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Absu appreciation thread

[Mar 24,2005 10:24am - malettey ""]
I've been listening to these guys a lot lately, they're probably the only american black metal band i think is actually worth listening to. Great stuff.
[Mar 24,2005 11:44am - DreamingInExile ""]
:newhorns: :satancross: ABSU PWNS! :satancross: :newhorns:

I love these guys, TARA was an AMAZING ALBUM!
[Mar 24,2005 12:31pm - Todd_Bombshelter NLI  ""]
Grim frostbitten occult black metal from the northern most regions of........................................TEXAS . Someone should photoshop a pic of them wearing cowboy hats and chaps.I do like them though,probably one of the only black metal bands I will ever admit to liking.
[Mar 24,2005 12:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
Proscriptor is a genius. That shit is so precise and excellent. Lyrics are so grand and thought out. Tara is in my top 10 for the decade, from start to finish a total masterpiece!
[Nov 22,2010 11:30am - Slag NLI  ""]
Tara blows my mind everytime. The drum work is ludicrous. FUCKING NONSENSE.
[Nov 22,2010 12:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 22,2010 12:35pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
There not black metal. Proscriptor even states this.. mytholgical occult.
[Nov 22,2010 1:00pm - arktouros ""]
wots that sound like?
[Nov 22,2010 1:06pm - Slag NLI  ""]
sounds like Proscriptor was chiseled from cocaine and adderral.
[Nov 22,2010 1:59pm - Ancient Master  ""]

Slag%20NLI said:sounds likemarcus was chiseled from cocaine and adderral.
[Mar 10,2011 8:28am - Slag NLI  ""]
[Mar 10,2011 8:33am - hauptpflucker ""]

BornSoVile said:Lyrics are so esoteric and inane.
seriously though absu does rule.

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