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[May 25,2005 2:42pm - NateTheWar ""]

Me, a drum program, and a few hours of spare time

[May 25,2005 2:43pm - the_reverend ""]
the funniest part of that is this news article from today:
[May 25,2005 2:44pm - DreamingInExile ""]
woah, that's brutal as fuck :newhorns:
[May 25,2005 2:44pm - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:the funniest part of that is this news article from today:


that's awsome!!!!
[May 25,2005 2:49pm - NateTheWar ""]
hahahaha.. now that some fuckin irony.. i think...

[May 25,2005 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
oops.. that link above should have been:
"oh the ironing" - bart simpson.
[May 25,2005 3:12pm - blue ""]
this is great. god job nate.
[May 25,2005 3:45pm - an80smetalchick ""]
Todays word for the day children is "Penis"
[May 25,2005 5:58pm - anonymous  ""]
good shit, some weird drop outs in the volume
[May 25,2005 6:01pm - dreaminginexile ""]
shit, Dan and I are starting a deathmetal project, your vox are sick you should come sing for us! :newhorns:
[May 25,2005 6:07pm - mOe_rk ""]
Back off, he's mine!
[May 25,2005 6:26pm - dreaminginexile ""]
you can have your way with him, we just want him to sing \m/
[May 25,2005 6:29pm - dreaminginexile ""]
nate, you want a logo?
[May 25,2005 8:54pm - NateTheWar ""]
YES! i could use a logo.. i have an idea.. but i dont have mys canner hooked up to do all the work with it... basically i want it to say PIPEBOMB on top and Dildo ont he bottom, in a bright flourescent green, with a dildo in the middle, with a pipebomb comin out of it.. pretty simple... if you can muster that up, i woul dappreciate - THANKS
[May 25,2005 10:34pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'll see what I can whip up for ya! I should have a couple of ideas tomorrow, I'll mail ya a link on myspace tomorrow
[May 26,2005 12:04am - NateTheWar ""]
ahhh thank you sir... much appreciated
[May 26,2005 12:15am - NateTheWar ""]
theres a new song up by the way... with rock n roll

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