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Is anyone going to Sounds of the Underground???

[Jun 18,2005 10:53pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
I'm gonna check it out, anyone else? Who wants to drink beers with me and my boy Devin?
[Jun 19,2005 1:42pm - poopsmcgee ""]
how many diffrent posts do we need about this show?
[Jun 19,2005 1:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
fuck that shit go to Killingly, CT for the NEC Fest !
[Jun 19,2005 5:04pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
poopsmcgee said:how many diffrent posts do we need about this show?

37 to be exact
[Jun 19,2005 9:09pm - __THeMoor__ ""]


i'm going to be in tears for missing an opeth set
[Jun 20,2005 1:53am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
June, 25 2005 at Old Brick Mill
444 Hartford Pike , Dayville, CT 06241
Cost: 10bucks

NEC Uprising Fest
set times are as is
Belie The Martyr 3:30-3:55
Cause of Insanity 4:05-4:30
Chamber of Obscurity 4:45-5:10
Blood Lust 5:25-5:55
Throwing Shrapnel 6:10-6:40
Ancient of Days 7:00-7:30
Nothing Is Sacred 7:45-8:15
If I Had Eyes 8:30-9:00
Geomancer 9:15-10:00
Sons of Evolution 10:15-10:45
Southern Bastard Church 11:00-11:45
The Lifted 12:00-1:00am
10bucks all ages
for more info email necbookings@hotmail.com
[Jun 22,2005 1:55pm - anonymous  ""]
terror and mad ball are going to be in europe for the first few days of the show ?????
[Jun 22,2005 4:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
also High on Fire will not be playing the Lowell show !
[Jun 22,2005 4:55pm - succubus ""]
i'll be there
and already posted interviews with Clutch, Throwdown, SYL & Unearth and asked them about the tour
[Jun 24,2005 2:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
I may be going if I can get me +1 in free.
[Jun 24,2005 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there.

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