whole he lacked what dave had done for the band.

hAh, thats really funny. (since i am the originally guitar player, and i did write 7 of the songs on the I.K. album, and my druumer wrote most of the other 3 songs- and we play the songs faster now) But thats ok, im not really that good anyways, actually im pretty standard, there are way better guitar players in the local scene. I like criticism, wether its good or bad. You should hear what i say about myself.
[Mar 5,2005 12:39pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
I can't believe I'm awake I was hammered last night and well. Almost got into a fight again, when Dehumanized played, I don't remember much but I have vague idea that I almost did.
The show was good but there was too many bands, I'd rather see 4 bands and see Skinless longer...that was a waste I think.
[Mar 5,2005 12:40pm - handinjury ""]
XmikeX said:teratism killed too. just thought i should add that.

Teratism fucking rules!!!!

[Mar 5,2005 12:44pm - Paullll  ""]
Im not knocking your playing abilities bro I love anoxia intense killings is honestly one of my favorite cds out right now, maybe it was just the sound in the place but Ive seen you guys before I just thought dave was more intense, and I thought the songs were way faster. Just some friendly criticsm thats all. The new song was fucking sick as hell though.
[Mar 5,2005 12:52pm - handinjury ""]
Paullll said:Im not knocking your playing abilities bro I love anoxia intense killings is honestly one of my favorite cds out right now, maybe it was just the sound in the place but Ive seen you guys before I just thought dave was more intense, and I thought the songs were way faster. Just some friendly criticsm thats all. The new song was fucking sick as hell though.

Oh, im not ass hurt at all dude. I wasnt starting shit, dont get me wrong, Daves a great guitar player, a rounded musician in whole. But it always bothered me when he got the credit for the anoxia riffs, when i wrote that shit 4 yrs ago. But i love dave , hes a great guy, and hope he comes back to the east coast so we can hang like the ol days.
[Mar 5,2005 12:57pm - tbone_r ""]
i missed the first few bands, got there just in time for wasteform. wasteform, dehumanized and skinless all played well. i was impressed.
[Mar 5,2005 1:04pm - anonymous  ""]

[Mar 5,2005 1:07pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i love getting pa's thrown at me ...and chipped teeth attract the ladies
[Mar 5,2005 1:22pm - idetrimenti ""]
thanks to everyone for comin out and supporting my first show with skinless! so you all soon!
[Mar 5,2005 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
i hope the video turned out ok, at certain points it was really dark.
i used 2 tapes
the battery died during dehumanized's last song and then i recharged it until skinless came on.

i gave everything back to Al.

glad i got to see my girl E

fun show
awesome bands
that sucks about your tooth rob
after the show, rev and i went to eat at Denny's and then all crashed over (minus drummer George)

while we were waiting for the rev to bring the car there was a retarded drunk guy outside that almost hit chris' car...wow i really hope he got pulled over

hope you liked the lasagna and french beer Ann =)

~carina logged into the rev's laptop because he went to DD with a couple of Dehumanized peeps )
[Mar 5,2005 1:45pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
The lasagna are going to be eaten before I go meet Dwyer to go to CT, I dropped the French beer behind the bar at AS220 :(
I had a few sips of it though. Thanx!

About the show, I really enjoyed Skinless, Jason was just great! I can't wait to see them tonight and hopefully they'll get to play longer. It's the first I've enjoyed them that much live.
Dehumanized were good until that "fight that I can't remember".
I was really busy eating weed brownies all night, 6 bands is way too much for a club that closes at 1pm. I lose my attention spam very fast. The girl vs guy ratio last night was a total desaster, there was what? 10 chicks there? Highly "manly" show...no punx either :(

still drinking....
[Mar 5,2005 1:50pm - anonymous  ""]
Robdeadskin said:i love getting pa's thrown at me ...and chipped teeth attract the ladies

[Mar 5,2005 2:09pm - lynch mobb  ""]
you know whats funny? i threw the PA out of anger cause i thought whoever grabbed me sucker punched me cause all i remember is a grab and a whack, so to the dude from teratism if i was aiming at you i wouldve thrown more than a PA speaker at ya. that and i dont have eyes in the back of my head so i didnt know who did it. but i found out that you were just tryin to get away from me and spauldino's fist was the one that hit me so apologies for chippin your tooth. all in all good show.
[Mar 5,2005 2:11pm - the_reverend ""]
al from goratory chipped his teeth too.
[Mar 5,2005 2:22pm - soilworker ""]
this show was fucking awsome one of the best in a while. dehumanized was amazing and made it worth the 2 and a half hour drive. then i got home and got an hour and a half of sleep before work. but it was worth it because there was not one band that disappointed me at all.
[Mar 5,2005 2:23pm - tbone_r ""]
i must have been very drunk because i didn't notice anyone throwing a PA or the fight that happened during dehumanized. although i just found out that the metal kid who was in that fight was the guy who spilled beer on me.
[Mar 5,2005 2:23pm - warwhore ""]
argh! fucking awesome night-awesome show! im sore...
i could have done without ALL the bands, i would say that anoxia, skinless and dehumanized would have been more than enough for the night!!!
- anoxia: sounded killer as usual, but the new/old guitarist definitely elevated the whole performance a bit...very well played set!
-dehumanized: pretty brutal, but for some reason, they sounded tighter in maryland...yesterday with their set opening up, george and the guitarist fucked up on two different occasions...i thought they sounded a bit slow in the beggining too but, then they picked up....I liked the new shit they played too-cant wait for a new album!!
-skinless: i didnt know what to expect after the departure of sherwood, since he was a hell of a front man, but i gotta give it to the new guy- he had everyone going- killer vocals and killer stage performance- for those of you who were there: this was his FIRST show EVER with skinless!!!!


anne, very many thanks for the brownies!!
[Mar 5,2005 2:31pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Mar 5,2005 2:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Robdeadskin said:i love getting pa's thrown at me ...and chipped teeth attract the ladies

ya, but you ran a nice block for me.. haha

who was the kid in the boston beatdown shirt that kept drop kicking the crowd? he tried to knock my camera out of my hand numerous times, i was gettin pissed, but brushed it off.
[Mar 5,2005 2:40pm - tbone_r ""]
i didnt see anyone in a boston beatdown shirt. you're lying.
[Mar 5,2005 2:49pm - dread_104 ""]
ya mean the guy who got in the face of two girls?
[Mar 5,2005 2:51pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
that's what it was? a guy with a green tshirt right?
[Mar 5,2005 3:09pm - El Justin  ""]

[Mar 5,2005 3:20pm - tbone_r ""]
i heard they did it after the show.
[Mar 5,2005 3:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
heheheh, Al's in like every fucking picture! looks like a wild time. i'd love to see video of this sometime soon.
[Mar 5,2005 3:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I think that chris keeps topping his shows with other shows. this show was awesome.
even with the heavy moshing, things getting thrown, people tossing others to the ground, amd a few people getting beer split on them, there was only one fight. that ruled, everyone seemed to just let things go. People need to understand one thing about PVD, metalheads there don't understand that you can't mosh and move about the pit with a cup of beer cause it ends up everywhere (especially in my shoes). This was actually probably the first time I've been to a show at the AS220 that I didn't get beer spilt all over me... though... I did see the floor completely slicked up and I saw tons of beer flying around.

