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Looking for a new pad

[Jun 10,2005 10:23am - litacore ""]
Starting in September, Metro Boston area pref. close to the T or busline to Harvard Square.

Does anyone know of anythin'? Or if you are also lookin' for a place we could maybe find a vacant apt.

e-me for more details thanks
[Jun 10,2005 10:25am - Messerschmitt ""]
shit. i wish i knew a month ago. although i hate having roomates it would've been nice to save some dough. i just moved into a 1 bedroom by myself. i got a pretty good deal on it though.
[Jun 10,2005 10:39am - an80smetalchick ""]
[Jun 10,2005 10:42am - litacore ""]
I know, I'm on craiglist like a fly on cacapoop
[Jun 10,2005 10:58am - litacore ""]
I just read this thread's headline and was horrified to realize I sound like a total fuckin' hippie.

[Jun 10,2005 11:00am - paganmegan ""]
yeah man, yeah. coooooool. Let's go listen to phish

heh. sorry
[Jun 10,2005 11:10am - Messerschmitt ""]
Ben & Jerry's "Phish Food". mmmmmmngh
[Jun 10,2005 11:41am - davefromthegrave ""]
litacore said:I just read this thread's headline and was horrified to realize I sound like a total fuckin' hippie.


I would have let you stay at my place if you weren't such a damn hippie. :spineyes:
[Jun 10,2005 12:52pm - damnose ""]
i will go to san francisco and join a rock and roll band. I will be their road manager. i will have a psychedelic gleam in my eye at all times! I will ask the chamber of commerce how to get to Haight Street and then I will smoke an awful lot of dope.

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