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[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jun 13,2005 7:38pm - lady_czerach ""]
Friday, July 15th @ Dee Dee's Lounge
297 Newport Ave
Quincy, MA

(maybe one more TBA...)

8pm, $5, 21+
[Jun 13,2005 9:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
NECROBEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jun 13,2005 9:40pm - nate ""]
ahhh the return of Coffin Birth...
[Jun 13,2005 9:43pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
we actually have a show before that as well, on the 9th at club deniros in Taunton
[Jun 13,2005 9:43pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
hey wait what happened to the accursed?
[Jun 13,2005 9:44pm - nate ""]
so you're going to play 2 nights in a row then?
[Jun 13,2005 9:44pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
[Jun 13,2005 9:45pm - nate ""]
you'll have to fill me in on the Taunton show... might be worth getting something there if it is a good show.
[Jun 13,2005 9:49pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
from what i here its a tiny place, but its a place to start for us. this place is all ages all the other bands playing that night are metal except for the screamo band coming from california. We kinda had to pull a few strings to get on this show , we just gotta sell 25 tickets now.
[Jun 13,2005 9:51pm - nate ""]
ouch.. tell the to stick the tickets in their asses... ticket selling is lame...
[Jun 13,2005 9:55pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
yea but luckily we know enough people who'll go. Including you, you better get your ass up there nate.>:]
[Jun 13,2005 9:55pm - lady_czerach ""]
Aegathis nli said:hey wait what happened to the accursed?

They're going to Ozzfest.
[Jun 13,2005 9:57pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
fuckers, i wanted to play with them damn it.
[Jun 13,2005 10:15pm - anonymous  ""]
its about time coffin birth does a show!
[Jun 13,2005 10:25pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
yes but your opinion doesnt count mr. annomyous, haha
[Jun 13,2005 10:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the only thing that sucks about this is the fact im gonna miss iron maiden... boo!
[Jun 13,2005 10:28pm - Alisterfiend ""]
ok im not anonymous anymore
[Jun 13,2005 10:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Alisterfiend said:ok im not anonymous anymore

why dont you fuckers climb onto the missing spot !
[Jun 13,2005 10:32pm - Alisterfiend ""]
good idea
[Jun 13,2005 10:32pm - Alisterfiend ""]
who do i talk to?
[Jun 13,2005 11:11pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Alisterfiend's band wants to play this
[Jun 13,2005 11:13pm - Abbath ""]
yar this show will be excellent
[Jun 13,2005 11:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I am there
[Jun 14,2005 1:51am - W3nli  ""]
you talk to Jess from Heavy Rotation Metal or lady czerach one in the same but yeah
[Jun 22,2005 6:07pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
one up for the start of the grind and doom 4 day weekend !
[Jun 23,2005 9:38pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 27,2005 6:50pm - lady_czerach NLI  ""]
Throwing Shrapnel dropped off. Perpetual Winter jumped on.
[Jun 27,2005 10:57pm - powerkok ""]
Aegathis nli said:hey wait what happened to the accursed?

I was thinking the same thing.
I havent heard of an Accursed show since fall of last year....
They were pretty fuckin awesome when I saw em.

I wanna be there for this show.....maybe I can pull it off.
[Jun 28,2005 12:24am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will be watching MAIDEN and SABBATH.
[Jun 28,2005 12:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I will be watching MAIDEN and SABBATH.

cover bands rule !
[Jun 28,2005 12:30am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Could be, but I will be watching the original bands, sukka!
[Jun 28,2005 12:34am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Could be, but I will be watching the original bands, sukka!

been there done that, awesome but not into paying retard amounts of money to see radio hits.

but hey have fun !
[Jul 6,2005 5:33pm - lady_czerach NLI  ""]
Akela is now opening this show. Starts at 8:30. Final lineup, first to last:


[Jul 6,2005 5:48pm - Aegathis ""]
Hey jess i was just talking to matt from valhalla on the phone and i told him you had them planned for last. He wasnt quite sure theyd be able to stay that late due what ever any of them might have going on the next day or what ever, any chance you can move them down on the list to maybe after us?
[Jul 7,2005 10:25pm - lady jessica  ""]
i e-mailed PW and asked if they'd switch spots. we'll figure something out. i don't know why i'm typing this since i just talked to you. here, have a flyer.

[Jul 8,2005 1:09am - Abbath nli  ""]
hey that shouldn't be a problem with us, the only problem is that we only have a 25 minute set so it wouldn't be a very long performance, anyways durp a durp this show will slay
[Jul 8,2005 1:36am - KeithMutiny ""]
that flyer isnt very grim, nor necro....
[Jul 8,2005 1:42am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KeithMutiny said:that flyer isnt very grim, nor necro....

that's what makes it so evil, dont make me find jess's snowman flier ! :nuke:
[Jul 8,2005 1:56am - blue ""]
Abbath nli said:the only problem is that we only have a 25 minute set so it wouldn't be a very long performance

i dont know, 25 minutes counds like perfect set time to me. so many bands play for 35+ minutes at a time. i dont know if it differs for anyone else, but if youre not one of my favorite bands chances are id be perfectly happy with a 20-25 minute set. short and sweet, ya know?
[Jul 11,2005 12:16pm - akela-naught  ""]
This may be a dumb questions but... do the bands get paid? We usually forget to find these things out.
[Jul 11,2005 12:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:NECROBEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds good to me.