I'd say 95% of the crowd is a regular on this board/site.

teratism: I saw them a couple weeks ago at this venue and then slayed. but they were on 2nd to last then. this time, they were on first. The sound guy at this place takes 3 bands to warm up so their sound wasn't very good. still, it was awesome. Mikey definitely adds to their set. I think it will be a little while before he's running through the crowd with his bass.

anoxia: ultra-brutal vocals as always. I noticed that when I moved away from the guitar cab, I couldn't hear any guitar. next time they play here, they need 2 cabs (one on both sides of the stage). I wonder how the video of them came out. they played a bunch of tracks off their intense killings cd, which was on "special" for $5 that night only!

the nightmare continues: each time I see them, I swear they loose another member! this time they played with the drummer on the stage. Brendon's vocals were all high screams... I couldn't hear any lows. Like the other night it was a short set and ended with the drums right on the floor in a jumbled pile.

wasteform: since the last time I saw them, there wasn't a single member in it other than tiny who was still it in. In the spirit of widdling down detriment, they had the bass player from them. The drummer looked really familar. The sound was awesome for them. really loud and huge sounding now. I honestly think that this is the only time that they have sounded almost perfectly like the cd. Tiny's vocals were a bit low in the beginning, but that was adjusted.

dehumanized: How many of the bands that played tonight would have guess a year ago that they would be play with dehumanized. How bout how many people in the crowd thought that they would be seeing dehumanized a year ago? I have seen them a bunch of times since their reformation... and.. this was the BEST set I've seen of them. everyone in the crowd was moving around, having an awesome time. This was the best crowd response they have ever gotten. It was unfortunate that their set was so short, but they were the reason that 90% of the audience was there and going crazy. They played a couple new tracks that ruled. I'm hoping to hear them on CD at some point soon. there wasn't as many slam parts to them, but I'll wait for the cd.

skinless: definitely a different band now. The new singer, Jason (from detriment) was good, but I will forever equate skinless and sherwood. His vocals aren't as low as sherwoods. It seems like (after listeing to from sacrifice to survial) that they were going away from the Brutal Deathgind style of the older cds to a more staight death metal. I think Jason is actually a better fit for them in this direction. Anyhow, so this was kind of a new band... in a lot of ways thought they played all skinless songs that I know, including the samples! The singer was in the crowd for 1/2 the set, getting beaten around and mounted by al (goratory). It was cool that not too many people left after dehumanized to see skinless.
[Mar 5,2005 3:28pm - XmikeX ""]
dread_104 said:ya mean the guy who got in the face of two girls?

to be fair...
the fat girl got in his face. and the dark haired girl.....it's a metal show, it's tough to discern between dudes, and girls.
[Mar 5,2005 3:36pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
who? me?
[Mar 5,2005 3:38pm - dread_104 ""]
XmikeX said:dread_104 said:ya mean the guy who got in the face of two girls?

and the dark haired girl.....it's a metal show, it's tough to discern between dudes, and girls.

yeah, that's true. plus she was drunk, and right in the middle of everything. agreed with that one.

[Mar 5,2005 3:41pm - XmikeX ""]
and might I add. Chris A Bomb did an excellent job with this show. Good lineup. Good promotion. Good crowd control.
[Mar 5,2005 3:48pm - dread_104 ""]
who was the other guy in the fight? i sa the guy with the white shirt on. who else got kicked out? and what was up with some guy who punched out windows or something?
[Mar 5,2005 3:56pm - tbone_r ""]
i heard it was the kid w/ the bury your dead sweatshirt and one of the guys was bouncing around w/ his beer.
[Mar 5,2005 3:57pm - XmikeX ""]
good riddence.
[Mar 5,2005 4:07pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
dread_104 said:XmikeX said:dread_104 said:ya mean the guy who got in the face of two girls?

and the dark haired girl.....it's a metal show, it's tough to discern between dudes, and girls.

yeah, that's true. plus she was drunk, and right in the middle of everything. agreed with that one.

Ho.. so that was me, i knew I got in trouble last night but I couldn't remember it's slowly coming back...and about the guy thing, I really couldn't give a shit it's been like that for ages.
[Mar 5,2005 4:15pm - goratory nli  ""]
holy shit did i get hammered. I fucking love Providence, that was best show i've been to since the Vital show down their. Got to see alot of good freinds i haven't seen in a while.

i think i was one of the assholes spilling beer on everyone but oh well, its all in good fun. Skinless definately found themselves a worthy frontman, Jason did an excellent job. I have seen Skinless probably around 30 times by now so i consider myself a worthy critic. GREAT FUCKING SET!!!
Definatley the best Dehumanized set i have seen. The new songs were fucking awesome, and i have to give it up to Kalopsia for getting in the pit with his bass. The Wasteform line-up really impressed me, they played perfect. Anoxia was great aswell although i wish the guitar could have been louder for them to do them some justice. I unfortunately missed Teratism because myself and Dudemike were waiting for another freind to arrive before we left. All and all, it was a fun fucking time.
I didn't get back to my house untill 9 am, i am supposed to go to NY for the Mucopus recording but a just woke up so i think i might have to stay in tonight. sorry guys. oh ya, i have the video tapes so i need to know who to make VHS's for.
[Mar 5,2005 4:21pm - greggdeadface ""]
yeah fuck thenightmarecontinues.. they are a bunch of fags ,there music sux,and why would u be in that fukn band anyway??? they lose members because they realize that tnc.. are fukn gay
fuck them all i hope the rot in hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 5,2005 4:27pm - handinjury ""]
goratory nli said: oh ya, i have the video tapes so i need to know who to make VHS's for.

Al, if you could make a copy for us (anoxia) that would be killer, i can provide a vhs tape also. Thanks.
[Mar 5,2005 4:29pm - handinjury ""]
greggdeadface said:yeah fuck thenightmarecontinues.. they are a bunch of fags ,there music sux,and why would u be in that fukn band anyway??? they lose members because they realize that tnc.. are fukn gay
fuck them all i hope the rot in hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on greg, thats a little extreme. I recorded the audio of your set, so ill be burning a cd for you guys.
[Mar 5,2005 4:33pm - greggdeadface ""]
hey bro thats what i feel from this site ya know well we know that yall hate us but we really dont give a FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 5,2005 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't remember anyone hading tnc...
[Mar 5,2005 4:44pm - XmikeX ""]
ArmageddAnne said:

Ho.. so that was me, i knew I got in trouble last night but I couldn't remember it's slowly coming back...and about the guy thing, I really couldn't give a shit it's been like that for ages.>>

it's not a knock chief, it's just an observation. alot of metal guys look like girls. the skirt was something of a give-away, but then again I've never understood metal fashion.

[Mar 5,2005 4:50pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
XmikeX said:
it's not a knock chief, it's just an observation.

Yeah I know
[Mar 5,2005 4:52pm - greggdeadface ""]
sorry rev it just seems like ya have nothin but amazing things to say about the other bands on any shows we play with them,your usall review is like"tnc...,they played on the floor and the set is really short".call me crazy whatever dude...
[Mar 5,2005 5:29pm - jake  ""]

hilarious bro-d00d chest bump.

