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National Girlfriends and Sister Week

[Jun 16,2005 12:07pm - ~Carina~  ""]
I had to share this lame email I got (which I won't be forwarding....sorry girls) but here it is:

What would most of us do without our sisters, confidants, shopping, lunching, and traveling girls? Let's celebrate each other for each other's sake!

TO MY GIRLFRIENDS! If you get this twice you know you have more than one girlfriend. Be Happy!

It is good to be a woman:

1. We got off the Titanic first.

2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.

3. Taxis stop for us.

4. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

5. No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo.

6. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves.

7. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.

8. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end.

9. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.

10. We have the ability to dress ourselves.

11. We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.

12. If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot.

13. We will never regret piercing our ears.

14. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.

15. We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway.

Send this to all the bright women you know and make their day!!!!!

i have a feeling the girl who sent this to me is gonna bitch because i didn't send it back (i'm serious..ugh)

[Jun 16,2005 12:10pm - Scoracrasia ""]
That is wicked dumb. What an elitist cunt.
[Jun 16,2005 1:08pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
bright women? hey man, i am a woman and am entertained by farting, picture the opposite sex naked when i talk to them, i do look like a frog in a blender while dancing, hate shopping, does this make me less of a woman? hell no fucker.:whipper:
[Jun 16,2005 1:09pm - an80smetalchick ""]
[Jun 16,2005 1:10pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah... myspace is a different land...
where I come from, we try to focus...
[Jun 16,2005 1:12pm - yodaslab  ""]
nice pussy, i prefer them shaved though, or at least a landing patch if you know what i mean
[Jun 16,2005 1:21pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
do guys really think shaved is that sexy???
[Jun 16,2005 1:30pm - yodaslab  ""]
nah it doesnt really matter at all, i mean, i dont shave my johnson, but i would trim my hedges if a chick wanted me to do it i guess,
[Jun 16,2005 1:33pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
the thought of a guy actin all sexy with his junk shaved is making me dry heave one second and laugh hystarically the next.....trimming is always nice though.
[Jun 16,2005 1:34pm - Messerschmitt ""]
Ma_Dukes said:do guys really think shaved is that sexy???

like a plucked chicken
[Jun 16,2005 1:35pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
well if you are a redneck......
[Jun 16,2005 1:36pm - yodaslab  ""]
hey i said i would trim my hedges, not cut down on the rainforest lol
[Jun 16,2005 1:39pm - Messerschmitt ""]
Ma_Dukes said:well if you are a redneck......