Looking forward to seeing Valhalla.:NEWHORNS:
[Jul 11,2005 1:44pm - Abbath nli  ""]
we're gonna pwn some newbies
[Jul 15,2005 2:06pm - Abbath nli  ""]
[Jul 16,2005 2:02am - lady jessica  ""]
thanks to the bands for playing!! all of them were by far the most pleasant to work with ever. i set a record of having the worst turnout, but it was fun anyway.
[Jul 16,2005 11:28am - Lord Viall  ""]
Jessica thanks for having us come down, we had a lot of fun.

Akela-we missed these guys, and I was looking forward to seeing them, but Boston traffic is a pain in the ass at times. Hopefully I'll see them again next time.

Coffin Birth-black metal hailing from Cape Cod reminded me of early Dissection. This was their first show and they did a really good job. I thought it was funny though when they finished their set and someone yelled out one more so they played the first song again. We'll be looking forward to playing with these guys again.

Valhalla-I was looking forward to seeing these guys because I always see Abbath on RTTP. He had gauntlets on his arms with huge nails, looked like he made them, really cool. Valhalla reminded me of eary Burzum and early Mayhem. The music would be fast but then dark and sort of atmospheric. Hopefully we'll play with them again.

Lovers and Killers-Band hailing from Baltimore, Maryland. Chaotic music, I did like them during the first couple of songs and then they started to sing in the emo voice which I am not a big fan of. They had a lot of time changes. Good band and the drummer said we can come down and play Baltimore anytime. We wanted to get demos from them but they took off before we could even talk to them. And I even offered them a place to crash, haha, oh well. They have a show in CT tonight.

All in all the show was a fun time, small crowd but who cares. Jessica thanks for the supporting the metal scene!

Perpetual Winter's next show is July 30 @ Worcestor, Palladium.
[Jul 16,2005 7:08pm - Aegathis ""]
Lord Viall said: I thought it was funny though when they finished their set and someone yelled out one more so they played the first song again. We'll be looking forward to playing with these guys again.

good thing we did play that song again, we didnt do it justice the 1st time so we made up for it in the end. We had lotsa fun and we cant wait to play out again soon,especially with you guys ,you were just plain sick
[Jul 16,2005 9:01pm - handinjury ""]
Aegathis said:Lord Viall said: I thought it was funny though when they finished their set and someone yelled out one more so they played the first song again. We'll be looking forward to playing with these guys again.

good thing we did play that song again, we didnt do it justice the 1st time so we made up for it in the end. We had lotsa fun and we cant wait to play out again soon,especially with you guys ,you were just plain sick

And I will be there to yell "one more".
[Jul 16,2005 9:28pm - DomesticTerror ""]
come on over to my house, Brian. I'll have you yellin' "ONE MORE!"
[Jul 16,2005 10:05pm - anonymous  ""]
handinjury said:Aegathis said:Lord Viall said: I thought it was funny though when they finished their set and someone yelled out one more so they played the first song again. We'll be looking forward to playing with these guys again.

good thing we did play that song again, we didnt do it justice the 1st time so we made up for it in the end. We had lotsa fun and we cant wait to play out again soon,especially with you guys ,you were just plain sick

And I will be there to yell "one more".

and we'll be ready then>:]

[Jul 16,2005 10:22pm - Aegathis dude  ""]
that last one was me
[Jul 16,2005 10:59pm - Lord Viall  ""]
I'm glad you guys did play it because we came right in the middle of your set. So it was cool we were able to hear it. We'll be in touch soon about getting you guys up here and check out Deadairstudios in Amherst MA. Talk to you lata!
[Jul 17,2005 2:48am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Hooray for all of the bands on this! Hooray!
[Jul 17,2005 9:19am - Aegathis dude  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Hooray for all of the bands on this! Hooray!

were you even there man?
[Jul 18,2005 1:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
This was good shit. Coffinbirths vocals are bad ass... um...Yours were too ,but But I dig the Black/Death style myself. Anyways I'm sure he's not as good in the sack as you.
[Jul 18,2005 2:16pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Aegathis dude said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Hooray for all of the bands on this! Hooray!

were you even there man?

Yes I was, though I missed Akela.
[Jul 18,2005 3:15pm - Abbath nli  ""]
hails to all that came! we had a ton of fun and it was great seeing the few of you that came, hope to play with the CB boys and PW again soon
[Jul 18,2005 5:15pm - Aegathis ""]
swamplorddvm said:Anyways I'm sure he's not as good in the sack as you.

I dominate everywhere.!!:whipper:
[Jul 20,2005 10:18am - Aegathis ""]
matt's got pics of all the bands on his camera(except PW) when i get them from him im gonna post them all on here.

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