[Mar 5,2005 5:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, id have to say, personally i love tnc, o well
[Mar 5,2005 5:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
and for the record, he was arguing with the girl because she told him to be careful because he kicked anoxia's drums 3 times. i was right next to them when it happened
[Mar 5,2005 6:35pm - Scoracrasia ""]
People complaining about brews being spilled on them at a metal show? Holy shit, watch out now!!! Beer at a metal show and then someone or many people going into a pit with lil' cups o' beer in a pit? boo fuckin' hoo, shut the fuck up fags. you deserve it. If you went to a GWAR show you would compain about fake semen and blood being sprayed on you. Kill yourself. You get what you ask, and pay for for.
[Mar 5,2005 6:39pm - handinjury ""]
KeithMutiny said:and for the record, he was arguing with the girl because she told him to be careful because he kicked anoxia's drums 3 times. i was right next to them when it happened

This is very true, joshs drums got kicked over 3 times. His wife was pissed.
[Mar 5,2005 7:32pm - anonymous  ""]
there should have been an old lady shoving popcicle,s in her pussy between each band
[Mar 5,2005 7:37pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Can I get a tape Al?
[Mar 5,2005 8:30pm - chrisabomb ""]
thanks to all the bands who played last night. the show was a blast & i hope it was a great time had by all!!
[Mar 5,2005 8:32pm - diamond_dave ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
The Nightmare Continues was fun, and helped break up the monotony of the rest of the night. Something seemed off though, I can't really say what it was though. They ended their set by throwing the drum kit off the stage.

thanks joe. i don't know if you could see it from where you were, but we had no bass player for that show, i was running through 3 guitar cabs and a bass cab.

and thanks keith too.

but yeah, it's funny what gregg was saying...a lot of times we play shows and the people who know us review us, and the rev-- and it seems like everyone else doesn't even know we exist. :/
[Mar 5,2005 8:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
you rock my socks Diamond D !
[Mar 5,2005 9:26pm - yummy  ""]
What? You guys guys are still a band?
[Mar 5,2005 10:20pm - tbone_r ""]
Scoracrasia said:People complaining about brews being spilled on them at a metal show? Holy shit, watch out now!!! Beer at a metal show and then someone or many people going into a pit with lil' cups o' beer in a pit? boo fuckin' hoo, shut the fuck up fags. you deserve it. If you went to a GWAR show you would compain about fake semen and blood being sprayed on you. Kill yourself. You get what you ask, and pay for for.

you guys fucking complain when people mosh a certain way in a 'mosh' pit, so god forbid we comment on drunk people spilling beer on us, because, unlike you, i dont pay for shows to get beer spilled on me. it's not like we're holding personal vendettas against the guys, it was just an observation/unwanted occurence.
[Mar 5,2005 10:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
lynch mobb said:you know whats funny? i threw the PA out of anger cause i thought whoever grabbed me sucker punched me cause all i remember is a grab and a whack, so to the dude from teratism if i was aiming at you i wouldve thrown more than a PA speaker at ya. that and i dont have eyes in the back of my head so i didnt know who did it. but i found out that you were just tryin to get away from me and spauldino's fist was the one that hit me so apologies for chippin your tooth. all in all good show.

It's all good as long as Rob gets to rape and mutilate your baby sister.
[Mar 5,2005 10:32pm - Anthony ""]
greggdeadface said:hey bro thats what i feel from this site ya know well we know that yall hate us but we really dont give a FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't really agree with getting mad at the people watching you because you didn't get the reaction you wanted. If you're in a band, you really shouldn't EXPECT to get your ass kissed on a message board afterward and then get angry when it doesn't happen.

If people compliment your band that's great but that doesn't mean people are obligated to compliment you just because you played. Getting pissed about it certainly won't make people more inclined to go out of their way to compliment you in the future either.

I'm not saying anything negative about your band; I've never seen you guys play live but I did check out your myspace and I liked the songs.
[Mar 5,2005 10:37pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Anthony said:If you're in a band, you really shouldn't EXPECT to get your ass kissed on a message board afterward and then get angry when it doesn't happen.

You've never been to this messageboard before have you?

BOOYA, that was my Jim Ash impression.
[Mar 5,2005 10:41pm - tbone_r ""]
hahah it's true. the rttp bands get their asses kissed by everyone else on this board, and if you're not one of them chances are you're going to get shit on.

now, im not saying the rttp bands are bad, i like the ones i've heard....it's just an observation. i may not have the right to judge tnc, because ive only heard 2 songs and never seen them live, but they dont seem to be anything to write home about. im not sayin it to be an asshole, just my opinion.
[Mar 5,2005 11:13pm - anonymous  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Anthony said:If you're in a band, you really shouldn't EXPECT to get your ass kissed on a message board afterward and then get angry when it doesn't happen.

You've never been to this messageboard before have you?

BOOYA, that was my Jim Ash impression.

hehe, actually im here alot but i post nli most of the time as "Cryptic Anthony"
[Mar 5,2005 11:15pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Dammit, that above post was me
[Mar 6,2005 2:02am - XmikeX ""]
ArmageddAnne said:XmikeX said:
it's not a knock chief, it's just an observation.

Yeah I know

Hey, cool man....I mean....dude....I mean..............crap.......lady.
[Mar 6,2005 2:17am - nel  ""]
Beer on the floor, equipment mayhem, and innocent casualties-awesome pit! Could've done without the poles though. Dude with the afro is sick! Gotta give due credit to the acrobatics.
[Mar 6,2005 9:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Lynch Mobb sounds like a total faggot, that is a fact.

edit: because throwing a monitor into the crowd is gay
[Mar 6,2005 9:57am - lynch mobb  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Lynch Mobb sounds like a total faggot, that is a fact.

meh whatever i guess being a nice guy is such a bad thing ya know apologizing to someone after chippin their tooth im pretty sure if he told me i did that right there i wouldve said sorry face to face but whatever. i liked teratism too but oh well.
[Mar 6,2005 9:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well, if he hit you then you should have punched him in the face, throwing a monitor though...it would be really cool if AS220 stopped doing aggressive shows.
[Mar 6,2005 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
I still have a smile on my face from this fucking show. for a while, I was going to shows and there would be like 10 people there.
THIS is how all shows should be... an amazing event that people actual plan to be at.
[Mar 6,2005 11:24am - ArmageddAnne ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Lynch Mobb sounds like a total faggot, that is a fact.

edit: because throwing a monitor into the crowd is gay

Well, let's hope that it won't turn them down...cause this is all we have Chris and I to book shows in PVD right now, the only place that thinks we're actually worth it and who gets back to us when we need a show...
I know Nikki (bartender) and Joey (house manager) were pissed, like really pissed at the end of the night. I'm working tonight and tomorrow so I'll hear from it I'm sure.

