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Fuck the people who are working on the house next door to me

[Apr 26,2005 9:53am - KillerKadoogan ""]
3 days in a row now, I've been woken up by them at 8:00, and I'm kept awake by their working until about 8:30, and then i dont hear anything again until like 1:00.

i'm this close to stealing their jackhammer.
[Apr 26,2005 10:00am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I hired them to torment you for all of your lies... all CDs in my distro are $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00, you liar!

[Apr 26,2005 10:22am - KillerKadoogan ""]
well, i told them i was going to talk to their boss, and they said something along the lines of "I hope he does fire us. That jew doesn't pay us enough anyway."

It all makes sense now...
[Apr 26,2005 10:29am - SuperFly ""]
If you had a job this would not be an issue.
[Apr 26,2005 10:31am - Josh_Martin ""]
If you do steal the jackhammer, I can get rid of it for you.
[Apr 26,2005 10:44am - Christraper ""]
sell it on ebay
[Apr 26,2005 11:05am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i'm actually leaving in a bout an hour for an interview at UPS! Hooray for me...

as far as the jackhammer, i figured ebay was the way to go.

i also just noticed they have a pretty sweet nailing gun...
[Apr 26,2005 11:08am - Christraper ""]
Ben the UPS man. Thats awsome. Now you can fuck lonely housewives!
[Apr 26,2005 11:10am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i wish. i'll just be working in the factory.

actually, my official job description would be "package handler".
[Apr 26,2005 11:11am - SuperFly ""]
UPS is a tough job, they work you like a dag. I deal with them everyday, and next to postmen they a pretty miserable people. GOOD LUCK!!!
[Apr 26,2005 11:11am - Josh_Martin ""]
I would not reccomend selling stolen merch on Ebay.
You might as well set up a fence operation in front of a police station.
[Apr 26,2005 11:12am - Josh_Martin ""]
The DHL chick who delivers to my work is wicked hot.
[Apr 26,2005 11:14am - KillerKadoogan ""]
yea, i really had no intention of stealing the jackhammer. the nail gun, maybe, but i wouldnt put it on ebay regardless.

UPS won't know what hit em. i'm gonna be the best darn package handler i can be.
[Apr 26,2005 11:16am - Josh_Martin ""]
Can we call you Oswald if you get the job?
[Apr 26,2005 11:17am - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha absolutely
[Apr 26,2005 11:20am - RustedAngel ""]
I hate that shit, I remember living at the WIT dorms and my window was across the alley of the new mass art dorm they were constructing! the shit was so fucking loud when they were doing bricks. The alley amplified it by x1000.
[Apr 26,2005 12:28pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
play Gorguts at them
[Apr 26,2005 1:31pm - Christraper ""]
shoot em
[Apr 26,2005 2:45pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I wanna buy the jackhammer.
[Apr 26,2005 3:45pm - SuperFly ""]
did you get the job 'lil benny?
[Apr 26,2005 3:46pm - Christraper ""]
If he got the job tell him to hurry the fuck up with that guitar case i ordered

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