if you're an ice cream truck driver
[Jun 16,2005 1:47pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
yodaslab, women everywhere thank you....most men dont relize that they too are able to grow hair.....therefore ignor it....:pukeface:
[Jun 16,2005 1:57pm - yodaslab  ""]
lol, no prob, it would be hilarious totally shaven i have to admit that, but its only fair to the opposite sex that if we expect for a woman to shave her junglebook, than i guess i better expect to at least give my nether-realm a trim or two
[Jun 16,2005 1:59pm - an80smetalchick ""]
the sight of pubes are the nastiest and grossest on both sexes ... YUCK, PUKE, YAK, POO, ICK, BLAH!
[Jun 16,2005 2:00pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
correction.....pubes in the mouth are nastier.......
[Jun 16,2005 2:02pm - yodaslab  ""]
i hear what your saying, i guess the old saying that "hair carries odor" may be true, thankfully i have the ability to shower on a daily basis and the use of scissors and have thusfar avoided the label "balls of eternal stench"
[Jun 16,2005 2:03pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
stinky nuts!
[Jun 16,2005 2:04pm - an80smetalchick ""]
I am making puke puddles
[Jun 16,2005 2:05pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
an 80smetalchic..i'd rather see and deal with pubes than see a hairless man, too boyish lookin and therefore a turnoff.
[Jun 16,2005 2:07pm - an80smetalchick ""]
I personally prefer my man to be Metrosexual
[Jun 16,2005 2:07pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Jun 16,2005 2:07pm - yodaslab  ""]
bananna tits!!!,
[Jun 16,2005 2:08pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
are you dating the drummer from wasteform, kevin?
[Jun 16,2005 2:08pm - ~Carina~  ""]
personally i'm not a hairy girl and neither is my man and I'm more than happy. As for shaving or not...we both believe in the motto of "whatever" and sometimes we leave it alone and other times we shave everything off
ps: i'm glad other girls think that email was lame
[Jun 16,2005 2:08pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
a child at the daycare i work at got mad at me and bit my boob...ouch.
[Jun 16,2005 2:08pm - an80smetalchick ""]
Metrosexuality is HOT!
[Jun 16,2005 2:09pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
carina...yes you are not alone, eighties metalchic...unfortunatly i thnk you are alone on this one.
[Jun 16,2005 2:10pm - yodaslab  ""]
metrosexual? sick dude! those fags get all the chicks though, but if that means that i have to dress all preppy than forget that, i'll stick with my low cut chuck taylors and easy fit jeans with a white t-shirt over pink abercrombie shirts with flipped collars and jesus sandals!
[Jun 16,2005 2:13pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i am not exactly a girlie girl, so if a guy spends more time on concerns with hair, clothes and fashion, and nice smelling loofahs then there is something wrong.
[Jun 16,2005 2:13pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
grow some balls
[Jun 16,2005 2:13pm - ~Carina~  ""]
when i was babysitting a long time ago ..the little boy wanted to suck milk out of my nipples and terrified me...it was worse having his dad tell me.."umm well you see, he associates large breasts with milk.."
i didn't babysit him again...
i babysit a different boy a while after that who was 3 and i was shocked when he started masturbating in front of me...that was the end of me babysitting
[Jun 16,2005 2:19pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
funny, my son (14 months old) loves boobs. if one of my friend holds him, he always nuzzles his head inbetween em and either falls asleep or just burys his head there....its kinda weird.
[Jun 16,2005 2:19pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
although he is male.....it is actually kinda funny, unless he does it to me.
[Jun 16,2005 2:20pm - yodaslab  ""]
LMAO, thas hilarious, i work for a martial arts school, and one of the kids bit the skin between my thumb and pointer finger when i was demonstrating to the class how to get out of a bear hug. when i came back from the hospital with 12 stiches, his mom said that he was sorry and that he had developmental and behavior control problems and was getting on medication soon
[Jun 16,2005 2:23pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i think my son has a boobie problem...do they make medicine for that?
[Jun 16,2005 2:24pm - yodaslab  ""]
lol, not that im aware of, i guess he just enjoys the finer things in life, lol
[Jun 16,2005 2:29pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
whats a woman to do? he's so young to love boobs so much though, he will pull my tank top down in public if i am holding him. he did that the other day and my boobs were hanging out, didnt relize it until some creepy old guy was staring
[Jun 16,2005 2:35pm - yodaslab  ""]
well a little nipple slippage here and there is normal i suppose, but if he is doing it all the time then you might have a problem, maybe just set him down everytime he tries to grab or pull at em' maybe that will condition him over time to understand that grabbing at mom's boobs is not ok / that creepy old man was probably jealous, his wives boobs can probably only be exposed when she lifts up her skirt....lol
[Jun 16,2005 2:36pm - ~Carina~  ""]
hey Ma dukes, I think I figured out who you are...lol...though I my be wrong
[Jun 16,2005 2:37pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
now that is creepy, all the talk about gross stuff today has not gotten to me at all today, but old lady boobs is just wrong.... ahh man i dont wanna get old!
[Jun 16,2005 2:37pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Jun 16,2005 2:38pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
milli from milli vanilli
[Jun 16,2005 2:39pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
you blew my cover god damnit
[Jun 16,2005 2:51pm - Hooker ""]
I would hate to be female.
[Jun 16,2005 2:53pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Jun 16,2005 2:56pm - Hooker ""]
Myriad reasons. Mostly social stigmas, double standards, a huge list of physical reasons like menstruation, American grooming standards and their upkeep, respect issues, prejudices brought on by sex.... on and on
[Jun 16,2005 3:00pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
fuck american standards, most women these days have more self motivation and balls than most guys, we are self sufficiant, breadwinners, sexy, (some of them) mothers, or not, and goddamn awesome. although double standards and menstration i could do without.
[Jun 16,2005 3:01pm - Hooker ""]
I'd still hate to be a woman. Seems so rough.
[Jun 16,2005 3:02pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i wouldnt wanna be a guy, cause then i would have to deal with chics like me.>:]
[Jun 16,2005 3:04pm - Hooker ""]
[Jun 16,2005 3:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Ma_Dukes said:do guys really think shaved is that sexy???

Its not so much that shaved is sexy, it has more to do with unshaved being totally UNsexy.
I can deal with pubes on the mound of the cunt, but hair on the liips is fucking nasty. I cuold deal wih it if I had to but no way am I eating out a chick with hairy pussy lips and someone told me that girls really like oral sex.
If I wanted hairy genitals I'd go gay.

[Jun 16,2005 4:07pm - Hooker ""]
At least have a little patch. Nothing too tremendous. I don't want to feel like I'm reaching into a diaper.
[Jun 16,2005 4:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker said:At least have a little patch. Nothing too tremendous. I don't want to feel like I'm reaching into a diaper.


I don't mind whatever, as long as it's either shaved or at least trimmed down it doesn't matter. Just as long as the entrance to that hole isn't cock blocked we're all set. hahahaha.
[Jun 16,2005 5:05pm - yodaslab  ""]
hopefully its not prickly when i make my way down there cuz nothing says loving like a vagina cheek burn the next day, its like making out with a sea urchin
[Jun 16,2005 5:12pm - Hooker ""]
yeah but my facial hair isn't smooth so if she's got some protection against the chin burn, more power to her.
[Jun 16,2005 6:08pm - MaDukes  ""]
ah man.......
[Aug 11,2005 4:23pm - anonymous  ""]
well my new bf asked me if its shaved down der bt i dnt know wt 2 say, i mean its not exactly the amazon forest dwn der , i shave around the vagina lips cz if i shave da whole fing off its really gna itch soo much, i dno wt 2 do or wt 2 say , plz help (guys dnt take da picc)
[Aug 11,2005 4:27pm - davefromthegrave ""]
anonymous said:well my new bf asked me if its shaved down der bt i dnt know wt 2 say, i mean its not exactly the amazon forest dwn der , i shave around the vagina lips cz if i shave da whole fing off its really gna itch soo much, i dno wt 2 do or wt 2 say , plz help (guys dnt take da picc)

I suggest learning how to type.
[Aug 11,2005 4:39pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
just a trim lady.
[Aug 11,2005 4:40pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
davefromthegrave said:anonymous said:well my new bf asked me if its shaved down der bt i dnt know wt 2 say, i mean its not exactly the amazon forest dwn der , i shave around the vagina lips cz if i shave da whole fing off its really gna itch soo much, i dno wt 2 do or wt 2 say , plz help (guys dnt take da picc)

I suggest learning how to type.


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