I do second Joe on the PA throwing thing, what the fuck is that? If it's broken are you going to pay for it? Cause I'll let you know...
[Mar 6,2005 12:04pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I guess we're really going to see how much of a nice guy he is
[Mar 6,2005 12:22pm - XmikeX ""]
I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.
[Mar 6,2005 12:28pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

hahaha me neither...and even if I did I probably wouldn't remember anyway..I'm going by Joe's comments.
[Mar 6,2005 12:32pm - XmikeX ""]
I saw Joe Christianni throw a pair of his girlfriend's panties on stage during Skinless. They landed and burned a hole into the stage like acid blood from Alien. Man, that bitch has got some intergalactic hyper AIDS.
[Mar 6,2005 12:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
XmikeX said:They landed and burned a hole into the stage like acid blood from Alien.

haha, I smell a new thread title...
[Mar 6,2005 1:01pm - tbone_r ""]
fucking asshole hardcore kids ruining more venues. hardcore kids are good for nothing i tell you....nothing.
[Mar 6,2005 1:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ArmageddAnne said:XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

hahaha me neither...and even if I did I probably wouldn't remember anyway..I'm going by Joe's comments.

i was standing there when it happened, to be honest, i didnt know it was thrown, i just thought something fucked up happend and it got hit into the crowd, or kicked or something.

for the record, if someone threw a pa monitor at me, i would have smashed their teeth in.
[Mar 6,2005 1:45pm - Bradness ""]
ArmageddAnne said: I lose my attention spam

bwhahahaha!! you better have some of that "attention spam" when Cwaf invades PVD on Saturday!

[Mar 6,2005 1:50pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
is that a threat? hhum...I like that!
[Mar 6,2005 1:54pm - Mary ""]
ArmageddAnne said:is that a threat? hhum...I like that!

[Mar 6,2005 1:55pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
[Mar 6,2005 2:02pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
mm processed pig balls
[Mar 6,2005 2:05pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:mm...balls

[Mar 6,2005 2:13pm - tbone_r ""]
attn: markfuckingrichards. i dl'd strappado like you suggested, it was awesome. just thought id let you know
[Mar 6,2005 2:28pm - Anthony ""]
tbone_r said:attn: markfuckingrichards. i dl'd strappado like you suggested, it was awesome. just thought id let you know

Hmm.. I don't get the connection btwn Strappado and this thread.

[Mar 6,2005 2:29pm - tbone_r ""]
i saw him at this show. he told me and my friends to check out his band. i did. i liked. i reported.
[Mar 6,2005 2:30pm - Anthony ""]
Cool man.

I'm glad you liked it, our full length is not too far off into the future hopefully.
[Mar 6,2005 3:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
this show fucking RULED!!!!! thanks to everyone that came out. i met a buttload of RttP'ers that night, half of the crowd was from this site, damn it was insane. without a doubt our best show yet, and it was all thanks to YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! we're definately coming back soon
[Mar 6,2005 4:02pm - dread_104 ""]
Randy Johnson sucks.
[Mar 6,2005 4:02pm - dread_104 ""]
and don't talk back to me!
[Mar 6,2005 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
tbone_r said:fucking asshole hardcore kids ruining more venues. hardcore kids are good for nothing i tell you....nothing.

that's it.. I'd best ruing hardcore faster.
[Mar 6,2005 5:07pm - Kalopsia ""]
dread_104 said:Randy Johnson sucks.

you're shitty at lying
[Mar 6,2005 5:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Mike, did you hear those CDs yet?
[Mar 6,2005 5:57pm - phobia ""]
does anyone on this thread know who tried to cut my arm off at the after party?
[Mar 6,2005 5:58pm - tbone_r ""]
it was me.
[Mar 6,2005 6:02pm - phobia ""]
ok, i just wanted to know for revenge purposes.
[Mar 6,2005 6:11pm - tbone_r ""]
it wasn't me.
[Mar 6,2005 6:14pm - pisscup ""]
phobia said:does anyone on this thread know who tried to cut my arm off at the after party?

[Mar 6,2005 6:15pm - phobia ""]
i think it was my 'twin'.
[Mar 6,2005 6:16pm - phobia ""]
tbone_r said:it was me.

although i'll accept this for an answer.
[Mar 6,2005 7:00pm - Kalopsia ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Mike, did you hear those CDs yet?

no, i left my shit in the merch box and fucking george took the box home before i remembered to get them out. i gotta wait until practice tomorrow
[Mar 6,2005 9:19pm - diamond_dave ""]
yeah, so another lost equipment report...i lost my bag of cables and accessories...brown/gray doctor's bag...i had about 8 monster cables in there and a couple of stompboxes and some power cables. i think i might have left it onstage when we were done. if anyone has it please let me know, thanks.
[Mar 6,2005 9:22pm - Kalopsia ""]
damn that sucks dude. i think i might have left one of my backup Monster cables there as well.
[Mar 6,2005 9:24pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
did you guys called As220?
[Mar 6,2005 9:29pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
Who was the guy up front during Dehumanizied with the jacket wearing his hood and big sunglasses holding a beer? He's my hero.
[Mar 6,2005 9:35pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i lost a morbid angel hoodie...oh well i was trashed.
[Mar 6,2005 9:46pm - dirteecrayon ""]
nel said: Dude with the afro is sick! Gotta give due credit to the acrobatics.

thats my friend FORBES!!!!!!

did you see him swinging around the pole? fucking insane!
[Mar 6,2005 9:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:Who was the guy up front during Dehumanizied with the jacket wearing his hood and big sunglasses holding a beer? He's my hero.

i belive that was the bassist from skinless, but im not sure.
[Mar 6,2005 10:24pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
dirteecrayon said:nel said: Dude with the afro is sick! Gotta give due credit to the acrobatics.

thats my friend FORBES!!!!!!

did you see him swinging around the pole? fucking insane!

i fucking love Kayo Dot and i also saw him perform with Irepress... he is brutal to the core.
[Mar 6,2005 10:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw that grey back on stage all night..
[Mar 6,2005 10:43pm - dirteecrayon ""]
thegreatspaldino said:
i fucking love Kayo Dot and i also saw him perform with Irepress... he is brutal to the core. >>

wow, you're the first person on here that recognized who he was. yeah i love kayo dot and irepress too! he's such a talented guy who doesn't get enough credit.

he's on a track for the red chord called "clients" which should be coming out in may.

have you heard of thought streams? you might dig it --- listen to the entire song though.

"to devour ovaries"
[Mar 7,2005 12:09am - diamond_dave ""]
the_reverend said:I saw that grey back on stage all night..

ok good, i thought that's where i left it...hopefully it got picked up by the cleanup crew and not one of the bands. i'm going there tomorrow when they open. thanks.
[Mar 7,2005 1:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robdeadskin said:i lost a morbid angel hoodie...

I found it at the end of the night, I have it in my car.

I also found a pair of blue sunglasses that I think are Brian's or Dan's from ANOXIA.

Is there a reward?! :spineyes:
[Mar 7,2005 2:54am - deathtrumpet  ""]
the show was great, everyone should consider not arguing about blah blah this and blah blah that the bands were SICK that's what's important. where i'm from (DC area) we don't have metal shows at an art gallery or anywhere for that matter but JAXX so instead of arguing about beer or skinny kids kickboxing in the pit APPRECIATE the slammin music that all the bands brought friday night. back "home" i seriously saw thrones, deceased, khanate and sigh play to about 20 people 2 nights in a row. so appreciate what you have up here in new england. the show was fuckin great, im really glad i finally got to see dehumanized and wasteform..i enjoyed all the music on friday night personally.
[Mar 7,2005 6:34am - handinjury ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Robdeadskin said:i lost a morbid angel hoodie...

I found it at the end of the night, I have it in my car.

I also found a pair of blue sunglasses that I think are Brian's or Dan's from ANOXIA.

Is there a reward?! :spineyes:

Sounds likes chris's. I dont wear sunglasses at night.

