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Parody on pretty much every band on this site

[Jun 10,2005 2:15am - anonymous  ""]
http://gprime.net/video.php/thisisyou Check it out
[Jun 10,2005 2:40am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Jun 10,2005 2:43am - anonymous  ""]
Dude don't laugh, you're going to offend someone on this site, those two dudes are the epitome of every person on this site really
[Jun 10,2005 2:55am - Josh_hates_you ""]
this has been posted before. it was funnier was it was not posted anonymously.
[Jun 10,2005 2:56am - PatMeebles ""]
Josh_hates_you said:this has been posted before. it was funnier was it was not posted anonymously.

You just got owned with a p, despite my previous spelling of said "owned."
[Jun 10,2005 2:59am - anonymous  ""]
Are you guys offended? poor kids. STOP GOING TO SHOWS
[Jun 10,2005 3:05am - Josh_hates_you ""]
why would anyone be offended by ignorance? the video thing is really funny. you're still an idiot for thinking it would offend anyone. maybe you need to go to a show.
[Jun 10,2005 3:18am - anonymous  ""]
Dude I saw a bunch of your kind at an it Dies today show the other day, you guys are fucking obnoxious beyond belief....
[Jun 10,2005 3:21am - blue ""]
that videos a couple years old now.
[Jun 10,2005 3:42am - BestialOnslaught ""]
anonymous said:Dude I saw a bunch of your kind at an it Dies today show the other day, you guys are fucking obnoxious beyond belief....

If you went to that show, you're much more like the video kids than most people here.
[Jun 10,2005 3:45am - anonymous  ""]
I went to see Machine head and Devildriverfor your info (real metal bands) that shitty metalcore filth was just what I had to sit through.
[Jun 10,2005 3:48am - blue ""]
[Jun 10,2005 4:27am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Real Metal, huh?
[Jun 10,2005 4:42am - thegreatspaldino ""]
anonymous said:I went to see Machine head and Devildriverfor your info (real metal bands) that shitty metalcore filth was just what I had to sit through.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I AM NOT READING THIS! you are definitely a regular around here trying to play a game with us... right? you HAVE to be. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oh my god... if you arent a joke... oh man... you just made my shitty week not as shitty. hahaha!
[Jun 10,2005 4:55am - the_reverend ""]
MH AND DD are real metal...
real nu-metal
[Jun 10,2005 6:05am - dug-a-hole  ""]
did I wake up in 2003 again?
[Jun 10,2005 6:19am - succubus ""]
Parody on pretty much every band on this site by anonymous
got it...devil driver parody (they are on this site afterall)

you know, you won't be back defending them after the singer blows you off to get his weiner sucked by a 12 yr old

(sad but true)

[Jun 10,2005 6:44am - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:Parody on pretty much every band on this site by anonymous
got it...devil driver parody (they are on this site afterall)

you know, you won't be back defending them after the singer blows you off to get his weiner sucked by a 12 yr old

(sad but true)

hahaha, holy shit have you been PWNED
[Jun 10,2005 7:06am - tbone_r ""]
joe christianni started this thread.
[Jun 10,2005 7:24am - Kalopsia ""]
succubus said:Parody on pretty much every band on this site by anonymous
got it...devil driver parody (they are on this site afterall)

you know, you won't be back defending them after the singer blows you off to get his weiner sucked by a 12 yr old

(sad but true)


[Jun 10,2005 9:33am - an80smetalchick ""]
I watched it without audio. First thing that came to mind was Beavis and Butthead
[Jun 10,2005 9:57am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Fuckin awesome.
[Jun 10,2005 10:01am - KillerKadoogan ""]
Autumn Falls of a Godless Weird Death something something Hornless Unicorn
[Jun 10,2005 10:31am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
succubus said:Parody on pretty much every band on this site by anonymous
got it...devil driver parody (they are on this site afterall)

you know, you won't be back defending them after the singer blows you off to get his weiner sucked by a 12 yr old

