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The band was just fantastic!

[May 13,2005 11:34am - retzam ""]
That's really what I think,

Oh by the way...
[May 13,2005 12:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You are talking about Kevorkian's Angels I presume.
[May 16,2005 10:33pm - retzam ""]
[May 16,2005 10:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
The only thing better than posts that mean nothing to me are posts that trick me into looking at NWS stuff at horribly inconvenient times.
[May 16,2005 10:44pm - retzam ""]
Hella yes
[May 17,2005 3:18pm - damnose ""]
the band was just fantastic, of the town you are the talk
but who's that guy they call bob cock?

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