[Mar 7,2005 6:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

thats funny, cuz he said he did it
[Mar 7,2005 10:16am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
that fro guy makes some good trumpet metal and is an acrobatic genius
[Mar 7,2005 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
handinjury said:Sounds likes chris's. I dont wear sunglasses at night.

I do.. I even wrote a song about it.
like the here it goes!
"I wear my sunglasses at night..."
[Mar 7,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
XmikeX said:i almost fought some kid over absolutely nothing because im an idiot, but then squashed it.

was that me? my knuckles are all busted up but i dont remember why. I was fucking retarded shitfaced drunk and apologize to anyone who had to put up with me that night.
[Mar 7,2005 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
no, there is no way you faught with anyone...
If you had attended to fight anyone, before you even motioned or said anything, the concentration taken away from you trying to stand would have landed you on your ass.

at some point, you stumbled out the door by paul and I so retardedly drunk that you basically looked blind. Paul was like "if I see him in a snow bank, I'll stand him up and push him this way"
[Mar 7,2005 12:05pm - Christraper ""]
the_reverend said:no, there is no way you faught with anyone...
If you had attended to fight anyone, before you even motioned or said anything, the concentration taken away from you trying to stand would have landed you on your ass.

at some point, you stumbled out the door by paul and I so retardedly drunk that you basically looked blind. Paul was like "if I see him in a snow bank, I'll stand him up and push him this way"

I passed out in my driveway that night and woke up on my bedroom floor. Thats pretty much all i remember happening the second half of that night. Curse you alcahol.
[Mar 7,2005 12:06pm - Christraper ""]
Im blind in providence
[Mar 7,2005 12:06pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
eh...don't curse alcohol like that! you bastard!
[Mar 7,2005 12:08pm - Christraper ""]
i do however remember falling and taking anne down with me. sorry about that. i swear i wasnt trying to rape you.
[Mar 7,2005 1:02pm - jake  ""]
amazing show.

sorry @ kalopsia for slamming into the Kalopsia/dehumanized table and knocking shit over. you can blame tbone_r for that smooth move.
[Mar 7,2005 3:07pm - diamond_dave ""]
just got back from As220 WITH my bag....ooh OOHH!!
[Mar 7,2005 4:25pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
dirteecrayon said:thegreatspaldino said:
i fucking love Kayo Dot and i also saw him perform with Irepress... he is brutal to the core.

wow, you're the first person on here that recognized who he was. yeah i love kayo dot and irepress too! he's such a talented guy who doesn't get enough credit.

he's on a track for the red chord called "clients" which should be coming out in may.

have you heard of thought streams? you might dig it --- listen to the entire song though.

"to devour ovaries"

the dude with the Fro is in Kayo Dot?

[Mar 7,2005 4:29pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
n/m, the wonders of links
[Mar 7,2005 4:37pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:

the dude with the Fro is in Kayo Dot?

yes, he plays trumpet & guitar in kayo dot

[Mar 7,2005 4:38pm - tbone_r ""]
jake said:amazing show.

sorry @ kalopsia for slamming into the Kalopsia/dehumanized table and knocking shit over. you can blame tbone_r for that smooth move.

yeah, sorry guys. my bad.
[Mar 7,2005 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]

yeah, but if you bumped into the table and then knocked over something that uncovered buried treasure, fixed someone's watch, or stopped the nuclear power plant from melting down, you would have pulled a homer:

unfortunately, you pulled a boner:
(ps: is that red green?)
[Mar 7,2005 4:50pm - tbone_r ""]
[Mar 7,2005 5:16pm - Kalopsia ""]
tbone_r said:jake said:amazing show.

sorry @ kalopsia for slamming into the Kalopsia/dehumanized table and knocking shit over. you can blame tbone_r for that smooth move.

yeah, sorry guys. my bad.

it's all good guys. no one was hurt, nothing was broken.
[Mar 7,2005 7:19pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
dirtycrayon said:CarrotsandSticks said:

the dude with the Fro is in Kayo Dot?

yes, he plays trumpet & guitar in kayo dot

That's cool, did he do any Maudlin stuff?

[Mar 7,2005 7:30pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:

That's cool, did he do any Maudlin stuff?

nope, he was not in maudlin of the well but

he was in 2 bands back in D.C.

pay the price

theres mp3's of those bands on his site
[Mar 7,2005 8:41pm - anonymous  ""]
Kalopsia said:tbone_r said:jake said:amazing show.

sorry @ kalopsia for slamming into the Kalopsia/dehumanized table and knocking shit over. you can blame tbone_r for that smooth move.

yeah, sorry guys. my bad.

it's all good guys. no one was hurt, nothing was broken.

untrue...i have a nice little bruise forming.

[Mar 7,2005 8:44pm - succubus ""]
anonymous said:Kalopsia said:tbone_r said:jake said:amazing show.

sorry @ kalopsia for slamming into the Kalopsia/dehumanized table and knocking shit over. you can blame tbone_r for that smooth move.

yeah, sorry guys. my bad.

it's all good guys. no one was hurt, nothing was broken.

untrue...i have a nice little bruise forming.

from me biting your b00b?
[Mar 7,2005 8:47pm - anonymous  ""]
succubus said:anonymous said:Kalopsia said:tbone_r said:jake said:amazing show.

sorry @ kalopsia for slamming into the Kalopsia/dehumanized table and knocking shit over. you can blame tbone_r for that smooth move.

yeah, sorry guys. my bad.

it's all good guys. no one was hurt, nothing was broken.

untrue...i have a nice little bruise forming.

from me biting your b00b?

hahaha... well i was talking about the attack of the flying table...
but yeah! that too.


[Mar 7,2005 8:53pm - succubus ""]
that flying table was scary!!
[Mar 7,2005 10:34pm - tbone_r ""]
haha im sorry. i didnt mean to hurt anybody...i was drunk, can i blame it on that?
[Mar 7,2005 11:21pm - the rooster  ""]
i'm pissed i couldn't go to this. i really wanted to take the trip down. work can be gay sometimes.
[Mar 7,2005 11:40pm - XmikeX ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

thats funny, cuz he said he did it

sounds like a mosh fable to me. i dunno, I didn't see it.
[Mar 8,2005 12:01am - thegreatspaldino ""]
im going to tell my kids of the one fateful evening when mean moshers ambushed a merch table and left 8 dead and 3 in critical condition for no reason what-so-ever. moral for this mosh fable: dont put a table for merch near moshers or else you will get killed
[Mar 8,2005 1:14am - ArmageddAnne ""]
tbone_r said:haha im sorry. i didnt mean to hurt anybody...i was drunk, can i blame it on that?

