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[Mar 26,2005 11:57am - RustedAngel ""]
Our current bassist is going to continue playing with us until we find a replacement (recording, current shows). He's in school and doesn't think he will be able to continue with us if we tour in the future, ect.

Just a few requirements we ask:
-must own equipment, good enough for live shows.
-a positive/serious attitude (we're all a bunch of goofballs, but we're serious when we have to be)
-flexible schedule (lots of shows, weeknights, weekends)
-we'd prefer someone who doesn't play with a pick, but it's not a must if are really proficient with one.

We currently practice in North Woodstock, NH...we have a member who drives from Berwick, ME and Somerville, MA. So car pooling from these locations is a possibility. We will be relocating in southern NH area sometime this fall so the travel will only be temporary.

please contact us if you are interested:
or call tom @ 603.781.0993

[Mar 26,2005 12:26pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
everyone needs fucking bass players, we got one though woohoo
[Mar 26,2005 1:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm isn't spaldin' looking for a band.
[Mar 26,2005 2:13pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Tom, see if zak (ex goratory) is interested. He's up in NH now.
[Mar 26,2005 3:10pm - wakeoftears ""]
Being in Porphyria would be sick. Butttt Im workin with my hetero- life mate singer, and we're real close to getting our band back together actually. Sorry I cant help.
[Mar 26,2005 4:26pm - powerkok ""]
pooplike!! good luck tom!
[Mar 26,2005 5:29pm - Nash  ""]
I would fuckin try out if I didn't live in Needham... You guys are amazing.
[Mar 26,2005 5:30pm - Nash  ""]
I mapquested needham to North Woodstock and got 2 and a half hours. How far of a drive is it for the Somerville guy?
[Mar 27,2005 2:31pm - blue ""]
[Mar 27,2005 3:20pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Best of luck to ya! Somebody fucking try out, I know there are good bassists out there!
[Mar 27,2005 3:26pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
hey tom wanna fight?
[Mar 27,2005 4:41pm - Terence ""]
Geez Tom maybe you guys should change your name now.
[Mar 27,2005 5:05pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i'd do it... but my schedule isnt really too great... also i think you live too far away. but yeah... i will let you know whats up in the immediate future... my scheduler should be changing around soon.
[Mar 27,2005 5:53pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I play a mean bass*, I'll try out!

*I don't, infact I'm really bad, but I do use my fingers and can head bang seriously none stop for 3 hours
[Mar 27,2005 6:46pm - powerkok ""]
I caught you a delicious bass.
[Mar 27,2005 7:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
DEATH2ALL said:Tom, see if zak (ex goratory) is interested. He's up in NH now.

we called him yesterday, he actually hurt his wrist at al's. Though, if we're still looking for someone this fall he might be able to do it.
[Mar 27,2005 7:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i'd do it... but my schedule isnt really too great... also i think you live too far away. but yeah... i will let you know whats up in the immediate future... my scheduler should be changing around soon.

yeah, like I said though, the travel to woodstock will only be temporary until dane (drummer) relocates further south. Or until we get a practice space down here.
[Mar 27,2005 7:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
Nash said:I mapquested needham to North Woodstock and got 2 and a half hours. How far of a drive is it for the Somerville guy?

it's 93 north to exit 32, if you go faster than the speed limit it should be below 2 hours from somerville.
[Mar 27,2005 7:05pm - powerkok ""]
It sucks that so many guitarists take offense to being asked to play bass....otherwise there would be so much more bass talent out there.

I would have no probs playin bass in a band, but Porph would be outta the question, distance wise, and schedule wise.
But, idle guitarists that can actually play, consider this!
[Mar 27,2005 11:06pm - goratory nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:DEATH2ALL said:Tom, see if zak (ex goratory) is interested. He's up in NH now.

we called him yesterday, he actually hurt his wrist at al's. Though, if we're still looking for someone this fall he might be able to do it.

i got a nasty picture of the bone sticking out of his hand. that was a fun night.

[Mar 27,2005 11:33pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Yeah that was sick..... He made a fist for me and the bone popped right out!
[Mar 27,2005 11:36pm - the_reverend ""]
Josh_hates_you said:hey tom wanna fight?

why don't you quit the drums AND the guitar and learn bass?

Terence said:Geez Tom maybe you guys should change your name now.

maybe they should just steal your bassplayer...
[Mar 28,2005 1:23am - Terence ""]
maybe they should
[Mar 30,2005 8:50am - RustedAngel ""]
DEATH2ALL said:Yeah that was sick..... He made a fist for me and the bone popped right out!

[Mar 30,2005 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 30,2005 9:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
I hardly play my drums. like 20 minutes a week. I no longer have a guitar available here to play. I actually had a bass before I had a drum set. I owed someone money and gave them the bass.

My vote goes towards stealing staples. Porphyria rules.
[Apr 4,2005 10:54pm - Ryan (Scurrility)  ""]
Since I live in North Woodstock, down the street from Dane, and can hear Porphyria practice from my house, I'd say somebody better get in on this shit, I see these guys practice a lot, and they are fucking going somewhere quick, so who cares about the drive, its worth it.
[Apr 5,2005 12:46am - DreamingInExile ""]
*bumpage* because Porphyria pwns!

if I wasn't playing guitar for Shroud, I'd seriously consider trying out. I hope you guys find someone soon!

KOK's right, Guitarists shouldn't EVER take offence to playing bass, it's a completely different animal, you're no longer a guitarist, you're part of the rhythm section, which is IMO just as important then talented guitarists and a killer vocalist.

How many bands can you name that would be soooooooo much better if they had a great bassist?

Good luck with the search Tom, I'll keep my ears open for anyone that would be worthy for Porphyria :newhorns:

[Apr 5,2005 9:28am - thegreatspaldino ""]
scratch my interest... i suck now...no more endurance or speed, for the time being. god i cant believe how bad i fucked myself :(
[Apr 5,2005 1:42pm - DreamingInExile ""]
*bump for the boyband Porphyria!*


someone better try out soon!
[Apr 16,2005 3:19pm - inflamed scrotum  ""]
I'd be interested in playing only I have no transportation!
[Apr 16,2005 5:19pm - Nash ""]
If your still looking when you move a bit closer south. You can contact me. blehtallica@hotmail.com
4 years of experience, transportation, dedicated, and I have a very nice Ampeg fullstack.
[Apr 16,2005 5:24pm - DebilDrummer001 ""]
Ahh, that sucks guys. Were you not so far away and I not wrapped up with shit with Hatred, I'd try out. Sucks you're losing him though, he's a pretty good bassist.
[May 3,2005 9:14am - RustedAngel ""]
Dan isn't going to fill in for much longer, so we really need to get on this bassist situation. BSV is interested in trying out, is anyone else?
[May 3,2005 9:31am - destroyyoualot ""]
I wish you guys were in the RI sticks instead of the NH ones. Those tracks from the radio show are killer.
[May 3,2005 10:28am - Josh_hates_you ""]
destroyyoualot is a really good bass player.
[May 3,2005 11:09am - destroyyoualot ""]
Why, thank you, sir. That's right neighborly of ya.
[May 3,2005 2:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
destroyyoualot said:I wish you guys were in the RI sticks instead of the NH ones. Those tracks from the radio show are killer.

no shit, I wish we didn't currently practice in such a retarded location as it's really intimidating to people. That should only be a temporary issue until we get a location further south.
[May 3,2005 2:59pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i suck now so i dont think i could handle it... well... i could actually...but it would hurt.

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