(sad but true)

i was thinkin hes the 12 year old

[Jun 10,2005 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 10,2005 11:24am - intestineshredder  ""]
hopelessly lost pit ninjas and karate cowboys, pretty funny shit if you ask me
[Jun 10,2005 12:09pm - tbone_r ""]
when motivation strikes i'm going to make a movie that makes fun of metal kids.
[Jun 10,2005 12:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Aaron and Tom should make a death metal version of this.
[Jun 10,2005 1:00pm - anonymous  ""]
Metalcore blows, the names of metalcore bands like "Darken The Sky" and shit is all stupid. This video is really just a parody on all that SHIT.
[Jun 10,2005 1:19pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
anonymous said:I went to see Machine head and Devildriverfor your info (real metal bands) that shitty metalcore filth was just what I had to sit through.

hahahahahaha that was perfect! i couldn't have made fun of this person any better myself!
[Jun 10,2005 7:52pm - hoser ""]
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....wow...the similarities are amazing.
[Jun 10,2005 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
tbone_r said:when motivation strikes i'm going to make a movie that makes fun of metal kids.

BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Aaron and Tom should make a death metal version of this.

whoah... who told you guys that tom and I were going to do that?
we wanted to a while ago, but never got around to it...
we would have said "sick" a lot.
[Jun 10,2005 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
tbone_r said:when motivation strikes i'm going to make a movie that makes fun of metal kids.

BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Aaron and Tom should make a death metal version of this.

whoah... who told you guys that tom and I were going to do that?
we wanted to a while ago, but never got around to it...
we would have said "sick" a lot.
[Jun 10,2005 10:21pm - succubus ""]
whoah double post!

ps: i was supposed to film their video
[Jun 10,2005 11:41pm - timma ""]

"ninjas are cool, they are really cool"
"yeah, they are the rock" oh man, this shit is great.
[Jun 10,2005 11:46pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Are there even any metalcore bands that post here? Or anyone here that listens to metalcore for that matter? I think anonymous seems to have gotten lost on his way to lambgoat.com .
[Jun 10,2005 11:49pm - the_reverend ""]
blue, _themoor_, and me are the only ones that listen to metalcore. but then again, we all wear pink bandanas and have lots of clothing with stars and/or hearts on them.
[Jun 11,2005 12:04am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Whatever dude. I'm still way more scene than you, cuz 1 time I thought about getting a couple big starz tattood on either side of my neck.

God, I even felt dirty talking like that for two sentences.
[Jun 11,2005 12:06am - the_reverend ""]
I'm getting stars on my elbows.
and a heart on my stomach.
[Jun 11,2005 12:07am - the_reverend ""]
actually, the hear will be a broken heart... dripping black blood..
in august.
[Jun 11,2005 12:32am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
I want a big black tribal tattoo right across my chest.

It'll say "Tattoos are gay and trendy"

[Jun 11,2005 12:32am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
I mean:

"XXXTattoos R gay and trendyXXX"
[Jun 11,2005 12:38am - the_reverend ""]
"check out my sweet butt tattoo"
[Jun 11,2005 12:39am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Is that REAL?
[Jun 11,2005 12:41am - the_reverend ""]
that's mark from mercury switch's butt tattoo...
I seriously do not believe that it's real...
one day, I will find out.
[Jun 11,2005 12:45am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
If that's real, I wonder how soon the joke will get reallly old to him.
[Jun 11,2005 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
I think it's a little more lived than something like the "b sharps"
I know that gets less and less funny each time you say it.

I have no tattoos. the reason why?
1) you can't remove them easily
2) every tattoo I've wanted, I've seen on someone else after thinking of it and it looks super dumb. I always think to myself "phew... I dodged a bullet there"
[Jun 11,2005 1:03am - succubus ""]
yeah thanks for telling my mom that aaron...
like she didn't already hate them, piercing boy!!

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