[Mar 8,2005 9:16am - tbone_r ""]
thegreatspaldino said:im going to tell my kids of the one fateful evening when mean moshers ambushed a merch table and left 8 dead and 3 in critical condition for no reason what-so-ever. moral for this mosh fable: dont put a table for merch near moshers or else you will get killed

i know, fucking shows are for moshing, not supporting music. death to merch tables
[Mar 8,2005 11:20am - Kalopsia ""]
tbone_r said:thegreatspaldino said:im going to tell my kids of the one fateful evening when mean moshers ambushed a merch table and left 8 dead and 3 in critical condition for no reason what-so-ever. moral for this mosh fable: dont put a table for merch near moshers or else you will get killed

i know, fucking shows are for moshing, not supporting music. death to merch tables

[Mar 8,2005 7:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You will all die.
[Mar 8,2005 7:50pm - tbone_r ""]
hahah sucker
[Mar 8,2005 10:10pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Kalopsia said:tbone_r said:thegreatspaldino said:im going to tell my kids of the one fateful evening when mean moshers ambushed a merch table and left 8 dead and 3 in critical condition for no reason what-so-ever. moral for this mosh fable: dont put a table for merch near moshers or else you will get killed

i know, fucking shows are for moshing, not supporting music. death to merch tables


hahaha you don't want to do that, I think he's very serious when he says "you will all die" or whatever he said...but I guess we all know that.
[Mar 9,2005 12:25am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
attn: tboner_r, thank you for the comments on strappado. hopefully we'll remember that we have that band so we can put out more stuff soon. until then, be on the look out for some terminally shit.

i'm getting to this thread very, very late, but better late than never...

teratism was awesome, my first time seeing them; the sound definitely wasn't amazing for them, but i could hear what was going on so i ignored the dry sound quality. i gotta pick up both cd's when i'm not in debt.

this was also my first time seeing anoxia; they're an amazing band, and the vocals are sick as hell, but like everyone else agrees, the guitar was way to weak. for a band like anoxia, there needs to be big guitar sound. that would have slayed me. nothing against the guitarist of course, not your fault.

the nightmare continues: this is only my second time seeing them; even though they were missing members, i couldn't even tell...still heavy, definitely pulled it off well.

wasteform are fucking amazing; they get better and better every time i hear them. heavy as hell and they throw in some interesting shit to break the usual slam death formula.

dehumanized were one of the first death metal bands i got into, and seeing them live FINALLY was a breath of fresh air. i don't even need to say anymore.

skinless: also a first time for seeing them. the new singer doesn't sound like sherwood that much, but he's just as awesome anyway. him and al from goratory seemed to be having a fun time wrestling and being manpals with each other, haha
[Mar 9,2005 3:23pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Thanx to all that came out to this show, I had a blast and We are currently about to negotiate another show with Chris in the near future.

[Mar 9,2005 4:41pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
good... you damn well better BEEEYATCH!
[Mar 9,2005 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
the official new name of this show is "I forgot some" fest.
[Mar 9,2005 8:08pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I finally got my pictures developed from this show


they're pretty good
[Mar 9,2005 10:15pm - tbone_r ""]
haha yeah, apparently a few people dont remember much of the show.
[Mar 10,2005 12:13am - RustedAngel ""]
Enemyofdastate said:Thanx to all that came out to this show, I had a blast and We are currently about to negotiate another show with Chris in the near future.


hopefully we can play the next one, hussey, don't be mad at me :spineyes:
[Mar 10,2005 12:34am - El Justin  ""]
us too
[Mar 10,2005 9:56am - Kalopsia ""]
why would i be mad at you? because you're a flaming homo that decided to go be faggy with heller that night instead of letting me piss all over you again, with carina filming the whole thing? pssshhh come on
[Mar 12,2005 4:43am - theCZA ""]
i was the one in the grey beatdown shirt, i might have kicked some of you, i might have hit some equipment, hell i might have even threatened a life or two. dehumanized were my boys way back when they got started, richand i go way back, and he would be let down if i didnt move shit for them. yea i had beer spilled on me, i got shoved by the jock mosh guys - you dont hear me bitching about it. the metal guy/girl - didnt know you were a woman, meant no disrespect, glad marsi said something at least. for the woman who i got in the face of, hey i do what i do and thats that. dont tell me how to live and i wont be in your face. i dont fight girls but if one wants to get in my face and tell me im a dick then im gonna get in her face. no one came to her defense so i assume no one cared what happened other then her. maybe i would have been a nice guy about it if she had just made mention of the equipment i supposedly kicked instead of telling me what a dick i was. oh well. unlike what most of you probly assume, i went to the show to see my old friends in deumanized and skinless, i didnt go there to be "mr hardcore". dont forget i was in a dm band for 7 years before doing a hc band. and i did the same shit then as i do now. i went to the show, had a good time, and left. i paid my door money like everyone else, i bought merch to help the bands, and i didnt even start any fights imagine that. and thou i didnt catch his name, there was a huge guy who was real down to earth and if hes on here id like to say whats up. thats it, rant away if you must
[Mar 12,2005 4:48am - theCZA ""]
mr mutiny: so i was trying to knock your camera out of your hand huh? on purpose? have you ever seen me around the rev when i know hes got the camera out? ive been kicked in the face trying to keep his equipment safe. if your camera was getting kicked by me it wasnt due to me aiming for it. but hey, thanks for "brushing it off" im sure that would have been ugly otherwise
[Mar 12,2005 6:14am - tbone_r ""]
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

I seen you 'round for a long long time
I really 'membered you when you drink my wine

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

I seen you walkin' down in Chinatown
I called you but you could not look around

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

I bring my money to the welfare line
I see you standing in it every time

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
[Mar 12,2005 7:05am - ArmageddAnne ""]
theCZA said:i was the one in the grey beatdown shirt, i might have kicked some of you, i might have hit some equipment, hell i might have even threatened a life or two. dehumanized were my boys way back when they got started, richand i go way back, and he would be let down if i didnt move shit for them. yea i had beer spilled on me, i got shoved by the jock mosh guys - you dont hear me bitching about it. the metal guy/girl - didnt know you were a woman, meant no disrespect, glad marsi said something at least. for the woman who i got in the face of, hey i do what i do and thats that. dont tell me how to live and i wont be in your face. i dont fight girls but if one wants to get in my face and tell me im a dick then im gonna get in her face. no one came to her defense so i assume no one cared what happened other then her. maybe i would have been a nice guy about it if she had just made mention of the equipment i supposedly kicked instead of telling me what a dick i was. oh well. unlike what most of you probly assume, i went to the show to see my old friends in deumanized and skinless, i didnt go there to be "mr hardcore". dont forget i was in a dm band for 7 years before doing a hc band. and i did the same shit then as i do now. i went to the show, had a good time, and left. i paid my door money like everyone else, i bought merch to help the bands, and i didnt even start any fights imagine that. and thou i didnt catch his name, there was a huge guy who was real down to earth and if hes on here id like to say whats up. thats it, rant away if you must

