Jewish Nazis?[views:2181][posts:8]____________________________________ [Jun 12,2005 8:39pm - infoterror ""] Among Jews, those who are descended from the cohanim, or race of holy Jewish priests, are the equivalent to Aryans in European populations. Our master race will be made from cohanim for the sake of ensuring a Jewish homeland and preservation for Jewish children forever. Adolf Hitler had great wisdom when he realized that no ethnic group can exist without suppressing the inferior races, so that it can breed healthy generations of children in the future. Adolf Hitler was directly responsible for the founding of Israel. Of all the people who have ever dealt with Jews, Rabbi Meir Kahane and Adolf Hitler were the only two honest ones. |
______________________________________ [Jun 12,2005 9:12pm - GoatCatalyst ""] gay nazi jews. sweet. |
_____________________________________ [Jun 12,2005 11:19pm - infoterror ""] THEY'RE GAY TOO? I'm in love! |
_____________________________________ [Jun 12,2005 11:43pm - PatMeebles ""] check this out in the links... The Jewish Task Force - fighting to keep non-whites out of America and Israel's enemies far away. - all Jews should read this to see what you're really fighting for. The Jewish Defensive League - Protecting the rights of Jews to be free of intolerance and hate crimes. Anti-Defamation League - fighting antisemitism, hatred, racism, andbigotry. LNSG - Nazis who support Zionism. It's okay, we'll take the help. Dr. Baruch Goldstein Memorial - he is a true hero for the Jewish race. Free from hate crimes and intolerance while keeping non-whites out of America? Hilarious! |
_______________________________________ [Jun 13,2005 7:47am - joe/notcommon ""] I thought it was a movement to make Long Island a haven for Jewish mothers? |
_________________________________________ [Jun 13,2005 8:43am - an80smetalchick ""] It has always made me laugh when I ask someone what Nationality they are and they reply back "Jewish" - Being a Jew is a religious belief! Last I heard there was no nation called Jewland. |
_______________________________________ [Jun 13,2005 8:47am - Messerschmitt ""] there is a nation called Jewland. it's that town next to stoughton mass? |
________________________________________________ [Jun 13,2005 10:15am - coldnorthernvengeance ""] Judaism is a religion... Jewish is a race... |
__________________________________________ [Jun 13,2005 11:09am - an80smetalchick ""] Taken from *** What is Jewish: Main Entry: Jew·ish Pronunciation: 'jü-ish Function: adjective : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Jews; also : being a Jew *** What is a Jew? Main Entry: Jew Pronunciation: 'jü Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old French gyu, from Latin Judaeus, from Greek Ioudaios, from Hebrew YehudhI, from YehudhAh Judah, Jewish kingdom 1 a : a member of the tribe of Judah b : ISRAELITE 2 : a member of a nation existing in Palestine from the 6th century B.C. to the 1st century A.D. 3 : a person belonging to a continuation through descent or conversion of the ancient Jewish people 4 : one whose religion is Judaism * Read Carefully! "ISRAELITE / Palestine" These are key words representing a Country of Origin. *** What is Judaism? Main Entry: Ju·da·ism Pronunciation: 'jü-d&-"i-z&m, 'jü-dE-, 'jü-(")dA-, British also 'jü-"di-z&m Function: noun 1 : a religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and characterized by belief in one transcendent God who has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions 2 : conformity to Jewish rites, ceremonies, and practices 3 : the cultural, social, and religious beliefs and practices of the Jews 4 : the whole body of Jews : the Jewish people ***** ***** Taken from the Cambridge Dictionary: What is a Jew or Jewish? Jew noun [C] a person whose religion is Judaism, or a person related by birth to the ancient peoples of Israel Jewish adjective [not gradable] of or related to Jews *** What is Judaism? Judaism noun a religion based on a belief in a single God and on the Talmud (= a collection of writings explaining Jewish law and customs) and parts of the Bible The related adjective is Jewish, see at JEW ***** If considering "Jewish" as a race, linking this defination to Tribal interactions the descriptions meet (2) and (3) from : Main Entry: race Function: noun Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza 1 : a breeding stock of animals 2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics <the English race> 3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type |