I figured I'm the one you're refering to when you say the metal guy/girl, dont have to apologize I really don't care, and I better not cause it happens all the time. No big deal....as long as you put metal in front of it
[Mar 12,2005 7:42pm - tbone_r ""]
metal rape
[Mar 12,2005 7:46pm - succubus ""]
CZA, it's been a while..and i didn't recognize you...i remember the rev chatting with you as we walked by...but only after did he tell me...he assumed i knew..but i didn't recongize you...sorry!
[Mar 13,2005 10:29am - theCZA ""]
ehh its all good. i had the long hair and shit anyways, i saw you walk by but didnt figure youd remember me or recognize me with the mop head so i didnt stop you. but yea, good to see ya, hope all is well girl...
[Mar 13,2005 11:22am - KeithMutiny ""]
theCZA said:mr mutiny: so i was trying to knock your camera out of your hand huh? on purpose? have you ever seen me around the rev when i know hes got the camera out? ive been kicked in the face trying to keep his equipment safe. if your camera was getting kicked by me it wasnt due to me aiming for it. but hey, thanks for "brushing it off" im sure that would have been ugly otherwise

what can i say, i do what i can. and as for nobody defending the guy from anoxia's wife, i watched at least 8 or 9 guys get up and watch the thing, waiting for something to happen, so dont worry, you would have been reminded. She may have called you a dick but i also physically watched her point at the equipment after yelling at you, you knew exactly what was going on. And once again, it seemed as if i was getting hit on purpose, i may be mistaken, that is why you were not confronted, hence i "blew it off", and if your implying that something less desirable would happen if i didnt, well then, thats pretty shitty that someone would show that little respect for someone elses property. Im not accusing you of anything, by any means, just acknowledge the fact that people that dont want to jump around like a fucking idiot at the given time, also dont want to get crowd punched and drop kicked for trying to watch the show they paid for. It happens, life goes on, its over and im sick of fucking giving a shit.
[Mar 13,2005 12:54pm - tbone_r ""]
[Mar 13,2005 12:55pm - tbone_r ""]
now lets go watch basketball
[Mar 13,2005 2:23pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
theCZA said:i was the one in the grey beatdown shirt, i might have kicked some of you, i might have hit some equipment, hell i might have even threatened a life or two.

if you are the kid im thinkin of, doing that queer backkicking chicken dance, then yer the one i kicked to the floor. how'd that feel?
[Mar 13,2005 6:57pm - tbone_r ""]
that would you make you the toughest person ever
[Mar 13,2005 7:47pm - theCZA ""]
i didnt get kicked to the floor, i remember falling once but trust me if youd kicked me to the floor id have ended you.
[Mar 13,2005 7:54pm - theCZA ""]
now i remember why i stopped going to metal shows and coming to this board. its cool to most of you that the new skinless singer booted a kid in the chest and was jumping on top of people, yet a few "hc" kids dance a bit and everyone talks shit. you always see on this board how a few hc kids ruin a metal show, yet you never hear hc kids saying how some metal kids ruined their show right? think about it. everyone wants their own scene to call home, yet when it comes time to defend it noone does a thing. if you want your metal so bad you can have it.
[Mar 13,2005 8:42pm - tbone_r ""]
i do notice that people here seem to complain after the fact, never really do anything while its happening. i don't want an argument to break out, but if one of the 'pit ninjas' were ruining the show for you, how come you didnt say anything while it was happening?
[Mar 14,2005 7:13am - Kalopsia ""]
you don't hear hardcore kids complaining about metal heads ruining their shows because we don't ruin their shows. i can only speak for myself, but i dont go to hardcore shows looking to start fights, unlike hardcore kids who come to metal shows looking to fight (and if you were at Suffocation in Long Island about a month ago, you know i'm 100% right) and for the record, jason keyser kicked me and Al from Goratory in the chest, and it pissed me the fuck off. but i'm friends with Skinless so i wasn't about to hit him for it.
[Mar 14,2005 8:12am - XmikeX ""]
Kalopsia said:you don't hear hardcore kids complaining about metal heads ruining their shows because we don't ruin their shows. i can only speak for myself, but i dont go to hardcore shows looking to start fights, unlike hardcore kids who come to metal shows looking to fight

so should I stop coming to your shows?
[Mar 14,2005 11:09am - anonymous  ""]
XmikeX said:Kalopsia said:you don't hear hardcore kids complaining about metal heads ruining their shows because we don't ruin their shows. i can only speak for myself, but i dont go to hardcore shows looking to start fights, unlike hardcore kids who come to metal shows looking to fight

so should I stop coming to your shows?

its ok for him to say that he's not an original member so he wouldn't know bout dehumanized and BDC. besides i'll bet he'd rather people mosh like they're at springbreak bumpin chest instead of kids "actually" moshing.
[Mar 14,2005 11:15am - RustedAngel ""]
Kalopsia said:why would i be mad at you? because you're a flaming homo that decided to go be faggy with heller that night instead of letting me piss all over you again, with carina filming the whole thing? pssshhh come on

I heard a rumor that you wanted heller to piss on me.
[Mar 14,2005 11:29am - the_reverend ""]
Kalopsia said:you don't hear hardcore kids complaining about metal heads ruining their shows because we don't ruin their shows

I've been told on many occasions that I do.
[Mar 14,2005 11:30am - the_reverend ""]
I think everyone should stop bitching. the show was fun. no one was seriously injured.
and I wish there was a show like this every fucking weekend.
[Mar 14,2005 11:53am - anonymous  ""]
Mar 14, 2005 - Kalopsia]
you don\'t hear hardcore kids complaining about metal heads ruining their shows because we don\'t ruin their shows. i can only speak for myself, but i dont go to hardcore shows looking to start fights, unlike hardcore kids who come to metal shows looking to fight (and if you were at Suffocation in Long Island about a month ago, you know i\'m 100% right) and for the record, jason keyser kicked me and Al from Goratory in the chest, and it pissed me the fuck off. but i\'m friends with Skinless so i wasn\'t about to hit him for it.
i don\'t know how you can make a general statement like that..it\'s not right
and xMikex..goes to hardcore and metal shows, just like the rev does....i respect him a lot and think he\'s really smart as well...and i think he\'s considered \"hardcore\"
it\'s awesome to like different types of music

but like the rev said...no more bitching..

[Mar 14,2005 12:20pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
theCZA said:i didnt get kicked to the floor, i remember falling once but trust me if youd kicked me to the floor id have ended you.

so you dont remember falling from the back of the room to the near stage on the floor? the subject i kicked (more like pushed real hard with my foot) starting kicking and swinging behind him near a support pole in front of kalopsia's table. when he fell to the floor he looked a bit disoriented like wtf was that? if it wasnt you, who was that kid that kept kicking backwards and having people grab his foot?
[Mar 14,2005 1:30pm - Paulll  ""]
What did the kid look like that got pushed to the floor?
[Mar 14,2005 1:37pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
kinda chunky, umm wearing some oliveish color shirt? idk. i was protecting the alcoholic contents in hand at the time
[Mar 14,2005 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw paulll get tossed to the floor by hbbsi's friend. it looked like the guy was trying to push paulll back into the pit, but instead he hit the floor. looking from the outside, it was looked like a dick thing to do...
I fully expected a fight, but paulll got up, said something in the face of hbbsi's friend and then danced off.

if paulll had fought, he would have destroyed people and the show would have been shut down. I for one thanked him for his restrain cause I wanted to see the rest of the show.

ps: this show was fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 14,2005 2:28pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
there was a couple near skirmishes. the one with fat dan pushing the kid with that fleece and having him hit the monitor was a little retarded, but dan did try apologising. there was another kid tho who wasnt him that kicked and swung at me when i was behind him. he didnt get in my face for that one. just kinda got up and shook it off with a little bit of wtf going through his head.
[Mar 14,2005 2:30pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
it was fun though. it just should be unspoken if you are outside of the pit and holding a drink, people usually take the beers before queers train of thought when they're at risk of spilling a 3 dollar beer
[Mar 14,2005 5:03pm - tbone_r ""]
most of the guys i saw with beer didnt mind spilling it all over the place.
[Mar 14,2005 5:53pm - Kalopsia ""]
anonymous said:XmikeX said:Kalopsia said:you don't hear hardcore kids complaining about metal heads ruining their shows because we don't ruin their shows. i can only speak for myself, but i dont go to hardcore shows looking to start fights, unlike hardcore kids who come to metal shows looking to fight

so should I stop coming to your shows?

its ok for him to say that he's not an original member so he wouldn't know bout dehumanized and BDC. besides i'll bet he'd rather people mosh like they're at springbreak bumpin chest instead of kids "actually" moshing.

define "actual moshing" you anonymous faggot.
[Mar 14,2005 6:06pm - pisscup ""]
hahaha! I'm so glad that I was too busy being drunk and spilling my beer all over everybody to notice the DRAMA. It does make for some good after work reading though. OOPS, I just spilt beer on my keyboard.
[Mar 14,2005 7:57pm - tbone_r ""]
i didnt know there was drama either
[Mar 14,2005 8:31pm - XmikeX ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:it was fun though. it just should be unspoken if you are outside of the pit and holding a drink, people usually take the beers before queers train of thought when they're at risk of spilling a 3 dollar beer

i think it should just be an unspoken rule that the back of the club, and the bar is for beer drinking, and the middle of the dance floor is for kids to run around and do their thing. I recall politely asking a few guys if they'd be so kind as to take their full cup of beer somewhere besides the middle of the floor. I know everyone expects the "straightedge hardcore kid" to complain about beer getting spilled, but really, you've got the whole club to drink, why insist on drinking it where its eventually going to get spilled, and lead to someone slipping and falling?
[Mar 14,2005 8:36pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
i totally agree. i didnt mosh with beer in my hand and saw that night as a large case of alcohol abuse.
[Mar 14,2005 8:38pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
in my homeland it is custom to drink every drop of our beer.
[Mar 14,2005 8:39pm - XmikeX ""]
seriously though

if "hardcore kids" are just out to start fights, am I to consider myself no longer welcome at Dehumanized shows? If so, that's bullshit because I paid my $10 like everyone else, and unlike plenty of self proclaimed "metal kids" around the new england area I've been into Dehumanized, and slam death for years.

The ONLY one who was outright looking for a fight that night was that big doofus in the white shirt. Amongst other things that guy tried to bait me into a fight over nothing, and I let it go to keep the show going. So I don't really see how the "hardcore kids" turned out to be the bad guys here.
[Mar 14,2005 8:44pm - nick ""]
all this crap is so trivial.
post-show arguments where so much better when they were about:
1) girls getting spit on.
2) kids getting teeth knocked out.
3) kids getting thier glasses broken and smashed into thier eyes.
[Mar 14,2005 8:47pm - the_reverend ""]
this show had a serious lack of FLAVORED WATERz!
[Mar 14,2005 8:48pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 14,2005 8:51pm - tbone_r ""]
im more into the carbonated generic brand myself
[Mar 14,2005 9:05pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I got some XmikeX spit on me when he was about to start that fight, seriously...on my face. I was so joyed. Or maybe it was a different fight, but he was aiming for this dude in a jean jacket or something.
[Mar 14,2005 9:08pm - XmikeX ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:I got some XmikeX spit on me when he was about to start that fight, seriously...on my face. I was so joyed. Or maybe it was a different fight, but he was aiming for this dude in a jean jacket or something.

haha wow I'm sorry. I went over to that kid after Dehumanized and told him I was a moron. That's my way of appologizing I guess.
[Mar 14,2005 11:17pm - Kalopsia ""]
XmikeX said:seriously though

if "hardcore kids" are just out to start fights, am I to consider myself no longer welcome at Dehumanized shows? If so, that's bullshit because I paid my $10 like everyone else, and unlike plenty of self proclaimed "metal kids" around the new england area I've been into Dehumanized, and slam death for years.

The ONLY one who was outright looking for a fight that night was that big doofus in the white shirt. Amongst other things that guy tried to bait me into a fight over nothing, and I let it go to keep the show going. So I don't really see how the "hardcore kids" turned out to be the bad guys here.

i should rephrase, not every hardcore kid is out to start fights, but there are plenty who are. last time i saw Suffocation, it was in Long Island, and i swear to god there was AT LEAST one fight during every single song, and every fight was because of a bunch of hardcore faggots who thought they were tough by swinging at people who were trying to watch the show. as i recall you weren't starting shit at our show. hell my singer fucking grabbed your hair and manhandled you or something like that. you're more than welcome at our shows. it's the pansey little bitches that are paying money simply to start fights at a show that aren't welcome to even live.
[Mar 14,2005 11:34pm - anonyymousse  ""]
Kalopsia, why don't you shove the dildo up your ass? Why do you try so hard to look cool by making retarded comments, you truly are a KID.
[Mar 15,2005 12:41pm - tbone_r ""]
there's nothing wrong w/ the kid complaining about people going to shows to intentionally start fights. it's when he uses the stereotype to pour out to any hardcore kid or anyone who dances like the hardcore kids.
[Mar 15,2005 5:08pm - theCZA ""]
the reason im sure that you saw fights at a suffo show on long isldan is prob due to the fact that suffocation is part of nyc's Thug Squad. wow, a death metal band with a crew of hardcore kids? yep.
[Mar 15,2005 5:29pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
First and foremost - We all know the pit is one place where someone is bound to get hurt. So if you cant take the heat stay the fuck out of the kitchen. METAL, HARDCORE who cares.....The rules of the pit are universal no matter what genre you deal with; You come into my area, dont cry when you get hit. Now someone tossing beer at everyone , thats a different issue, that stupid bastard shouldve gotten his ass cracked for being such a dick. The whole THUGSQUAD thing is the completely absurd. Its groups of morons such as those that ruin it for everyone when they start fights and ultimately lead to clubs closing due to people getting hurt and club owners feeling that our music only attributes to violence. You wanna mosh , thats cool, but these lil groups of gang like moshers are really a bunch of pussies who can stand on their own 2 feet in the pit and need their buddies to watch their backs. In the pit its every man for themselves, if someone falls , the common courtesy is to pick them up , then go right back to chaos, if you get hit dont cry about it; be a man and suck it up.
As far as coming to DEHUMANIZED shows : ALL ARE WELCOME, EVEN IF YOU COME TO START FIGHTS, but REMEMBER IF THATS ALL YOU ARE COMING TO DO THEN YOU WILL ONLY BE HURTING DEHUMANIZED BECAUSE WE WILL BE LABELED as a BAND that incites fights and will lead to us not being allowed to play at any good clubs. With that I end it there and Ill see you all at the next fight during our set!!!!!!!
[Mar 15,2005 5:30pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Are you guys STILL going on with this?
WTF cut the shit already...oops I just spilled some vodka on my keyboard.
I'm getting ready for the most violent spilling beer pit of the year...that is
...that's tomorrow, same place same time.
[Mar 15,2005 5:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i'd just like to state, this show, was completely fuckign awsome, every bit of it. the only problem i had, was thinking that "theCZA" was trying to hit my camera, he said he wasnt doing it on purpose, so i no longer find it an issue, personally.

GREAT FUCKING SHOW... i agree with the rev, i wish there were shows like that every weekend.
[Mar 15,2005 8:16pm - phobia ""]
ArmageddAnne said:Are you guys STILL going on with this?
WTF cut the shit already...oops I just spilled some vodka on my keyboard.
I'm getting ready for the most violent spilling beer pit of the year...that is
...that's tomorrow, same place same time.



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